Parameterising a cylinder and determining the flux.

In summary, the problem is that you are calculating the self inductance of a coaxial cable using the wrong magnetic field. You should use the magnetic field in the azimuth direction and the normal to the cross-sectional area.
  • #1
Hi, I am wondering how i could parameterise the following rectangular cross section of the hollow cylinder in cylindrical co-ordinates. If this surface is better parameterised via a different co-ordinate system then by all means use that system. After I have completed the parameterisation i would then like to know how to sum up the flux of all these rectangles to get the total flux through the inside of the cylinder .My aim is to determine the flux around the inside of the cylinder (if that makes any sense) between the radii a and b. The vector field in question is B= k(x/(x^2+y^2), y/(x^2+y^2),0). Where B is the magnetic field.

I know that the answer to this question is ## \text{flux} = \frac{L\mu_{0}I}{2\pi}ln{\frac{b}{a}} ## and i was able to calculate (and confirm) this via a much more simplified approach to this problem. But i would now like to attempt the more mathematically rigorous way. Thank you.
CYLINDER WITH HOLE 13123123123123.jpg
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  • #2
The cross section is [itex]\{\theta = 0 , 0 \leq z \leq L, a \leq r \leq b\}[/itex].
  • #3
pasmith said:
The cross section is [itex]\{\theta = 0 , 0 \leq z \leq L, a \leq r \leq b\}[/itex].

Hi pasmith, I tried to use this parameterization but, correct me if I am wrong, the normal vector for this is (0,1,0) and the magnetic field becomes (1/r,0,0). The dot product of these two vectors is zero and hence the flux will be zero, however I know this isn't the case.
  • #4
It's not clear exactly what you mean by "flux around the inside of the cylinder." The magnetic field is radial, which suggests some other problems, so it's no surprise that the flux through the cross-sectional area your drew is 0.

What was the original problem? It seems like you're not taking the right approach here.
  • #5
Hi guys, the original question was this (but in this thread i am only interested in calculating the flux, and i do realize there is a much simpler way to find the flux.. but i would like to become familiar with the mathematical rigour);

"Consider a long coaxial cable made of two coaxial cylindrical conductors that carry equal currents I in opposite directions (see figure). The inner cylinder is a small solid conductor of radius a. The outer cylinder is a thin walled conductor of outer radius b, electrically insulated from the inner conductor. Calculate the self-inductance per unit length Ll of this coaxial cable. (Figure 1) ( L is the inductance of part of the cable and l is the length of that part.) Due to what is known as the "skin effect", the current I flows down the (outer) surface of the inner conducting cylinder and back along the outer surface of the outer conducting cylinder. However, you may ignore the thickness of the outer cylinder."

I realized that i incorrectly described the corresponding magnetic field for the question. I thought the direction of the magnetic field was in the radial unit vector direction, which is obviously incorrect, so i used the azimuth unit vector for the direction of the magnetic field and also the normal to the surface of the rectangle and i got the answer I desired. Thank you for your guidance and help!

FAQ: Parameterising a cylinder and determining the flux.

What is parameterising a cylinder?

Parameterising a cylinder refers to the process of assigning numerical values to parameters that describe the shape, size, and orientation of a cylinder in three-dimensional space. This allows for a precise and systematic representation of the cylinder and its properties.

What are the parameters of a cylinder?

The parameters of a cylinder include its radius, height, and position in space. These parameters can be represented by numerical values, which can then be used to describe the cylinder and calculate its properties.

How is the flux of a cylinder determined?

The flux of a cylinder can be determined by first calculating the flux density, which is the amount of flux passing through a unit area on the surface of the cylinder. This can be done by using the formula for flux density, which is the dot product of the magnetic field and the surface normal vector at a given point on the cylinder's surface. The total flux can then be found by integrating the flux density over the entire surface of the cylinder.

What is the significance of determining the flux of a cylinder?

Determining the flux of a cylinder is important in various scientific and engineering applications. It can help in understanding the behavior of magnetic fields and their interaction with different materials, as well as in the design and optimization of devices that utilize magnetic fields, such as generators and motors.

What are some methods for parameterising a cylinder?

There are various methods for parameterising a cylinder, including using Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical coordinates, and spherical coordinates. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the specific application and the ease of calculation.
