Parameterizing Z-Value in Line Integral for Cylinder (Stokes Thm)

In summary, when applying Stokes's Theorem to a cylindrical surface, it is not necessary to project the surface onto a plane in order to find a curve that bounds it. The curve can also be found by setting the z-value of the surface to a constant, such as z = 5, and using the intersection of this curve with the surface to calculate the line integral. However, if the cylinder's base is at a different z-value, a different curve must be used in the line integral.
  • #1
The Head
I am a little confused about how to generally go about applying Stokes's Theorem to cylinders, in order to calculate a line integral. If, for example you have a cylinder whose height is about the z axis, I get perfectly well how to parameterize the x and y components, using polar coordinates, for example, but what about z (and thus dz)? If you have a vector field that is dependent on z, such as F= (z,x,yz) (it doesn't matter which, I am just listing one for clarity) and you want to replace with polar coordinates, what approach do you take with z, when projecting your surface about a closed loop?

What confuses me is if you have a sphere, or something similar, you find the shadow of the surface, which is effectively the z-value where the circumference is widest-- but with the cylinder, all z-values are at locations with equal circumference about the x-y plane. Is it the bottom? Top? Somewhere in between?

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  • #2

It isn't clear to me what sort of problem you are describing. Can you give a specific example or post a link to such a problem on the web?

When you talk about "the components" in your original post, you aren't making it clear whether you mean the components of a vector field F(x,y,z) or whether you mean the components of a vector that describes the surface involved or whether you mean the components of the vector that traces out the curve to used for the line integral.
  • #3

Stephen Tashi said:
Can you give a specific example or post a link to such a problem on the web?

For example, you have a surface defined by a cylinder whose circular faces are in the x-y plane with x^2 +y^2=1 and -1<z<3. Then let's say you have a vector field F=(zx, xy, zy) and you want to calculate the the double integral of the curl of F. You could do this directly, or by using Stokes's Theorem and taking the line integral of the projection, right?

Well, parameterizing x=cos(t), y=sin(t) seems logical, and dx and dy follow from these. But I don't know what to do with z. If this were a sphere, you could just rewrite z in terms of x and y, or by some other method. But I don't know what to do with it when it is with a cylinder.
  • #4

If you dealing with a curve in the xy plane, you set z = 0. Perhaps I don't understand what curve you want to use in the line integral.
  • #5

Stephen Tashi said:
If you dealing with a curve in the xy plane, you set z = 0. Perhaps I don't understand what curve you want to use in the line integral.

Do you have a choice? If you have a cylinder whose upper and lower surfaces reside somewhere on the z-axis, say z1 and z2, can you project the surface of the cylinder to any value of z (where obviously z=0 is the simplest)?

This is where I am getting confused: If it were the same problem, but the surface was the part of z=9-x^-y^2 that lies above z=5, you would still parameterize C the same way with x and y, but for z, you would set it equal to 5, right? That is the only way I have seen that type of problem, so I assume it is either the only way to do it, or the best way to do it.

But with a cylinder, do you have more flexibility parameterizing C (and thus choose z=0)? What if the cylinder's base were at z=5 and went up from there (so that z=0 was not inside your surface)-- does that change anything, or can you still project your curve so that z=0?

I really appreciate your help!
  • #6

The Head said:
Do you have a choice? If you have a cylinder whose upper and lower surfaces reside somewhere on the z-axis, say z1 and z2, can you project the surface of the cylinder to any value of z (where obviously z=0 is the simplest)?

First, don't get the idea that Stokes theorm must involve a projection. All it needs is a surface and a curve that "bounds" the surface. The curve doesn't have to be a projection of the surface onto a plane. Yes, it often turn out in problems that the way to find a nice curve is to project something onto a plane. In the case of a cylinder about the z-axis, it is true that you can find a nice curve by projecting the sides of the cylinder onto a plane. But there is nothing in Stokes theorem that requires that the curve be such a projection.

If you have cylindrical surface about the z-axis (one that has a top) which is bounded below by the plane z = 5 then you can apply Stokes theorem to the curve where it intersects that plane. On that curve you set z = 5.

What if the cylinder's base were at z=5 and went up from there (so that z=0 was not inside your surface)-- does that change anything, or can you still project your curve so that z=0?

You would not us the curve in xy plane where z = 0 because that curve does not bound the surface. If you got the right answer by using that curve, it would only be a happy coincidence.

FAQ: Parameterizing Z-Value in Line Integral for Cylinder (Stokes Thm)

1. What is the Z-value in a line integral for a cylinder?

The Z-value in a line integral for a cylinder is the third coordinate in the three-dimensional coordinate system, representing the height or depth of a point in space. It is often denoted as z in equations and is essential in parameterizing the surface of a cylinder for use in Stokes' theorem.

2. Why is parameterizing the Z-value important in the line integral for a cylinder?

Parameterizing the Z-value is important because it allows us to represent the surface of a cylinder in terms of two independent variables, typically denoted as u and v. This makes it easier to evaluate the line integral using Stokes' theorem, as it reduces the surface integral to a double integral over a two-dimensional region.

3. How do you parameterize the Z-value in a line integral for a cylinder?

To parameterize the Z-value in a line integral for a cylinder, we use the two independent variables u and v to represent the two circular coordinates on the surface of the cylinder. The Z-value can then be expressed as a function of u and v, typically in terms of the radius and height of the cylinder.

4. Can the Z-value be negative in a line integral for a cylinder?

Yes, the Z-value can be negative in a line integral for a cylinder. This depends on the orientation of the cylinder and the direction of integration chosen for the line integral. It is important to carefully consider the orientation and direction when parameterizing the Z-value for accurate calculations.

5. What is the significance of the Z-value in Stokes' theorem for a cylinder?

The Z-value plays a crucial role in Stokes' theorem for a cylinder, as it allows us to convert a surface integral into a line integral by parameterizing the surface with u and v. This makes it easier to evaluate the integral and apply the fundamental theorem of calculus. The Z-value also determines the orientation and direction of integration, which affects the final result of the line integral.

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