Parametric Analysis with ANSYS APDL: Joining Points and Counting KP Lines

In summary: Expert summarizerIn summary, the conversation revolved around programming a parametric analysis in ANSYS APDL and the struggle of manually inputting multiple points with the bspline function. The solution suggested was to use a loop function to automate the process and save time. Additionally, it was mentioned that ANSYS APDL has a built-in command called "STATUS" for obtaining information about the model, such as the total number of keypoints, lines, and elements, and the "COUNT" command for specific entity counts.
  • #1
rafael cacho
Hello everyone, I´m programming in ANSYS APDL and I want to make a parametric analysis.

Because I need to join a lot of points with the bspline function I can´t make this




I need to write in my program all the points




The problem here is because this is a parametric study, in another case the points I´ll need to join can be different and with the previous problem it can not be done.

Anyone know how can i solve this problem??

Another question i have, is there a function or command that give me the

total number o KP, lines, elements, etc?

Thanks and have a great day!
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  • #2

I understand your struggle with programming a parametric analysis in ANSYS APDL. As you mentioned, manually inputting all the points can be time-consuming and not feasible in cases where the points vary. To solve this problem, I would suggest using a loop function in your program. This will allow you to automate the process of inputting the points by specifying a starting point, an end point, and a step size. This way, the loop will go through all the points and perform the desired action (in this case, joining them with the bspline function). This will save you time and effort in the long run and also make your program more versatile for different scenarios.

Regarding your question about the total number of KP, lines, elements, etc., ANSYS APDL has a built-in command called "STATUS" that provides information about the current model, including the total number of keypoints, lines, elements, etc. You can use this command at any point in your program to get the desired information. You can also use the "COUNT" command to specify a specific type of entity (such as keypoints, lines, etc.) and get the total number of that entity in your model.

I hope this helps you with your programming in ANSYS APDL. Best of luck with your parametric analysis!


FAQ: Parametric Analysis with ANSYS APDL: Joining Points and Counting KP Lines

1. What is parametric analysis and why is it important in ANSYS APDL?

Parametric analysis is a method used in ANSYS APDL to systematically vary input parameters and observe their effect on the output of a model. It allows for efficient exploration of different design options and optimization of performance.

2. How do I join points and lines in ANSYS APDL?

To join points and lines in ANSYS APDL, you can use the "JOIN" command. This command allows you to specify points and lines to be joined together, creating a single entity. You can also use the "MERGE" command to merge multiple entities into one.

3. What is the purpose of counting KP lines in ANSYS APDL?

KP lines are used to define key points in ANSYS APDL, which are essential for creating geometric entities such as lines, surfaces, and volumes. Counting KP lines allows you to track the number of key points in your model and ensure that all necessary points have been defined.

4. Can I use parametric analysis to optimize my design in ANSYS APDL?

Yes, parametric analysis is a powerful tool for design optimization in ANSYS APDL. By varying input parameters and analyzing the resulting output, you can identify the optimal design that meets your performance criteria. This can save time and resources compared to traditional trial-and-error methods.

5. Are there any limitations to parametric analysis in ANSYS APDL?

While parametric analysis is a valuable tool, it does have some limitations in ANSYS APDL. It is most effective for linear problems, and may not be suitable for highly nonlinear or dynamic analyses. Additionally, the accuracy of results may be affected by the chosen parameters and the assumptions made in the model.

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