Parametric Integral: Understanding Math Problem

In summary, the conversation is about integrating over the region M on page 10 of a PDF document. The function being integrated is y² over the top half of the unit circle. One person is trying to understand the derivation of the standard double integral while another suggests that the author jumps straight into his paramaterization. The bounds on the integral are also discussed, but it is clarified that the author is not doing a double integral on page 10.
  • #1
Hi, I'm having some trouble understanding what's going on when integrating
the region M on page 10 of" , It may just be the language.

ƒ : ℝ² → ℝ defined by (x,y) ↦ z = ƒ(x,y) = y² is the function we're
integrating over the top half of the unit circle.

1: I think what he's trying to communicate in this derivation is the
standard double integral, [itex] \int \ \int_M \ f(x,y) \ dA \ = \ \int \ \int_M \ y^2 \ dy \ dx[/itex].
Is that correct? You'll notice he jumps straight into his paramaterization
but would what I've just done here be right?

2: If so then would the bounds on the integral become:

[itex] \int \ \int_M \ f(x,y) \ dA \ = \ \int_{-1}^1 \ \int_0^{( \sqrt{1 - x^2})} \ y^2 \ dy \ dx [/itex] ?

3: If that is correct then I think it would explain why the author chose to
set up a paramaterization of the region M. When he goes on to show that
the unit circle can be paramaterized in different ways it reduces a double
integral to a single integral & is just easier. Is that why?

4: I've never seen anyone paramaterize double integrals in the way he
does, could you recommend some reading material that explains what he
is doing as I can't seem to find any myself.

I have more questions, mainly to do with pages 11-14 where, I think, he is
deriving differential forms (in my meagre estimation) but I'll hold off for
now, thanks for any assistance! :biggrin:
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Physics news on
  • #2
sponsoredwalk said:
Hi, I'm having some trouble understanding what's going on when integrating
the region M on page 10 of" , It may just be the language.

ƒ : ℝ² → ℝ defined by (x,y) ↦ z = ƒ(x,y) = y² is the function we're
integrating over the top half of the unit circle.

1: I think what he's trying to communicate in this derivation is the
standard double integral, [itex] \int \ \int_M \ f(x,y) \ dA \ = \ \int \ \int_M \ y^2 \ dy \ dx[/itex].
Is that correct? You'll notice he jumps straight into his paramaterization
but would what I've just done here be right?

2: If so then would the bounds on the integral become:

[itex] \int \ \int_M \ f(x,y) \ dA \ = \ \int_{-1}^1 \ \int_0^{( \sqrt{1 - x^2})} \ y^2 \ dy \ dx [/itex] ?

No, that isn't what he is doing on page 10. He is doing a single variable integral along the curved top arc. He doesn't up the dimension until page 14.

Disclaimer: Don't expect too much more from me on this topic; I'm not a differential forms kind of guy.:cool:
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FAQ: Parametric Integral: Understanding Math Problem

1. What is a parametric integral?

A parametric integral is a type of mathematical problem that involves finding the area under a curve defined by parametric equations. These equations use parameters (usually denoted by t) to represent the coordinates of a point on the curve, rather than traditional x and y coordinates.

2. How do I solve a parametric integral?

To solve a parametric integral, you will need to use a technique called substitution. This involves replacing the parameters in the equations with expressions in terms of traditional x and y coordinates. Once you have done this, you can use traditional integration techniques to find the area under the curve.

3. What are some common applications of parametric integrals?

Parametric integrals are commonly used in physics and engineering to calculate the work done by a force or the heat transfer in a system. They are also used in economics to determine the value of a financial asset over time.

4. Are there any tips for solving parametric integrals?

One helpful tip for solving parametric integrals is to draw a graph of the parametric equations and the curve they define. This can give you a visual understanding of the problem and can help you identify any symmetries or patterns that may be useful in solving the integral.

5. What are some common mistakes to avoid when solving a parametric integral?

One common mistake when solving parametric integrals is forgetting to substitute the parameters with expressions in terms of x and y. Another mistake is using traditional integration techniques without first substituting, which can lead to incorrect results. It is also important to carefully check your work and make sure all steps are correct, as small errors can greatly affect the final solution.
