Parametric vector form of the line

Therefore, the point Q on line 1 closest to line 2 is Q = (7/2, 2, -5/2).In summary, the parametric vector forms of the two lines l1 and l2 are given as r1 = u1 + rv1 and r2 = u2 + sv2 respectively. The unit vector ˆn with negative i component perpendicular to both lines is (-1, 0, 1). The shortest distance between the two lines is expressed as a vector equation and can be solved using a system of three linear equations for the parameters r, s, and t. The shortest distance between the two lines is d = √(9/4) and the point Q
  • #1
The parametric vector form of the line 1
 is given as r1 = u1 + rv1 (r element of real field)
where u1 is the position vector of P1 = (1,1,−3) and v1=vectorP1P2

P2 = (3,3,−2) .
The parametric vector form of the line 2
 is given as r2 = u2 + sv2 (s element of real field)
where 2 u is the position vector of P3 = (−2,0,2) and
v2= −j− k .
(a) Give the parametric scalar equations of the lines l1
 and l2
(b) Find the unit vector ˆn with negative i component which is perpendicular to
both l1
 and l2

(c) The shortest distance between two lines is the length of a vector that
connects the two lines and is perpendicular to both lines. For l1
 and l2

this is expressed in the vector equation 2 1
r −r = tnˆ where t element of real field is a
parameter. Write this equation as 3 scalar equations and hence obtain a
system of three linear equations for the three parameters r, s and t .
(d) Solve this system of equations for r, s and t and hence find the shortest
distance between the two lines 1
 and 2
(e) Find the point Q on line 1
 which is closest to line 2

I've done bits and pieces of the question bu I'm especially stuck on parts c d and e. please help thank you
Physics news on
  • #2
:) a) Parametric scalar equations of the lines l1 and l2 are: l1: x = 1 + r, y = 1 + 2r, z = -3 - rl2: x = -2 + s, y = 0 - s, z = 2 + s b) The unit vector ˆn with negative i component which is perpendicular to both l1 and l2 is ˆn = (-1, 0, 1).c) The vector equation for the shortest distance between two lines is 1x - 2(-2 + s) = t(-1),1y - 2(0 - s) = t(0),1z - 2(2 + s) = t(1).d) Substituting the parametric equations of the lines into the vector equation, we get:1 + r - 4 + 2s = -t,2r - s = 0, -r + s = t.Solving this system of equations for r, s and t yields:r = s/2,t = 3/2,s = 3/2.The shortest distance between the two lines is d = √((1+r-4+2s)^2+(2r-s)^2+(-r+s)^2) = √(9/4).e) The point Q on line 1 which is closest to line 2 is given by the parametric vector equation r1 = u1 + rv1. Substituting the values of r and s obtained in part d, we get: Q = (1 + r, 1 + 2r, -3 - r) = (7/2, 2, -5/2).

FAQ: Parametric vector form of the line

1. What is the parametric vector form of a line?

The parametric vector form of a line is a mathematical representation of a line using a vector and a parameter. It is given by the equation r = r0 + tv, where r0 is a known point on the line, t is a parameter, and v is a vector parallel to the line.

2. How is the parametric vector form of a line different from the slope-intercept form?

The slope-intercept form of a line is given by the equation y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept. The parametric vector form, on the other hand, uses a vector and a parameter to represent the line, making it more versatile for use in higher dimensions and for solving more complex problems.

3. How do you find the direction vector of a line in parametric vector form?

The direction vector of a line in parametric vector form is given by the vector v in the equation r = r0 + tv. To find v, you can take any two points on the line and subtract their position vectors, or you can use the coefficients of x, y, and z in the equation to form the vector v = ai + bj + ck.

4. Can you use the parametric vector form of a line to find the distance between a point and a line?

Yes, the parametric vector form of a line can be used to find the distance between a point and a line. This can be done by finding the nearest point on the line to the given point and then calculating the distance between the two points using the distance formula.

5. How is the parametric vector form of a line used in real-world applications?

The parametric vector form of a line is used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It can be used to represent the motion of objects in space, to model trajectories of projectiles, or to create 3D models of objects in computer graphics. It is also useful in optimization problems and for finding the shortest distance between two objects in 3D space.

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