Parametrization vs. coordinate system

In summary, Differential Topology by Guillemin and Pollack defines a k-dimensional manifold X in R^N as being locally diffeomorphic to R^k. This means that each point in X has a neighborhood V that is diffeomorphic to an open subset U of R^k. A diffeomorphism f:U->V is called a parametrization and its inverse f-1:V->U is called a coordinate system. These terms are used to specify coordinate values for points in X, making it easier to work with compared to the abstract space X. It is necessary for U to be open, as neighborhoods are defined as open subsets.
  • #1
I am reading Differential Topology by Guillemin and Pollack.

Definition: X in RN is a k-dimensional manifold if it is locally diffeomorphic to Rk.

Suppose U is an open subset of Rk and V is a neighborhood of a point x in X.
A diffeomorphism f:U->V is called a parametrization of the neighborhood V.

The inverse mapping f-1:V->U is called a coordinate system.

Why is f a parametrization and its inverse a coordinate system? How do these terms fit in the big picture of manifolds?

I understand that we are rewriting V in X into a new coordinate system in Rk, that is easier to work with as oppose to some abstract space X. I not to sure of how to interpret the parametrization f.
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  • #2
Think of it as follows:

By coordinate map one means a mapping that specifies coordinate values for each point in your manifold M. So it would go in the direction M -> R^m

Think of a path in M parametrized by a real number. It is represented as a mapping in the direction R -> M. Similarly, a parametrization of a surface in M could be a mapping R^2 -> M. A parametrization of a whole m-dimensional set in M would be a mapping of the type R^m -> M, exactly opposite to the coordinate mapping.

I didn't bother to specify subsets etc. above, just wanted to illustrate why a parametrization is a mapping from some R^m into M. But maybe you already understood this, and wondered about something else? Sorry about not using your terminology, I just wrote like I'm used to.

  • #3
In my reading I got confuse with this definition:

Definition: [tex]X[/tex] in [tex]R^N[/tex] is a k-dimensional manifold if it is locally diffeomorphic to [tex]R^k[/tex]; meaning that each point [tex]x\in X[/tex] possesses a neighborhood [tex]V[/tex] in [tex]X[/tex] which is diffeomorphic to an open subset [tex]U[/tex] of [tex]R^k[/tex]. Is it necessary for [tex]U[/tex] to be open?

If [tex]U[/tex] was not open, we can use a local extension to define a smooth map?
  • #4
Neighborhoods are by definition open. It couldn't be homeomorphic to anything but an open subset of R^k.
  • #5

A parametrization is a mapping that allows us to describe a neighborhood of a point on a manifold using coordinates from a standard Euclidean space. In other words, it allows us to "parametrize" the neighborhood in terms of a set of coordinates that we are familiar with. This is useful because it allows us to use the tools and techniques from Euclidean geometry and calculus to study the manifold.

On the other hand, a coordinate system is the inverse mapping of a parametrization. It takes a point on the manifold and maps it to a point in the standard Euclidean space. This allows us to express any point on the manifold in terms of coordinates that we are familiar with.

In the big picture of manifolds, parametrizations and coordinate systems play a crucial role. They allow us to define and study manifolds using tools and techniques from Euclidean geometry and calculus. This makes the study of manifolds more accessible and allows us to make connections between different manifolds by using the same coordinate systems. Additionally, parametrizations and coordinate systems are essential for defining and understanding concepts such as tangent spaces, tangent bundles, and differential forms on manifolds.

Related to Parametrization vs. coordinate system

Question 1: What is the difference between parametrization and coordinate system?

Parametrization is the process of representing a geometric object or space using a set of parameters, such as equations or functions. A coordinate system, on the other hand, is a system of identifying points in space using numbers or coordinates. In simpler terms, parametrization describes the shape or form of an object, while a coordinate system describes its location.

Question 2: How are parametrization and coordinate system used in science?

Parametrization is used in science to represent complicated objects or systems in simpler terms, making them easier to study and analyze. Coordinate systems are used to locate and track objects or phenomena in space, allowing for precise measurements and predictions. Both are essential tools in various scientific fields such as physics, mathematics, and engineering.

Question 3: Can parametrization and coordinate system be used interchangeably?

No, they cannot be used interchangeably. While both concepts involve describing objects in space, they serve different purposes. Parametrization focuses on the shape and form of an object, while a coordinate system focuses on its position and location.

Question 4: Are there different types of parametrization and coordinate system?

Yes, there are different types of parametrization and coordinate system. Parametrization can be done using different methods, such as polar coordinates, spherical coordinates, or parametric equations. Coordinate systems also vary, such as Cartesian coordinates, polar coordinates, and geographic coordinates.

Question 5: How do I choose the appropriate parametrization and coordinate system for my research?

The choice of parametrization and coordinate system depends on the object or system you are studying and the specific goals of your research. Some systems may be more suitable for certain applications than others. It is essential to understand the properties and limitations of each type before deciding on the appropriate one for your research. Consulting with experts in the field can also help in selecting the most appropriate parametrization and coordinate system for your study.

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