Parking Lock: Understanding French Patent #2964925A1

  • Automotive
  • Thread starter bellafontec
  • Start date
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    Car Lock
In summary, the invention is a parking brake that has a locking component that is mounted on a secondary shaft of a box of speed controlled by a selector of report that has the active and neutral positions. The latch mobile is carried by a fixed structure next to the locking component and recalled elastically towards a position excluded from the locking component. There is a position detector of the gear selector that is in the neutral position and acts on the latch in a direction of locking the locking component when the gear selector is in the neutral position.
  • #1

I have to understand how a parking lock described in a patent works, but I cannot really get it.
The text is french, however, there is an online translation into English.

The link to the patent is the following:

On the left hand you can see the tab: Description. If u click on it, you get the french text. Above the text there is a button for the translation.

The Figures are to be found in the tab "Mosaics".

My basic question is in which state is the spring 22 in Fig. 1 and 2? I know it is shown to be compressed in Fig. 1, but I cannot really get how this mechanism works.

Could please anyone give me a hand? I could also present my explanation or some introductory thinngs, but I d prefer not to influence you.

Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
Welcome to PF!

My guess is:

In figure 1, spring 22 is in its normal unstretched state

In figure 2, spring 22 is stretched as the mechanism (20) is pushed forward

When the user action is ended, spring 22 will pull the mechanism back to its normal position.

I found a text version of the original document and got google to translate it so it may help even though the translation leaves much to be desired:

french was:

Le frein de parc comporte : un organe de verrouillage (2) monté sur un arbre secondaire (1) d'une boite de vitesse commandée par un sélecteur de rapport (3) ayant des positions actives et une position neutre un loquet mobile (8) porté par une structure fixe (9) en regard de l'organe de verrouillage et rappelé de façon élastique vers une position écartée de l'organe de verrouillage un détecteur de position (7) du sélecteur de rapport (3) et un organe de commande automatique de parc (14) agissant sur le loquet (8) dans un sens de blocage de l'organe de verrouillage (2) lorsque le sélecteur de rapport est dans la position neutre.

and english translations is:

The parking brake has: a locking component (2) mounted on a secondary shaft (1) of a box of speed controlled by a selector of report (3) having the active positions and a neutral position a latch mobile (8) door by a fixed structure (9) next to the locking component and recalled elastically toward a position excluded from the locking component a position detector (7) of the gear selector (3) and a component of automatic control of park (14) acting on the latch (8) in a direction of locking of the locking component (2) when the gear selector is in the neutral position.

The mechanisim numbers should match the diagrams of the french patent.

FAQ: Parking Lock: Understanding French Patent #2964925A1

1. What is a parking lock?

A parking lock is a mechanical device used to secure a parked vehicle in a designated parking space. It is typically installed on the ground and prevents other vehicles from occupying the same space.

2. What does the French Patent #2964925A1 for parking lock entail?

The French Patent #2964925A1 is for a specific type of parking lock that uses a retractable bar to secure the vehicle. It also includes a mechanism for automatic release, making it easier for the driver to enter and exit the space.

3. How does the parking lock work?

The parking lock works by inserting a key or code to release the retractable bar, allowing the driver to park or leave the space. Once the vehicle is parked, the bar is locked back into place, preventing other vehicles from entering the space.

4. What are the benefits of using a parking lock?

Using a parking lock can provide several benefits, such as preventing unauthorized parking in designated spaces, ensuring safety and security for parked vehicles, and reducing the risk of accidents or damage from other vehicles.

5. Are there any variations of the parking lock described in the French Patent #2964925A1?

Yes, there may be variations of the parking lock described in the French Patent #2964925A1, as patents often cover a specific design or mechanism. Other parking locks may use different methods, such as a physical barrier or electronic locking system, to secure the parked vehicle.
