Partial Derivative Q: continuity and directional deriv's

In summary: This can be verified using the chain rule: D_{\vec{d}} f(\vec{p}_0) = f(\vec{p}_0) + D_{\vec{d}} f(\vec{p}_1) + D_{\vec{d}} f(\vec{p}_2) + ... + D_{\vec{d}} f(\vec{p}_n) Since directional derivatives can only exist at the origin, if you try to graph the function with directional derivatives at any other point, the resulting graph will be a line that doesn
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Homework Statement

a) Show that the function [tex] f(x,y)=\sqrt[3]{xy} [/tex] is continuous and the partial derivatives [tex]f_x[/tex] and [tex]f_y[/tex] exist at the origin but the directional derivatives in all other directions do not exist

b) Graph f near the origin and comment on how the graph confirms part (a).

2. The attempt at a solution

This is an odd question to me. First off, what do they mean by "directional derivatives in all other directions" ? They only specify the origin as a point at which # f_x # and [tex] f_y [/tex] should exist, but no direction is specified, so how can there be other directions? What other directions? All directions? Ie, [tex]f_x[/tex] and [tex]f_y[/tex] exist at (0,0,0) but in no direction do valid directional derivatives exist??

The other quandary for me is how to show that it is continuous at the origin. I have found the grad vector

[tex]\nabla f(x,y) = \frac{1}{3}\left<\frac{y^{\frac{1}{3}}}{x^{\frac{2}{3}}},\frac{x^{\frac{1}{3}}}{y^{\frac{2}{3}}}\right>[/tex]

But there is no general L'Hopital rule for part. deriv's, so I can't decide these limits as [tex](x,y) \rightarrow (0,0)[/tex]. And if y is taken as a constant for [tex]f_x[/tex] then it just goes to infinity as x approaches zero and likewise for [tex]f_y[/tex].

So I decided to just go ahead and graph this function in Matlab. I used meshgrid and symbolics to get two different but similar graphs.

1) meshgrid

[x,y] = meshgrid(-1:0.01:1);
z = (x.*y).^(1/3);
z = real(z);
surf(x,y,z), axis equal, xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z'), shading interp, colormap(jet)


2) using symbolics and ezsurf

syms x y
ezsurf((x*y)^(1/3)), axis equal, xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z')


Why does using the symbolic ezsurf throw out half the surface? It must be related to taking only the real values for z in meshgrid yes??

So the meshgrid form interpolates points around the origin, suggesting that the surface exists at the origin, but the symbolic toolbox suggests that the surface doesn't exist at the origin.

I am very confused. Please help :)
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  • #2
The question about directional derivatives is based on the definition of a derivative as the ##\lim_{|h|\to0} \frac{f( x+h_x,y+h_y) - f(x,y) }{|h|} ## looking at it this way, you allow for h to be a vector in any direction on the x-y plane.
You should be able to show that this limit is continuous if h only has x components or y components, but as soon as you have both, the limit is not the same for h as it is for -h and therefore the derivative does not exist in that direction.
Considering that explanation, look again at your plot, and you should see what I am saying.
  • #3
kostoglotov said:

Homework Statement

a) Show that the function [tex] f(x,y)=\sqrt[3]{xy} [/tex] is continuous and the partial derivatives [tex]f_x[/tex] and [tex]f_y[/tex] exist at the origin but the directional derivatives in all other directions do not exist

b) Graph f near the origin and comment on how the graph confirms part (a).

2. The attempt at a solution

This is an odd question to me. First off, what do they mean by "directional derivatives in all other directions" ? They only specify the origin as a point at which # f_x # and [tex] f_y [/tex] should exist, but no direction is specified, so how can there be other directions? What other directions? All directions? Ie, [tex]f_x[/tex] and [tex]f_y[/tex] exist at (0,0,0) but in no direction do valid directional derivatives exist??

The other quandary for me is how to show that it is continuous at the origin. I have found the grad vector

[tex]\nabla f(x,y) = \frac{1}{3}\left<\frac{y^{\frac{1}{3}}}{x^{\frac{2}{3}}},\frac{x^{\frac{1}{3}}}{y^{\frac{2}{3}}}\right>[/tex]

But there is no general L'Hopital rule for part. deriv's, so I can't decide these limits as [tex](x,y) \rightarrow (0,0)[/tex]. And if y is taken as a constant for [tex]f_x[/tex] then it just goes to infinity as x approaches zero and likewise for [tex]f_y[/tex].

So I decided to just go ahead and graph this function in Matlab. I used meshgrid and symbolics to get two different but similar graphs.

1) meshgrid

[x,y] = meshgrid(-1:0.01:1);
z = (x.*y).^(1/3);
z = real(z);
surf(x,y,z), axis equal, xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z'), shading interp, colormap(jet)


2) using symbolics and ezsurf

syms x y
ezsurf((x*y)^(1/3)), axis equal, xlabel('x'), ylabel('y'), zlabel('z')


Why does using the symbolic ezsurf throw out half the surface? It must be related to taking only the real values for z in meshgrid yes??

So the meshgrid form interpolates points around the origin, suggesting that the surface exists at the origin, but the symbolic toolbox suggests that the surface doesn't exist at the origin.

I am very confused. Please help :)

A directional derivative at ##\vec{p}_0 = (x_0,y_0)## in direction ##\vec{d}##---YOU pick whatever ##\vec{d}## YOU want!---is defined as
[tex] D_{\vec{d}} f(\vec{p}_0) = \lim_{t \to 0+} \frac{ f(\vec{p}_0 + t \vec{d}) - f(\vec{p}_0)}{t} [/tex]
In other words, for small ##t > 0## we should have
[tex] f(\vec{p}_0 + t \vec{d}) \approx f(\vec{p}_0) + t \cdot D_{\vec{d}} f(\vec{p}_0) [/tex]

So, pick any direction non-axial direction ##\vec{d}## that you want, and see if the required limit exists.

FAQ: Partial Derivative Q: continuity and directional deriv's

1. What is continuity in terms of partial derivatives?

Continuity in terms of partial derivatives means that the function is differentiable at a given point in all directions. This means that the function has a well-defined tangent plane at that point and the partial derivatives exist and are continuous.

2. How is continuity related to partial derivatives?

Continuity is related to partial derivatives because if a function is continuous at a given point, it means that the function is differentiable at that point. This means that the partial derivatives exist and are continuous at that point.

3. What is the difference between continuity and differentiability in terms of partial derivatives?

The main difference between continuity and differentiability in terms of partial derivatives is that continuity refers to the existence of a function at a given point, while differentiability refers to the existence of a derivative at that point. In other words, a function can be continuous at a point without being differentiable, but if a function is differentiable at a point, it must also be continuous.

4. What is a directional derivative?

A directional derivative is a measure of how fast a function changes in a specific direction. It is calculated by taking the dot product of the gradient vector of the function and a unit vector in the direction of interest.

5. How is a directional derivative different from a partial derivative?

A directional derivative is a specific type of partial derivative that measures the rate of change of a function in a particular direction, while a partial derivative measures the rate of change of a function with respect to one of its variables while holding all other variables constant. In other words, a directional derivative considers the change in the function along a specific direction, while a partial derivative considers the change along a specific variable.
