Partial derivatives in analytic mechanics

In summary: Your Name]In summary, the concept of partial derivatives can be confusing in mechanics, where we often need to take derivatives with respect to derivatives. In this situation, we have to consider the sensitivity of variables to changes in other variables. This can be seen in the example of q_i with respect to Q_j and Q_j with respect to q_i, where we are looking at the change in q_i when only Q_j is varied and vice versa. It is important to keep in mind that these derivatives are taken with respect to independent variables.
  • #1
In ordinary multivariable calculus the following

situation is common:

We have some letters, say, x, y, z and call them variables.

We have some relations, say, there is only one f(x,y,z)=0.

Then you have to choose your dependent variable and two (three

variables minus one relation) independent variables. Ordinary

taylor series up to first order for infinitesimal changes in all

variables gives f1*dx+f2*dy+f3*dz=0, where f1, f2, f3 are derivatives

of f which are taken "explicitly", right from f(x,y,z)=0. Now the

following questions can be answered:
1) If y is the dependent variable, what is its partial derivative with
respect to x? the answer is -f1/f2, because you hold z: dz=0, calculate
dy/dx and formally take the limit.

2) if z is the dependent variable, what is its partial derivative with
respect to y? the answer is -f2/f3, procedure being the same.

Everything works just perfect for calculus and thermodynamics.

But in mechanics we often take derivatives with respect to derivatives.

For example, I have a set of variables q_1,...q_N and time t.

Supposedly I have to add to these their time derivatives (which I denote by upper case)

Q_1,...Q_N. Now I have a set of 2*N+1 variables and no relations (the lagrangian would

be a relation, but then the number of variables would be 2*N+2)

I am confused how to interpret partial derivatives:

1) q_i with respect to q_j
2) Q_i with respect to Q_j
3) q_i with respect to Q_j and Q_j with respect to q_i

Thank you in advance for your comments
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  • #2

Thank you for your interesting post. It is true that the concept of partial derivatives can be confusing, especially when dealing with multiple variables and relations. In ordinary multivariable calculus, we typically take partial derivatives with respect to independent variables, but in mechanics, we often need to take derivatives with respect to derivatives.

To answer your questions, let's consider the example you provided with the variables q_1, ..., q_N and their time derivatives Q_1, ..., Q_N. In this case, we have 2*N+1 variables and no relations, so we have a system with 2*N+1 equations. Now, let's consider the partial derivatives you mentioned:

1) q_i with respect to q_j

This would be the partial derivative of q_i with respect to q_j, where all other variables are held constant. In other words, we are looking at the change in q_i when only q_j is varied.

2) Q_i with respect to Q_j

Similarly, this would be the partial derivative of Q_i with respect to Q_j, where all other variables are held constant. This represents the change in Q_i when only Q_j is varied.

3) q_i with respect to Q_j and Q_j with respect to q_i

This is a bit more complicated, as it involves taking the partial derivative of a variable with respect to a derivative. In this case, we are looking at the change in q_i when only Q_j is varied, and the change in Q_j when only q_i is varied. This can be interpreted as the "sensitivity" of q_i to changes in Q_j, and vice versa.

I hope this helps clarify the concept of partial derivatives in mechanics. It is important to keep in mind that these derivatives are taken with respect to independent variables, and in the case of derivatives, we are looking at their sensitivity to changes in other variables. If you have any further questions or need more clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.


FAQ: Partial derivatives in analytic mechanics

What are partial derivatives in analytic mechanics?

Partial derivatives in analytic mechanics refer to the rate of change of a function with respect to one of its variables, while holding all other variables constant. In other words, it measures how much a function changes when one of its inputs changes, while keeping all other inputs fixed.

Why are partial derivatives important in analytic mechanics?

Partial derivatives are important in analytic mechanics because they allow us to analyze and understand the behavior of complex systems by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable parts. By calculating partial derivatives, we can determine how a system will respond to changes in its individual components, and make predictions about its overall behavior.

How are partial derivatives calculated?

Partial derivatives are calculated using the same principles as ordinary derivatives, but with a slight modification. To find the partial derivative of a function with respect to a specific variable, we hold all other variables constant and treat them as constants in the derivative calculation. This results in a new function that represents the rate of change of the original function with respect to the chosen variable.

What is the physical interpretation of partial derivatives in analytic mechanics?

In analytic mechanics, partial derivatives have a physical interpretation as the velocity or acceleration of a system in a specific direction. By taking partial derivatives of the position or velocity of a system, we can determine how it is changing with respect to time, and therefore understand its motion and behavior.

How are partial derivatives used in real-world applications?

Partial derivatives in analytic mechanics have numerous real-world applications in fields such as engineering, physics, economics, and computer science. They are used to model and analyze complex systems, make predictions about their behavior, and optimize their performance. Some specific applications include predicting the trajectory of a projectile, optimizing the design of a machine, and predicting stock market trends.

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