Partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed) question.

In summary, in statistical mechanics, partial derivatives are used to express functions while keeping some variables fixed. However, these fixed variables can also be functions of the other variables. This may cause confusion when taking derivatives, as there is a difference between partial and total derivatives when the fixed parameters are functions of the variable parameter. An example of this can be seen when finding the partial derivative of S with respect to T, while holding P and V constant, in the function S=log(T*V*P). The partial derivative would be equal to 1/T, but if the function is written as S=log(T*(constant*T)), using the relation P*V=constant*T, the derivative would be different. To better understand this concept, one can
  • #1
In statistical mechanics we express partial derivatives of functions, keeping some variables fixed. But these variables are functions of the other variables (which are not fixed).

I'm just confused by this, what is the convention for taking these derivatives? For example, if we have S as a function of T, V and P, or S=S(T,V,P)

we want to find partial of S with respect to T, holding P and V constant. Put P and V are functions of T, i.e. P*V=constant*T. How does this work?

If I have, say, S=log(T*V*P), then is the partial derivative mentioned above just equal to (ds/dt)V,P = 1/T ?

What if I write it as S=log(T*(constant*T)) using the relation P*V=constant*T. Shouldn't the derivative be the same thing? Why is there a contradiction?

Does anyone have any good way of explaining this or some good links? I tried to look through books/wikipedia/websites and found nothing.

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  • #2
You need to distinguish between partial derivative and total derivative when the"constant" parameters are functions of the "variable" parameter. That's what getting you into trouble in your example.
  • #3
Okay, I think I know what you mean. But can you give me an example or point me to some examples elsewhere?

My old calc book does not cover this, I already looked.
  • #4
As mathman already mentioned you have to know the difference between partial and total derivative. Have a look at this excellent video by David Metzler in which he gives an intuitive explanation with a bug on a hot plate.

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  • #5

I can understand your confusion with this concept. Let me try to explain it in a simple way.

In statistical mechanics, we often encounter situations where we need to find the rate of change of a function with respect to one of its independent variables while keeping the other independent variables fixed. This is known as a partial derivative.

Now, in the scenario you have described, we have a function S that is dependent on three variables - T, V, and P. Let's say we want to find the partial derivative of S with respect to T while keeping V and P constant. This means that we are only interested in how S changes with respect to T, while V and P remain fixed.

However, in this particular case, V and P are not truly independent variables. They are functions of T, as indicated by the relation P*V=constant*T. This means that as T changes, V and P also change accordingly to maintain the constant value of P*V.

So, when we take the partial derivative of S with respect to T, holding V and P constant, we are essentially looking at the effect of T on S while taking into account the indirect effect of T on V and P through their relationship.

Now, to answer your specific questions - if we have S=log(T*V*P), then the partial derivative with respect to T, holding V and P constant, is indeed 1/T. This is because the derivative of log(T) is 1/T, and the other terms (V and P) are treated as constants in this case.

If we write S=log(T*(constant*T)), the derivative would still be the same because we are essentially multiplying by a constant and taking the log of it, which does not change the derivative.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify your doubts. If you need further assistance, I would suggest consulting a textbook or an online resource specifically on partial derivatives in statistical mechanics. Good luck!

Related to Partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed) question.

1. What is a partial derivative with dependent variables (fixed)?

A partial derivative with dependent variables (fixed) is a mathematical concept that involves finding the rate of change of a function with respect to one of its variables, while holding all other variables constant. This is often used in multivariate calculus and is an important tool for studying how changes in one variable affect the overall behavior of a function.

2. How do you calculate a partial derivative with dependent variables (fixed)?

To calculate a partial derivative with dependent variables (fixed), you first need to identify the dependent variable and treat all other variables as constants. Then, you can use the chain rule to find the derivative of the function with respect to the dependent variable. This process is similar to finding a regular derivative, but with the added step of keeping other variables constant.

3. What is the purpose of using partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed)?

The purpose of using partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed) is to understand how changes in one variable affect the overall behavior of a function. This is useful in many fields of science, such as physics, economics, and engineering, where the relationship between different variables is often complex and interdependent.

4. Can partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed) be used in real-life applications?

Yes, partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed) are commonly used in real-life applications. They are particularly useful in fields such as physics, where studying the relationships between multiple variables is essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of physical systems.

5. Are there any limitations or assumptions when using partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed)?

Yes, there are some limitations and assumptions when using partial derivatives with dependent variables (fixed). One limitation is that this concept only applies to functions with multiple variables. Additionally, it assumes that all other variables are held constant, which may not always be the case in real-life scenarios. It is important to consider these limitations and make appropriate adjustments when using partial derivatives in practical applications.

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