Partial Differential Equations: Separable Solutions

In summary, the general solution of the equation x.du/dx - (1/2).y.du/dy=-0.5 is x.du/dx + (1/2).X(x)dY/dy=-0.5.
  • #1
Number 7
Find the general solution of:

x.du/dx - (1/2).y.du/dy=0

I know that for it to be separable u(x,y)=X(x)Y(y)


x.Y(y)dX/dx + (1/2).X(x)dY/dy = 0

which cancels to:

x/X(x).(dX/dx) = - y/2Y(y).dY/dy


X(x) = -c. Y(y) c is some constant


x/X(x).dX/dx = c

from here i am stuck. Any help appreciated
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  • #2
You lost a minus sign in your second equation.

Also, separation of variables is your friend. Just because you learned a method of solving differential equations a while ago doesn't mean you should abandon it

[tex]\frac{x}{X(x)}\frac{dX}{dx} = c[/tex]


[tex]\frac{dX}{X} = c \frac{dx}{x}[/tex]
  • #3
Thanks I get
c.ln(x) + C=ln(X) => X=Ax^C
c.ln(y) +C= 1/2 ln(Y) => Ay^2C

so u(x,y)=X.Y=A^2(y^2C)(x^C)

...the contants for integration are required right? Just wondering because the second part of the question would be easier if they weren't there:

determine u(x,y) which satisfies the boundary conditon u(1,y)= 1 +sin y

I would go about this by making 1+siny = A^2((1)^C(Y^2C))

=> A^2=[1 - Sin(y)]/[y^2C]

so u(x,y) satisfied by the boundary condtion is:

u(x,y)=[1 - Sin(y)]/[y^2C].x^C.y^2C

y^2C cancel so:

u(x,y)=[1 - Sin(y)].x^C

BUT how do you get rid of that C or am i being stupid and iv made a previous mistake/mistakes

EDIT :OK Long winded but from finding out X and Y I can find the original c and hence A by finding the ratio between X an Y which is x/y^2 so A is known. Then the boundary condtion is simply finding the constant of integration c with known A? Il leave the previous mess on the post just to check your opinion.
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  • #4
You have some sloppy coefficient carrying there, but got lucky and ended up with an equivalent formula anyway

\frac{dX}{X} = c \frac{dx}{x}


[tex] ln(X) = cln(x) + C_x[/tex]
which gives us

[tex]X = x^c*A_x[/tex] where [tex] A_x = e^{C_x}[/tex]. This is important because the constant of integration obtained in the formula for Y need not be the same (it happens not to matter in this case, but you could shoot yourself in the foot). Similarly

[tex]\frac{dY}{Y} = 2c\frac{dy}{y}[/tex] which gives us

[tex]ln(Y) = 2cln(y) + C_y[/tex]

and hence
[tex]Y = A_yy^{2c}[/tex] where [tex]A_y = e^{C_y}[/tex].


[tex]u(x,y) = A_xA_yx^cy^{2c}[/tex] we combine the multiplicative constants to get

[tex]u(x,y) = Ax^cy^{2c}[/tex]

But hark! This gives not the final solution. Because any linear combination of these is also a solution. In particular any infinite summation that happens to uniformly converge is also a solution. You know an infinite summation of 1+siny in terms of y, so try finding A's and c's such that when you sum up all the terms and set x=1 you get the power series of 1+siny

FAQ: Partial Differential Equations: Separable Solutions

What is a separable partial ODE?

A separable partial ODE (Ordinary Differential Equation) is a type of differential equation that can be written in the form of two functions multiplied together, where one function depends only on the independent variable and the other function depends only on the dependent variable.

Why are separable partial ODEs important in science?

Separable partial ODEs are important in science because they allow us to model and solve a wide range of physical phenomena, such as heat transfer, population dynamics, and chemical reactions. They are also used extensively in engineering and physics to describe and predict the behavior of complex systems.

How do you solve a separable partial ODE?

The general method for solving a separable partial ODE involves separating the variables and integrating both sides with respect to their respective variables. This results in a general solution, which can then be used to find specific solutions by applying initial or boundary conditions.

What are some common techniques used in solving separable partial ODEs?

Some common techniques used in solving separable partial ODEs include substitution, separation of variables, and integrating factors. These techniques allow us to manipulate the equation and solve for the dependent variable in terms of the independent variable.

Are there any limitations to using separable partial ODEs?

While separable partial ODEs are useful in many applications, they may not always provide an accurate representation of the physical system. This is because they make certain assumptions, such as the independence of the variables, which may not hold true in all cases. Additionally, some separable partial ODEs may not have closed-form solutions, requiring more advanced numerical methods for solving.
