Particle Acceleration: Is Fission a Viable Option?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of using unstable particles in a particle accelerator to potentially increase the speed of a system. It is mentioned that the argument for requiring more energy to accelerate a more massive object as it approaches light speed may be flawed, as the energy supply should increase in proportion to the mass. The practicality and feasibility of this thought experiment is also discussed, with it being noted that the LHC mainly uses lead or protons as particles. The conversation also delves into the relationship between velocity and kinetic energy, with the understanding that small increases in velocity can result in a significant increase in energy. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and considerations involved in designing and operating a particle accelerator.
  • #1
In particle accelerators, is all energy for the particle provided from external sources to get them up to relativistic speeds. If a system used unstable (radioactive) particles (maybe they have?) and a fission occurred that propelled, for example, an alpha particle in the opposite direction to travel, would the very high relativistic mass of the emitted fragment provide a massive boost of velocity to the remaining atom?

I've always wondered about the argument that it requires more and more energy to accelerate a more and more massive object as you approach light speed - it seems to ignore the possibility that any on-board "fuel" mass is increasing in proportion...
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  • #2
barryn56 said:
In particle accelerators, is all energy for the particle provided from external sources to get them up to relativistic speeds. If a system used unstable (radioactive) particles (maybe they have?) and a fission occurred that propelled, for example, an alpha particle in the opposite direction to travel, would the very high relativistic mass of the emitted fragment provide a massive boost of velocity to the remaining atom?

I've always wondered about the argument that it requires more and more energy to accelerate a more and more massive object as you approach light speed - it seems to ignore the possibility that any on-board "fuel" mass is increasing in proportion...

Have you been to a particle accelerator before to see if this actually happens? Considering that these accelerators are design so tightly that we must know exactly the beam dynamics, you'd think that if they have this wrong, the design would be quite off if the physics doesn't agree with reality. Do you seriously think this has happened?

Accelerator physics is a well-known branch of physics. It isn't simply an after thought where people simply don't know what they're doing.

  • #3
I've always wondered about the argument that it requires more and more energy to accelerate a more and more massive object as you approach light speed
But it doesn't! It takes just the same amount of energy to accelerate a particle from 1000 GeV to 1001 GeV as it does from 1 GeV to 2 GeV. Namely 1 GeV. (I should have been keeping a count of how many erroneous conclusions have been drawn from this idea of "relativistic mass." It's just a formal device, and an unfortunate one at that.)

Anyway, as ZapperZ points out, when it comes to running a particle collider, getting the particles to accelerate is the easy part. You need to design a thousand or so magnets that will precisely bend and focus the beam. As the particles accelerate, current in the magnets has to be ramped up in unison. And then once a stable orbit is attained, you have to maintain the particles in that orbit for hours at a time.
  • #4
Bill_K said:
But it doesn't! It takes just the same amount of energy to accelerate a particle from 1000 GeV to 1001 GeV as it does from 1 GeV to 2 GeV. Namely 1 GeV. (I should have been keeping a count of how many erroneous conclusions have been drawn from this idea of "relativistic mass." It's just a formal device, and an unfortunate one at that

But going from 1 GeV to 2 GeV moves your proton from stationary to about 0.85c.

Going from 1000 GeV to 1001 GeV moves your proton from 0.9999995c to 0.999999501c.

For the way non-physicist think about acceleration, the idea that its takes more energy for diminishing returns in acceleration makes perfect sense.
  • #5
Thanks for the responses - I'm somewhat surprized that this question was construed as some sort of slight on accelerator design! ParticleGrl is correct in understanding that the thrust was the common argument as to why something (e.g. a rocket) cannot go faster than light is that the effectiveness of the energy supplied is lower due to the relativistic mass increase of the rocket. But if the source of the fuel is already on board, then it's energy supply should increase in proportion. The thought experiment was - what happens if an unstable element decays with emission of a particle at near light speeds - i.e. how much energy is imparted to the original particle. From the replies I take it this is not practically feasible (even LHC uses lead or protons only, from what I've read), but I expect there must be a theoretical answer, and I dare say it is probably the same energy as if the two particles were traveling in opposite directions and collided at the sum of the speeds.
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  • #6
I just wanted to add that Kinetic energy of an object increases something like twice as quick as the velocity.


If you double your velocity you get FOUR TIMES as much kinetic energy. So each doubling gives you exponentially more energy.

Also, let's say M=10 kg and initial V = 10 m/s.

KE=(1/2x10) 10^2

That's KE=500

Lets increase V by 1. So, V=11 m/s.


KE=605. So 1 m/s increase equals an extra 105 joules. (I think it's joules)

Now, let's go to 12.


KE=720. 720-605=115. Increasing by another 1 m/s gives us 115 joules instead of 105.
  • #7
barryn56 said:
Thanks for the responses - I'm somewhat surprized that this question was construed as some sort of slight on accelerator design! ParticleGrl is correct in understanding that the thrust was the common argument as to why something (e.g. a rocket) cannot go faster than light is that the effectiveness of the energy supplied is lower due to the relativistic mass increase of the rocket. But if the source of the fuel is already on board, then it's energy supply should increase in proportion. The thought experiment was - what happens if an unstable element decays with emission of a particle at near light speeds - i.e. how much energy is imparted to the original particle. From the replies I take it this is not practically feasible (even LHC uses lead or protons only, from what I've read), but I expect there must be a theoretical answer, and I dare say it is probably the same energy as if the two particles were traveling in opposite directions and collided at the sum of the speeds.

You can calculate the final speed of the decayed nucleus using the". Say we have the unstable nucleus at rest, and we observe that when such a nucleus decays it emits an alpha particle and recoils in the opposite direction with some velocity [tex]v_r[/tex]. Now we create a beam of these unstable particles that travels with some velocity [tex]v_b[/tex] which we might make close to c. When a nucleus in the beam happens to decay such that it emits the alpha particle directly backwards, it now attains a new, slightly higher velocity

[tex]\frac{v_b + v_r}{1 + v_b v_r / c^2}[/tex]

You can convince yourself that this formula shows the same diminishing returns as other methods of acceleration--the speed boost from the decay recoil (the difference between the above velocity and the original velocity [tex]v_b[/tex]) gets smaller and smaller as [tex]v_b[/tex] approaches c.
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  • #8
barryn56 said:
The thought experiment was - what happens if an unstable element decays with emission of a particle at near light speeds - i.e. how much energy is imparted to the original particle.

I want to reiterate one of Bill_K's points: The effects of an unstable element decaying at near light speed must be the same (up to choice of inertial reference frame) as if the unstable element decayed at rest -- because from the particle's own "point of view", it is at rest!

The confusion here is coming from thinking of energy and velocity as though they were frame-independent quantities, and mass as though it were a frame-dependent quantity, when really the situation is exactly the opposite: energy and velocity are frame-dependent and mass is frame-independent.

ParticleGrl is correct that this is how non-physicists tend to think about acceleration, but I don't think we're doing non-physicists any favors by refraining from explaining why this way of thinking can lead to confusion. I'm with Bill_K: "relativistic mass" needs to be killed with fire.

For more, I recommend this old Physics Today article by Lev Okun, which is too large for me to attach to this post.

Related to Particle Acceleration: Is Fission a Viable Option?

1. What is particle acceleration and how does it relate to fission?

Particle acceleration is the process of increasing the energy of subatomic particles, such as protons or electrons, to high speeds. In fission reactions, particle acceleration is used to split the nuclei of atoms, releasing a large amount of energy.

2. Is fission a viable option for energy production?

Fission has been used as a source of energy in nuclear power plants for decades. However, it also has its drawbacks, such as the production of radioactive waste and the potential for accidents. The viability of fission as an energy source depends on factors such as safety, waste management, and cost.

3. How does particle acceleration impact the efficiency of fission?

Particle acceleration is crucial for initiating and sustaining the fission reaction. The higher the energy of the particles, the more likely they are to collide with and split the nuclei of atoms, releasing energy. Therefore, efficient particle acceleration is essential for the success of fission reactions.

4. What are the potential risks associated with particle acceleration and fission?

The main risks associated with particle acceleration and fission are related to safety and environmental impact. Accidents at nuclear power plants can have severe consequences, and the radioactive waste produced by fission reactions must be carefully managed to prevent harm to humans and the environment.

5. What alternative options are there for particle acceleration and energy production?

There are several alternative options for particle acceleration and energy production, such as fusion, which involves combining nuclei to release energy, or renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. Each option has its own benefits and limitations, and ongoing research is being conducted to improve their efficiency and viability as energy sources.

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