Particle accleration under gravitational waves?

In summary, the conclusion of the second paper provided states that gravitational waves can cause an exponential increase in the perpendicular energy of particles involved in the interaction, as a function of the affine parameter and their proper-time. This increase in perpendicular energy is due to the energy carried by the gravitational wave, which is purely transverse and can only add energy in the perpendicular direction. The frequency of the gravitational wave needs to be double the Larmor frequency in order for the energy to be transferred onto the particles. This phenomenon is known as the Landau damping effect.
  • #1
I have been through following papers for research:



Conclusion of the second paper given above states the following:

In this case the
external action (the gravitational wave) amounts to a time variation of the frequency
parameter of the initial system (charged particles in a magnetic field), so that in the
overall system the equilibrium at rest (x
1 = 0) is unstable. Any deviation from this
state, however small, is sufficient to lead to a rapidly increasing displacement along
the peprendicular direction (Landau and Lifshitz 1976). Further analysis shows that,
in any of the above propagation cases, the overall result would be an exponential
increase of the perpendicular energy of the particles involved in this interaction, as a
function of the affine parameter and, hence, of their proper-time as well.

From the conclusion I can understand that gravitational blueshift may be the reason for increasing frequency but what could be the reason for perpendicular displacement of particles and exponential increase in perpendicular energy?
Physics news on
  • #2
Gravity waves are things like water waves (driven by gravity and different densities of water and air). Gravitational waves and gravity waves are different things.
AAB1994 said:
but what could be the reason for perpendicular displacement of particles and exponential increase in perpendicular energy?
The calculations? If the energy given to the particle grows with displacement and speed of the particle, you can get such a result.
  • #3
Gravitational waves cause relative motion between points at different phase. But, for each observer, spacetime defines stationary. As a gravitational wave passes, each point will feel nothing because the point will remain stationary and move with the wave. When you have two points at different parts of the wave (as with LIGO) the difference in "stationary" becomes visible.
  • #4
Android Neox said:
Gravitational waves cause relative motion between points at different phase. But, for each observer, spacetime defines stationary. As a gravitational wave passes, each point will feel nothing because the point will remain stationary and move with the wave. When you have two points at different parts of the wave (as with LIGO) the difference in "stationary" becomes visible.

So they is no net change in energy? And by that explanation what causes the damping of gravitational waves ?
  • #5
mfb said:
Gravity waves are things like water waves (driven by gravity and different densities of water and air). Gravitational waves and gravity waves are different things.The calculations? If the energy given to the particle grows with displacement and speed of the particle, you can get such a result.

By energy given do you mean energy of gravitational waves? And so there shouldn't be a change in particles perpendicular energy if the gravitational wave is constant ?
  • #6
AAB1994 said:
what causes the damping of gravitational waves ?

I asked the same question once in this thread. The answer I got was:
bcrowell said:
General relativity says there is no such damping.
  • #7
anorlunda said:
I asked the same question once in this thread. The answer I got was:

Than should i or should not trust sources of above papers?
  • #8
anorlunda said:
I asked the same question once in this thread.

No, you didn't. You asked about damping of gravitational waves by passing through vacuum (which was a hypothesis of a non-standard theory of gravity, not GR). GR says there is no such damping.

The papers linked to in the OP talk about a possible damping of gravitational waves by passing through plasma with charged particles and magnetic fields. That is a different question.

AAB1994 said:
So they is no net change in energy?

AndroidNeox is not describing what you are asking about. He is describing gravitational waves passing through vacuum. You are asking about gravitational waves passing through plasma with charged particles and magnetic fields.

AAB1994 said:
should i or should not trust sources of above papers?

The hypothesis of damping of gravitational waves by passing through plasma (because of energy transferred from the waves to the plasma) seems plausible, and appears to me to be consistent with the general GR description of gravitational waves. It would be hard to test, though.
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Likes Android Neox, anorlunda and AAB1994
  • #9
I'm sorry as this may not be in direct relation to this thread but i had to ask 1) what's the difference between gravity waves and gravitational waves? and 2) regarding LIGO the gravitational waves observatory that had recently measured a "stretch in space" , couldn't it be just a stretch and contraction of Earth itself? (it was tiny measure by photon diameter fraction) as result of the increase and decrease of gravity caused by the two black holes that were spinning around each others?
  • #10
Crowxe said:
what's the difference between gravity waves and gravitational waves?

Crowxe said:
regarding LIGO the gravitational waves observatory that had recently measured a "stretch in space" , couldn't it be just a stretch and contraction of Earth itself?

No. The Earth itself does stretch and squeeze as a result of the passage of the GW, but LIGO is carefully designed to not respond to such changes in the Earth or its supporting structure, so that the signal it detects is in fact due to changes in curvature of spacetime itself.
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  • #11
But can anyone tell me why there is increase in perpendicular energy?
  • #12
AAB1994 said:
can anyone tell me why there is increase in perpendicular energy?

According to the papers, it looks like that energy comes from the energy carried by the gravitational wave.
  • #13
PeterDonis said:
According to the papers, it looks like that energy comes from the energy carried by the gravitational wave.

But why is it increasing in perpendicular direction and not in parallel and would this be the laudau damping effect?
  • #14
AAB1994 said:
why is it increasing in perpendicular direction and not in parallel

Because gravitational waves are purely transverse, so they can only add energy in the perpendicular direction.

AAB1994 said:
would this be the laudau damping effect?

I am not familiar enough with the paper's subject matter to say.
  • #15
And also could anyone tell me why gravity waves frequency has to be double of larmor frequency for energy of gravity waves to pass onto particels?
  • #16
Gravitational waves, not gravity waves.
Gravitational waves have a 180 degree symmetry: rotate them by 180 degrees around their propagation axis and they look the same. To stay in phase with the oscillations, you need two oscillations of the gravitational wave per oscillation of the particle: forward and backward motion are symmetric.
  • #17
So is it safe to assume that particles accelerated by gravitational waves may generate more electromagnetic radiation than the radiation of electromagnetic field creating the larmor precession on them. And Does it mean net increase in electromagnetic energy which is most certainly accompanied with net decrease in gravitational energy of accelerated particles ?

And would this theory work if the objects generating electromagnetic radiation and gravitational energy in the first place are same?
  • #18
AAB1994 said:
And Does it mean net increase in electromagnetic energy which is most certainly accompanied with net decrease in gravitational energy of accelerated particles ?
It is a net decrease in the energy of the gravitational waves.
AAB1994 said:
And would this theory work if the objects generating electromagnetic radiation and gravitational energy in the first place are same?
The whole idea here is the reaction of charged particles to gravitational waves passing through their region in space. They cannot be the source of the gravitational waves.
  • #19
I will rephrase my question with few more points in a hypothetical situation:

If a trains of objects with mass and quadruple movement were rotating in same circumference or path of current loop and had a spiral inside them then what would be the conditions under following situations.

1)As per the conditions( frequency of gravitational waves double than larmor frequency and parallel propagation) of paper discussed above could there be an acceleration of particles in spiral?

2) Depending on the direction of current in current loop could the energy be highest at center of spiral after acceleration of particles from gravitational waves?
  • #20
I mean spiral object inform of a conductor

FAQ: Particle accleration under gravitational waves?

1. What is particle acceleration under gravitational waves?

Particle acceleration under gravitational waves refers to the phenomenon where particles experience a change in velocity due to the presence of gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space-time caused by the acceleration of massive objects, such as stars or black holes. When these waves pass through a region of space, they can cause particles to accelerate in a specific direction.

2. How does particle acceleration under gravitational waves occur?

Particle acceleration under gravitational waves occurs because of the strain that these waves create in space-time. As the gravitational waves pass through a region of space, they cause the space-time fabric to stretch and compress in a particular direction. This strain affects the particles in the region, causing them to move in response to the changing space-time geometry.

3. What factors influence the magnitude of particle acceleration under gravitational waves?

The magnitude of particle acceleration under gravitational waves depends on several factors, including the amplitude and frequency of the gravitational waves, the distance between the particles and the source of the waves, and the mass of the particles. Additionally, the type of particles and their initial velocity also play a role in determining the magnitude of acceleration.

4. How is particle acceleration under gravitational waves measured?

Particle acceleration under gravitational waves can be measured using various techniques, such as interferometry and laser interferometry. These methods involve detecting the tiny changes in the distance between test particles caused by the passing gravitational waves. Other techniques, such as using pulsars or observatories like LIGO, can also detect and measure particle acceleration under gravitational waves.

5. What are the potential applications of studying particle acceleration under gravitational waves?

Studying particle acceleration under gravitational waves can have various applications, including understanding the fundamental properties of gravity and the universe. It can also provide insights into the behavior of matter under extreme conditions, such as near black holes. Additionally, studying particle acceleration under gravitational waves can help in the development of new technologies, such as more precise detectors and better space-time mapping techniques.

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