Particle collision problem (accelerator experiment)

In summary, the experiment involves colliding a beam of electrons with a beam of positrons, resulting in the formation of a photon and a neutral pion particle. Using conservation of energy and momentum, it can be shown that the velocity of the pion in the lab frame is given by vπ = 4Ee2 - mπ2 / 4Ee2 + mπ2, where Ee is the energy of the particles in the lab frame and mπ is the mass of the pion.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An accelerator experiment collides a beam of electrons head-on with a beam of positrons. The particles in each beam have energy Ee as measured in the lab frame. Suppose one electron-positron pair collide to form a photon and neutral pion particle:

e- = e+ ---> γ + π0

Assuming 2Ee > mπ, where mπ is the mass of the pion show that the sped vπ of the pion in the lab frame is given by

vπ = 4Ee2 - mπ2 / 4Ee2 + mπ2

Homework Equations

The invariant:
E2 - p2c2 = m2c4

Conservation of energy
Conservation of momentum

The Attempt at a Solution

The first place I've been getting confused is that the electron and positron have the same momenta but in opposite directions. Not entirely sure if I should be including their momentum in the equations as it sums to zero. In a collision their momentum towards each other would surely contribute to the rest energy, kinetic energy and photon energy of the collision products.

I've been attempting to use conservation of energy:

2Ee = 2√(me2 + pe2) = √(mπ2 + pπ2) + cpγ

Then conservation of momentum:

pe- + pe+ = pπ + pγ

We know that the electron have opposite momentum so their sum equals zero and ..

pπ = - pγ

So this gets rid of any photon terms from the equation,

2Ee = 2√(me2 + pe2) = √(mπ2 + pπ2) + cpπ

Now, I figured I should solve this for pπ, use that to find the pion energy and then it's velocity but it doesn't solve nicely and doesn't look anything like the equation given in the question.

Been working on this for a while but I'm not coming up with anything.
Physics news on
  • #2
There are missing brackets in the first equation.
leonmate said:
2Ee = ... = √(mπ2 + pπ2) + cpπ
Get cpπ on the left side, square and you have a quadratic equation you can solve.
  • #3
That's helpful, I've used that to get:

pπ = 4Ee2 - mπ2 / 4Ee

Now, I was hoping to get E = 4Ee2 + mπ2 / 4Ee

Using E2 - p2 = m2

The textbook I have does that, but it doesn't show the steps and I don't know how to get there! Is it even possible??
  • #4
I've uploaded the example question from my textbook which shows what I'm trying to do


  • sample1.jpg
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  • sample2.jpg
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  • #5
There are brackets missing again.
##E^2=m^2+p^2## looks useful.

The pion energy in the textbook example corresponds to your 2 Ee.
  • #6
I keep trying that, but I can't get the maths to work

I feel like I'm overlooking something.

I need Eπ = 4Ee2 + mπ / 2mπ

I'm a little confused as to how plugging in 2Ee will help me get there. Surely I need to find:

Eπ2 = mπ2 + pπ2

Only problem is when I square out my value for pπ I can't simplify it to what I want. Been trying to work this out all day, I can't even follow how it was achieved in the textbook I must be missing something
  • #7

There is nothing to plug in for ##E_e##. I think the equation you want to get for E follows quite naturally if you use the equation of post 5. Can you show what you did?
  • #8
leonmate said:
That's helpful, I've used that to get:

pπ = 4Ee2 - mπ2 / 4Ee

Now, I was hoping to get E = 4Ee2 + mπ2 / 4Ee

Using E2 - p2 = m2

The textbook I have does that, but it doesn't show the steps and I don't know how to get there! Is it even possible??

Since you already have ##p_\pi##, how is that related to the energy of the photon? I think that's what mfb is hinting at using the post 5 equation for. Now just thinking about energy conservation should give you ##E_\pi## pretty fast.
  • #9
Yeah, I managed to figure it out. Think I was overtired, I couldn't do math!
Thanks for the help guys

FAQ: Particle collision problem (accelerator experiment)

1. What is a particle collision?

A particle collision is a fundamental process in which two or more particles interact and exchange energy and momentum. It is a common phenomenon in high-energy physics experiments, such as those conducted in particle accelerators.

2. How do particle collisions occur in accelerator experiments?

In an accelerator experiment, particles are accelerated to high speeds and then directed towards each other in a controlled manner. When the particles collide, their energy is converted into mass, creating new particles that are studied by scientists.

3. What information can be obtained from particle collision experiments?

Particle collision experiments can provide valuable insights into the fundamental building blocks of the universe and how they interact. They can also help scientists understand the behavior of matter and energy at extremely small scales and high energies.

4. How are particle collisions detected in experiments?

In particle accelerator experiments, detectors are used to measure the energy and trajectory of the particles produced in collisions. These detectors can also provide information about the type of particles created and their properties, such as mass and charge.

5. What is the significance of particle collision experiments?

Particle collision experiments are crucial in advancing our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. They have led to the discovery of new particles, such as the Higgs boson, and have helped confirm existing theories, such as the Standard Model. These experiments also have practical applications, such as medical imaging and radiation therapy.

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