Particle filtering for orbit determination

In summary, the conversation discusses the implementation of a particle filter in Matlab for orbit determination of a spacecraft. The user is having trouble with the particle resampling process, and has tried scaling the measurement difference and using roughening to prevent sample impoverishment. However, they are still facing issues with the code not working. The expert suggests removing the scaling factor and adjusting the measurement noise covariance matrix instead, as well as using the systematic resampling method and increasing the number of particles to prevent sample impoverishment. They also recommend removing the roughening step to improve the accuracy of the filter.
  • #1
Hi everyone, I am trying to implement in Matlab a particle filter to perform the orbit determination of a spacecraft .
I think my problem is the way I do the particle resampling. As you can see in the code I already tried to:
- scale the measurement difference (true - predicted) in order to preventing the exponential to go to zero (but maybe it is bad scaled?)
- try to use roughening in order to prevent sample impoverishment (anyway the code doesn't work event wothout this part)

does anybody can help?? :(

thank you very very much in advance...

Here is my code:
% Simulation parameters
odereltol=2.22045e-14; odeabstol=2.22045e-14;
options = odeset('reltol', odereltol, 'abstol', odeabstol);

% Conversion Constants
l = 1.5e7; %[km]
tau = 24*3600*1e3; %

mu = 1.32712440018e11; %[km^3/s^2]
mu = mu*(tau^2)/(l^3);

% SPACECRAFT initial orbit:
r0 = [1.5e8; 2.814e7; 9.444e5]; % [ km ] initial position
v0 = [-4.5653; 29.28; 0.9824]; % [ km/s ] initial velocity
% Initial conditions in nondimensional units
r0 = r0/l;
v0 = v0*tau/l;
x0 = [r0; v0];

% Number of variables
nvar = 6;
npol = 6;
nvarmeas = 6;
nmeas = 3;
% Number of samples
Ns = 1e3;%1e4;

% Initial error covariance matrix
SigPos = (1e14)/(l^2); %[l]
SigVel = (1)*((tau/l)^2); %[l/tau]
P0 = [SigPos 0 0 0 0 0; 0 SigPos 0 0 0 0; 0 0 SigPos 0 0 0;...
0 0 0 SigVel 0 0; 0 0 0 0 SigVel 0; 0 0 0 0 0 SigVel];
% Measurement noise covariance matrix
R = zeros(nmeas,nmeas);
R(1,1) = (1e-3/l)^2;
R(2,2) = (1e-3/l)^2;
R(3,3) = (1e-3/l)^2;

% Simulation times
TOF = 0.5;
timestep = 4e-3;
tspan = [0:timestep:TOF];
Nt = length(tspan)

% Initialization
ytrue = zeros(length(tspan),nvar); % True state
x = zeros(nvar,Nt,Ns); % Particles
x_new = x; % Particles after resampling
particles = zeros(nvar,Ns);
xave = zeros(Nt,nvar); % Estimated mean
xave(1,:) = x0 + sqrt(P0)*randn(nvar,1);
w = zeros(Nt,Ns); % Weigths
w(1,:) = 1/Ns; % Initial weigts distribution
wn = zeros(Nt,Ns); % Normalized weights
ztrue = zeros(nmeas,Nt); % True measurement
zpred = zeros(nmeas,Nt,Ns); % Predicted measurement
zdiff = zeros(nmeas,Nt,Ns); % Measurement delta
zdiffscaled = zeros(nmeas,Nt); % Scaled measurement difference

% Computation of the TRUE TRAJECTORY
ytrue(1,:) = x0;
k = 1;
for t = 0 : timestep : TOF-timestep
[tout,yout] = ode87(@TwoBodyProblem,[0 timestep],ytrue(k,:),options);
ytrue(k+1,:) = yout(end,:);
k = k+1;
% Computation of the TRUE MEASUREMENTS
k = 1;
for t = 0 : timestep : TOF
ztrue(1,k) = ytrue(k,1) + randn*sqrt(R(1,1));
ztrue(2,k) = ytrue(k,2) + randn*sqrt(R(2,2));
ztrue(3,k) = ytrue(k,3) + randn*sqrt(R(3,3));

k = k+1;

% Particles initialization
for i = 1:Ns
x(:,1,i) = xave(1,:)' + sqrt(P0)*randn(nvar,1);

for k = 2 : Nt
---> here there is the part of the code that propagates the trajectory of each particle
finding x(:,k,i)

% Measurement prediction
zpred(1,k,i) = x(1,k,i);
zpred(2,k,i) = x(2,k,i);
zpred(3,k,i) = x(3,k,i);

% Scaled measurement difference
zdiff(:,k,i) = ztrue(:,k) - zpred(:,k,i);


for kk = 1:nmeas
zdiffscaled(kk,k) = max(abs(zdiff(kk,k,:)))/(1);

for i = 1 : Ns
w(k,i) = exp(-(zdiff(:,k,i)./zdiffscaled(:,k))'*(zdiff(:,k,i)./zdiffscaled(:,k)));

% Normalize important weights
w(k,:) = w(k,:)/sum(w(k,:));

% Selection by resampling
cumulative_sum_weights = cumsum(w(k,:));
for jj=1:Ns
indx = min(find(cumulative_sum_weights>rand));
x_new(:,k,jj) = x(:,k,indx);
x_new(:,k,jj) = x(:,k,jj);
% Use roughening to prevent sample impoverishment
particles(:,:) = x(:,k,:);
E = max(particles')' - min(particles')';
sigma = 0.2 * E * Ns^(-1/nvar);
x_new(:,k,jj) = x_new(:,k,jj) + sigma .* randn(6,1);

for jj = 1:Ns
w(k,jj) = 1/Ns;

% Estimated mean computation
for i = 1:Ns
xave(k,:) = xave(k,:) + x(:,k,i)'/Ns;
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your code and explaining your problem. I have looked through your code and I believe the issue with your particle filter lies in the way you are resampling your particles.

Firstly, I noticed that you are using a scaling factor for your measurement difference in the weight calculation. While this may help prevent the exponential from going to zero, it may also affect the accuracy of your filter. I suggest removing this scaling factor and adjusting your measurement noise covariance matrix (R) instead.

Secondly, your resampling method may not be optimal. Instead of selecting particles based on a random number, I recommend using the systematic resampling method. This method ensures that the particles with higher weights are selected more frequently, thus preventing sample impoverishment.

Lastly, I noticed that you are using roughening in your resampling process. While this may help prevent sample impoverishment, it may also introduce noise to your particles and affect the accuracy of your filter. I suggest removing this step and instead using a larger number of particles to prevent sample impoverishment.

I hope these suggestions will help improve the performance of your particle filter. Please let me know if you have any further questions or if you need any additional help. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Particle filtering for orbit determination

1. What is particle filtering for orbit determination?

Particle filtering is a computational method used for tracking the trajectory of a moving object, such as a satellite or spacecraft, in orbit around a larger body. By using a set of particles to represent the possible states of the object, particle filtering allows for more accurate and robust estimation of the object's position and velocity compared to traditional methods.

2. How does particle filtering work?

Particle filtering works by simulating the movement of a set of particles, each representing a possible state of the object being tracked. These particles are then updated using a probabilistic model based on new measurements, such as radar or GPS data. The particles with the highest likelihood of being in the correct state are then resampled and the process is repeated, resulting in a more accurate estimation of the object's trajectory.

3. What are the advantages of using particle filtering for orbit determination?

One advantage of particle filtering is its ability to handle nonlinear and non-Gaussian systems, which are common in orbit determination. Additionally, particle filtering can incorporate different sources of information, such as measurements from multiple sensors, making it more robust and accurate compared to traditional methods.

4. What are the limitations of particle filtering for orbit determination?

Particle filtering requires a large number of particles to accurately represent the possible states of the object being tracked, which can be computationally expensive. Additionally, the accuracy of particle filtering can be affected by measurement errors and uncertainties in the probabilistic model used.

5. How is particle filtering used in real-world applications?

Particle filtering is commonly used in applications such as spacecraft navigation, satellite tracking, and autonomous vehicle control. It is also used in combination with other techniques, such as Kalman filtering, to improve the accuracy and robustness of orbit determination systems.

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