Particle in 3D Box: Table of Energies & Degeneracies

In summary, the question is asking for a table of levels of energy for a particle in a three dimensional box of sides a, b, and c. The table would include n_x, n_y, and n_z, the energies, and the degeneracies of the levels in which the quantum numbers range from 0 to 4. If you were to list levels of energy for a particle in a one dimensional box, then n=0 would mean there is no particle.
  • #1
This is the question:

For a particle in a three-dimensional box of sides a, b, and c, where a does not equal b and b=c, make a table of n_x, n_y, and n_z, the energies, and the degeneracies of the levels in which the quantum numbers range from 0 to 4 (Take ((a^2)/(b^2)) = 2).

Ok, I think I have an idea of what I'm supposed to do, but I'm a little confused on two parts of the question. When they ask for a table using quantum numbers from 0 to 4, would that mean I'd have to make a long list with n_x, n_y, and n_z like:
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 2
0 0 3
0 0 4
0 0 5

and so on until I've listed all 125? Someone in my class said that there were 64 because of the zeroes, however I didn't really understand why we would be able to. I know that:
So once I list all the states, I would have to substitute in the values for n_x, n_y, and n_z - but am I supposed to be able to get numerical values for the energies? I can get solve for a in terms of b and such, then plug in, but I still wouldn't get any numbers. Once I can figure out what I have to list, all I'd have to do to list the degeneracy is count the amount of states with different quantum numbers that have the same energy.
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  • #2
I assume they mean [tex] n_x=1,2,3,4 n_y=1,2,3,4 n_z=1,2,3,4 [/tex]

Since b=c you get 40 different cases, not 64, because for instance [tex] n_y=2,n_z=1 [/tex] and [tex] n_y=1,n_z=2 [/tex] are energy equivalent cases. You can combine [tex] n_y,n_z[/tex] in 10 different non degenerate ways(not 16) and then combine that with the 4 possible cases for [tex] n_x[/tex]

n can not be zero that's probably what your friend mean. Consider a particle in a one dimensional box. If you put n=0 it basicly means there is no particle. the lowest state is when all three n values are =1.

Numerical answeres doesn't seem to be possible but you can easily express them as multiples since [tex] \frac{a^2}{b^2}=2[/tex]

Hope this helped a bit?
  • #3
Azael said:
I assume they mean [tex] n_x=1,2,3,4 n_y=1,2,3,4 n_z=1,2,3,4 [/tex]

Since b=c you get 40 different cases, not 64, because for instance [tex] n_y=2,n_z=1 [/tex] and [tex] n_y=1,n_z=2 [/tex] are energy equivalent cases. You can combine [tex] n_y,n_z[/tex] in 10 different non degenerate ways(not 16) and then combine that with the 4 possible cases for [tex] n_x[/tex]

I see what you mean now, although now I feel bad since I went ahead and listed 64 cases. At least now I can shorten my answer. Thanks a lot, this cleared up the bit about the zero.

Related to Particle in 3D Box: Table of Energies & Degeneracies

1. What is a particle in a 3D box?

A particle in a 3D box is a simplified quantum mechanical model used to describe the behavior of a particle confined in a three-dimensional space. The box represents the boundaries within which the particle can move, and the particle's energy is quantized due to these boundaries.

2. How is the energy of a particle in a 3D box quantized?

The energy of a particle in a 3D box is quantized due to the confinement of the particle. This means that the particle can only have certain discrete energy levels, rather than a continuous range of energies. The allowed energy levels are determined by the size of the box and the mass of the particle.

3. What is the significance of the table of energies and degeneracies for a particle in a 3D box?

The table of energies and degeneracies for a particle in a 3D box shows the allowed energy levels and the number of states with the same energy level. This information is important for understanding the behavior of the particle, as well as for calculating properties such as the partition function and heat capacity.

4. How does the energy of a particle in a 3D box change with the size of the box?

The energy of a particle in a 3D box is inversely proportional to the size of the box. This means that as the box gets larger, the energy levels become closer together and the particle has a greater range of allowed energies. Conversely, as the box gets smaller, the energy levels become more spread out and the particle has a more limited range of energies.

5. Can a particle in a 3D box have the same energy level for different quantum numbers?

Yes, it is possible for a particle in a 3D box to have the same energy level for different quantum numbers. This is known as degeneracy and occurs when multiple quantum states have the same energy. The degeneracy of a particular energy level can be determined from the table of energies and degeneracies for a particle in a 3D box.

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