Particle in a box wave function problem

In summary, the wave function for a particle approaching a barrier from negative infinity with energy E is given by:k1=k4=2mE/\hbar^2)^{1/2}where k1, k2, and k3 are different for each region, and G is the wave function at the barrier.The reflection and transmission coefficients are not the answer, and are for a different potential.
  • #1
I have a wave function problem that I need to figure out... I have a really borderline grade, so it could mean the difference between an 'A' and a 'B' in my graduate Modern Physics class.

Basically, I have to figure out the wave function and the transmission and reflection coefficients. My professor did a really crappy job of explaining this stuff in class, so I'm totally lost.

Here's the question:
Consider a potential with the following shape:

What are the wave functions for all regions of the problem is a particle beam approaches the barrier from negative infinity with an energy E? Find the reflection and transmission coefficients.


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  • #2
Start by breaking down the potential into 4 parts, and solving the Schrodinger equation for each.
  • #3
That's what I thought I'm supposed to do, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. Does that mean that I need to plug it into psi(x) = [(2/L)^(1/2)] [sin(n*pi*x/L)] ? My professor didn't do a very good job of explaining Schrodinger's equation, so I don't have a very thorough understanding of it.

Also, does "reflection" and "transmission" coefficients just mean that I need to plug it into these equations?
  • #4
The Schrodinger equation, among many things, gives you a differential equation for Psi, of which, based on your potential energy, you can solve for Psi. I'd look it up on Wikipedia (you want the time independent form) so you can get practice solving it (it's actually not that bad for the potentials given). And for the reflection and transmission coefficients, those will not be the answer. Those are for a different potential (a single finite barrier I think, but that's just an inspective guess.)
  • #5
You have four regions: x<-a, -a<x<0, 0<x<b, and x>b, which I will call R1, R2, R3, and R4. In each region, you solve the time-independent Schr eq. For a consant potential, the most general solution is of the form A e^(ikx) + B e^(-ikx), except possibly in R3; the solution is of this form if E>V0, but takes the form A e^(kx) + B e^(-kx) if E<V0. The value of k is generally different in each region, so you should give them all different names (eg, k1, etc.). You should figure out what they are; for example, you should find [itex]k_1=k_4=(2mE/\hbar^2)^{1/2}[/itex].

Next, you are doing a scattering problem with a particle incident from the left, so in R4 the particle should only be moving to the right; that means, in R4, the solution must be of the form G e^(i k4 x).

In R1, there is the incident wave, and a reflected wave, so we should take the wave function to be A e^(i k1 x) + B e^(-i k1 x). The reflection coefficient will then be R=|B|^2/|A|^2. The transmission coefficient will be T=|G|^2/|A|^2.

In R2 and R3, we use C e^(i k2 x) + D e^(-i k2 x) and E e^(i k3 x) + F e^(-i k3 x) (for the E>V0 case; if you solve this one, you can get the solution to the E<V0 case by letting k3 be imaginary, but you must know whether it's real or imaginary before taking absolute values to get R and T).

Now, at each of three boundaries between regions (x=-a, x=0, and x=b), the wave function and its first derivative must match. You can save yourself a lot of trouble by solving this ONCE: consider a match between A e^(i k x) + B e^(-i k x) on the left and C e^(i k' x) + D e^(-i k' x) on the right, at x=L. This will give you two equations that relate A and B to C and D. It's useful to write these in matrix form:
[tex]\begin{pmatrix} A \\ B \end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix} \ldots & \ldots \\ \ldots & \ldots \end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix} C \\ D \end{pmatrix}[/tex]
where the entries in the square matrix will depend on k, k', and L.

Now do this at each boundary, writing the column vector (A,B) as a matrix times (C,D), then (C,D) as a matrix times (E,F), then (E,F) as a matrix times (G,0). Then you can write (A,B) as the product of three matrices times (G,0). Multiply out the three matrices, and you have A as something times G, and B as something times G. G then cancels out when you compute R=|B|^2/|A|^2 and T=|G|^2/|A|^2, so you might as well just set G=1.

And you're done!
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  • #6
Thanks a lot! So basically, the first step is to figure out each k and solve the equation for psi? I guess that k2 and k3 are the same as k1 and k4, except that I replace "E" with "V-E", right?
  • #7
shan564 said:
Thanks a lot! So basically, the first step is to figure out each k and solve the equation for psi? I guess that k2 and k3 are the same as k1 and k4, except that I replace "E" with "V-E", right?
The values of k come from solving the (Time Independent) SE. k1 and k4 will be the same, but k2 and k3 will have one or two (depending on how big E is) important differences.
  • #8
Avodyne said:
Multiply out the three matrices, and you have A as something times G, and B as something times G.

OK... I got this far and I corroborated my answer with a classmate's.

Here's my latest problem... I multiplied out the three matrices using Mathematica and result (the "something" mentioned above in bold) was ridiculously long. I was expecting some of the things to cancel out, but it didn't seem to work out that way. This answer seems too complicated... am I doing something wrong or is this it?
  • #9
It should be pretty long, especially since you're transmitting through different potentials, with different signs, and with different widths--doesn't leave much room for things to cancel out. I can't say for sure whether or not your answer is correct, but that it should be long.

FAQ: Particle in a box wave function problem

1. What is the "Particle in a box" wave function problem?

The "Particle in a box" wave function problem is a theoretical physics problem that involves finding the wave function and corresponding energy levels for a particle confined within an infinitely deep potential well, also known as a box. The box represents the boundaries within which the particle is allowed to exist and the wave function describes the probability of finding the particle within a certain region of the box.

2. What is the significance of the "Particle in a box" problem?

The "Particle in a box" problem is significant because it serves as a simplified model for understanding the behavior of particles in confined spaces, such as atoms and molecules. It also helps to illustrate the principles of quantum mechanics and the concept of quantization, where energy levels are discrete rather than continuous.

3. How is the wave function for the "Particle in a box" problem calculated?

The wave function for the "Particle in a box" problem is calculated using the Schrödinger equation, which is a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of quantum systems. This equation takes into account the potential energy of the particle and the mass of the particle to determine the shape and energy levels of the wave function.

4. What are the boundary conditions for the "Particle in a box" problem?

The boundary conditions for the "Particle in a box" problem are that the wave function must be equal to zero at the boundaries of the box. This means that the particle has a zero probability of existing outside of the box, as it is confined within the boundaries.

5. How does the "Particle in a box" problem relate to real-world systems?

The "Particle in a box" problem can be applied to many real-world systems, such as atoms, molecules, and even nanostructures. It provides a simplified model for understanding the behavior of particles in confined spaces and can help to predict the energy levels and properties of these systems. It also highlights the concept of quantization, which is observed in many quantum systems in nature.

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