Particle Spin: Definition & Meaning

In summary, particles with a spin of 1/2 have half the total angular momentum of particles with a spin of 1. particles with a spin of 1 have the full total angular momentum.
  • #1
What is it? And What does it mean when we say s=1, 1/2,...?

Thanx in advance:smile:
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  • #3
jtbell said:
Try this for a start:

If you still have questions after reading this, feel free to come back and ask! :smile:

Thanx, but I read it before.:confused: I just can't get it how it effects on reactions. I mean what's the difference btw a particle with s= 1/2 and a particle with s=1?
  • #4
Em!ly said:
What is it? And What does it mean when we say s=1, 1/2,...?
Thanx in advance:smile:

Check out this thread

  • #5
Em!ly said:
I just can't get it how it effects on reactions.

Probably the most important way that particle spin affects reactions like decays is that the total angular momentum of a system is conserved in any reaction. This means, for example, that a spin-1/2 particle (with angular momentum [itex]\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\hbar[/itex]) can't decay into two spin-1/2 particles, because there's no way for the total angular momentum of the particles after the decay to have magnitude [itex]\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\hbar[/itex].
  • #6
Let's assume the decaying particle is at rest in the lab frame. This means it has orbital angular momentum 0 and all its angular momentum is due to spin. But the decaying particles, since they're moving, can have both spin (they have to have) and orbital angular momentum. The trick is that neither of the 2 is conserved, but only the total angular momentum.

I hope you see why JT's assertion is correct.

  • #7
If a spin -1/2 particle and a spin +1/2 particle (both with 0 orbital momentum)come together, will one of them always obtain orbital momentum? The way i imagine this in 2D is by having two circles in front of me spining with an angular momentum of the same magnitude (1/2) but different directions (one + and one -). In this scenario i would expect one of the particles to start orbiting the other, though i think depending on reference point we can always choose to see either one as orbiting the other. In any case it seems one of these objects would acquire orbital momentum, what happens to their angular momentum? Does the angular momentum of both particles change or does it stay the same?
  • #8
Thank you so much!:smile:
  • #9

FAQ: Particle Spin: Definition & Meaning

What is particle spin?

Particle spin refers to the intrinsic angular momentum of a particle, meaning it is an inherent property of particles and cannot be changed. It is a quantum mechanical property and is quantized, meaning it can only take on certain discrete values.

How is particle spin measured?

Particle spin is typically measured using a technique called spin spectroscopy, which involves analyzing the energy levels of particles in a magnetic field. The energy levels will be split due to the interaction of the particle's spin with the magnetic field, allowing for the determination of the particle's spin value.

What is the significance of particle spin?

Particle spin is a fundamental property of particles and plays a crucial role in various physical phenomena, such as magnetism and the stability of matter. It also has important applications in technologies such as MRI machines and quantum computing.

What are the two types of particle spin?

The two types of particle spin are intrinsic spin and orbital spin. Intrinsic spin is the inherent spin of a particle, while orbital spin is the spin resulting from the particle's motion around an external object, such as an atom's nucleus.

Can particle spin be changed?

No, particle spin is an intrinsic property of particles and cannot be changed or manipulated.

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