Particles on a String: Max Frequency & Effects of Oscillation

In summary, when considering N atoms separated by springs of force constant C, the solutions for the displacements of the atoms are traveling waves of the form exp(ikx). This leads to a dispersional relation of the form sin(...), which indicates a maximum frequency that can be supported by the oscillations. This phenomenon raises the question of why there is an upper bound on the frequency and what happens at this maximal frequency. It is not always true that small wavelength equals small frequency, as a high frequency can also result in a small wavelength. This can be explained by the inverse relationship between frequency and wavelength.
  • #1
Consider N atoms separated by springs of force constant C. If one writes up the N linear differential equations for the displacements of the string, you find that the solutions are traveling wavse of the form exp(ikx) and on finds a dispersional relation of the form:
sin(...), which means that there is a maximum frequency which the oscillations can support. I want to understand this last phenomenon that there is an upper bound on the frequence. Why is that so? What happens at this maximal frequency and what happens if we try to oscillate the atoms with a higher frequency that the maximal?
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  • #2
Why is that so?
It tells you:
"Because there is a dispersional relation of form..."

Why is that so? What happens at this maximal frequency and what happens if we try to oscillate the atoms with a higher frequency that the maximal?
Why not set up an equation and put some vales in and find out?

Also consider: what does "dispersion" mean?

A high frequency means a small wavelength - if there are N small masses joined by springs, so the separation of the masses is ##\small \Delta x## what does a wave with wavelength ##\small 2\Delta x## look like?
  • #3
"A high frequency means a small wavelength". This is exactly where I have trouble. Because I am used to continuous strings where frequency is proportional to 1/wavelength. But in this case, and any other case, is it always true that small wavelength equals small frequency?
  • #4
is it always true that small wavelength equals small frequency?
It's never true.
Small wavelength always means high frequency ... all other things remaining equal.
You meant to say that right?
  • #5
oops yes.
  • #6
Okay so now I have drawn the problem for the minimal wavelength and I could see what you meant. That trying to make the wavelength shorter only resulted in an actually longer wavelength due to the discreteness of the particles on the string. Now it all makes sense but one stupid thing: Why does small wave length always imply high frequency and vice versa? I can see it from the math but what is the physical interpretation?
  • #7
Why does small wave length always imply high frequency and vice versa? I can see it from the math but what is the physical interpretation?
Why is everything the other way up when you stand on your head?

You can work out the math for what each word means, separately, and then derive the relationship.

... "frequency" and "wavelength over speed" are different ways of looking at the same thing
... noticing that wavelength and frequency have an inverse relationship is like noticing that everything turns the other way up when you stand on your head.

FAQ: Particles on a String: Max Frequency & Effects of Oscillation

1. What is the concept of "Particles on a String"?

The concept of "Particles on a String" is a physics experiment that involves studying the behavior of particles attached to a string that is fixed at both ends, also known as a standing wave. This experiment can be used to understand the properties of waves and how they interact with matter.

2. How is the maximum frequency of the string determined?

The maximum frequency of a string is determined by its tension and length. The higher the tension and shorter the length of the string, the higher the maximum frequency will be. This is because a higher tension and shorter length will result in a higher speed of the wave traveling along the string, allowing for more oscillations per unit of time.

3. What are the effects of oscillation on the particles?

The particles on a string will experience a back and forth motion, or oscillation, when a wave is traveling through the string. The amplitude, or maximum displacement, of the particles will increase as the frequency of the wave increases. Additionally, the particles will experience a net displacement of zero, meaning they will return to their original position after one complete wave cycle.

4. How does the tension of the string affect the particles?

The tension of the string directly affects the speed of the wave traveling through it, which in turn affects the frequency and wavelength of the wave. A higher tension will result in a higher wave speed, leading to a higher frequency and shorter wavelength. This will cause the particles to oscillate at a faster rate and with a smaller amplitude.

5. What other factors can affect the behavior of the particles on a string?

Besides tension and length, other factors that can affect the behavior of particles on a string include the mass of the particles, the angle at which the string is held, and the presence of any external forces such as friction or air resistance. These factors can alter the speed and amplitude of the wave, leading to different patterns of oscillation for the particles.
