Particles touching each other inside a Black Hole's core....

In summary, particles "touching" is not a meaningful concept as they are not like little balls. A neutron star can be considered a "super atom" due to its packed neutrons, but a black hole is something entirely different and its interior is described by a mathematical singularity. Adding more neutrons to a neutron star could potentially result in a black hole, but it is uncertain what happens to the particles inside the black hole. Black holes are theoretical predictions of General Relativity and their nature cannot be described by known physics. The event horizon is the point at which light cannot escape, and as the black hole gets larger, its density decreases. However, it does not make sense to describe the interior of a black hole in normal terms
  • #1
I had a quick question regarding particles touching each other. I know no one can really say for sure but inside a black hole where the gravity is astronomical would the particles be considered to be pressed up against each other? are the forces involved enough to compress atoms down into the physical size of the particles they consist of and in such a state could 2 atoms actually touch /connect? would this create a super atom?

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  • #2
The concept of particles "touching" is not very meaningful, as they are not like little balls.

A neutron star consists mostly of neutrons packed together even closer than in the nucleus of an atom, so in that sense it can be considered like being made into a "super atom".

However, a black hole is something entirely different, where space and time have effectively given way completely. Anything which falls into it disappears into a mathematical singularity, which at present is outside the scope of known physics.
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  • #3
Thanks for the reply, I guess I was defining particles such as neutrons and protons as like little balls, as they are what give the atom mass. - My mistake.

As for the black hole, could it be described of having all that mass it has swallowed up compacted down like a neutron star but much denser. So all of the atoms are compressed together? I know the maths will describe this as a singularity. But in reality we can never know, but could it be seen in this sense. Instead of describing a black hole as anymore special than a neutron star. I am trying to imagine a point where all of that mass doesn't just simple vanish from our universe and is infact still there .

  • #4
Tommyboyblitz said:
As for the black hole, could it be described of having all that mass it has swallowed up compacted down like a neutron star but much denser. So all of the atoms are compressed together? I know the maths will describe this as a singularity. But in reality we can never know, but could it be seen in this sense. Instead of describing a black hole as anymore special than a neutron star. I am trying to imagine a point where all of that mass doesn't just simple vanish from our universe and is infact still there .
Unfortunately, it definitely doesn't make sense to describe a black hole as being made of anything like atoms or any other particles. The mass is still there as part of the overall object, but once anything is behind the event horizon it doesn't make sense to try to describe it in any normal terms.

And curiously, the nearest thing we have to "density" for a black hole actually gets less the larger the black hole (as the circumference of the event horizon is proportional to the mass).
  • #5
Jonathan Scott said:
WHowever, a black hole is something entirely different, where space and time have effectively given way completely.

I understand what you say by what about this scenario?

We keep adding neutrons to a neutron star one at a time. At some point the neutron start is so massive and bends spacetime so much that almost nothing could escape. Add one more neutron, and it becomes a BH. Instead of "almost nothing", now "nothing " can escape. But are there other drastic differences that we can be certain of that make it entirely different?

We can only speculate about what happens to the contents of the interior of the BH. Some models predict a singularity, but we can never confirm that, as far as I know.
  • #6
anorlunda said:
I understand what you say by what about this scenario?

We keep adding neutrons to a neutron star one at a time. At some point the neutron start is so massive and bends spacetime so much that almost nothing could escape. Add one more neutron, and it becomes a BH. Instead of "almost nothing", now "nothing " can escape. But are there other drastic differences that we can be certain of that make it entirely different?

We can only speculate about what happens to the contents of the interior of the BH. Some models predict a singularity, but we can never confirm that, as far as I know.
A black hole is a theoretical prediction of General Relativity with specific properties. So far, we know that most observations seem to support their existence and there is clear evidence of extremely massive dense objects which would have to be black holes if GR is correct at that level. So we are discussing a theoretical model. However, the mathematical nature of the singularity cannot be described by known physics.

It is thought that neutron star collapse to a black hole is likely to occur at some point when the gravitational pressure overcomes the neutron degeneracy pressure so the collapse starts before the black hole occurs, and it then effectively becomes a black hole loosely speaking when the rate of collapse reaches the speed of light. However, this is not known for certain.
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  • #7
Jonathan Scott said:
Unfortunately, it definitely doesn't make sense to describe a black hole as being made of anything like atoms or any other particles. The mass is still there as part of the overall object, but once anything is behind the event horizon it doesn't make sense to try to describe it in any normal terms.

And curiously, the nearest thing we have to "density" for a black hole actually gets less the larger the black hole (as the circumference of the event horizon is proportional to the mass).

I have always pictured the event horizon (for light) as a sort of bubble, at this point space is warped enough that light cannot escape, this is out outer circumference of the black hole but in reality all of the light and particles still spirals into a single point on the inside of the event horizon. As you say it doesn't make sense to describe it in normal terms but the particles haven't changed so it makes perfect sense to consider them in there normal state. Albeit a bit squashed and stretched etc.

Back to the original question the particles must "touch" or collide with each other as they do in a particle accelerator perhaps, is there a physical interaction when they collide? Could the singularity be a ball of the stuff that makes up all of the particles that have fallen into it?
  • #8
Tommyboyblitz said:
I have always pictured the event horizon (for light) as a sort of bubble, at this point space is warped enough that light cannot escape, this is out outer circumference of the black hole but in reality all of the light and particles still spirals into a single point on the inside of the event horizon. As you say it doesn't make sense to describe it in normal terms but the particles haven't changed so it makes perfect sense to consider them in there normal state. Albeit a bit squashed and stretched etc.
What happens at the singularity is unfortunately outside the scope of current physics. There is speculation that it must be influenced by quantum theory, but no mainline theory. There is general agreement however that particle properties are completely irrelevant inside the black hole.

Tommyboyblitz said:
Back to the original question the particles must "touch" or collide with each other as they do in a particle accelerator perhaps, is there a physical interaction when they collide? Could the singularity be a ball of the stuff that makes up all of the particles that have fallen into it?
Particles are described by wave functions which are localized in space but do not have hard limits. They interact by the various different forms of force. For particles which bind together, the forces are attractive until the particles are very close together and become repulsive if they get any closer, so that is similar to touch, which is how we describe that on the macroscopic scale for electromagnetic forces.

The physics of the singularity as described in General Relativity is undefined. It basically involves zero divided by zero or infinity divided by infinity (or both). Current physics cannot be extended to the singularity without producing contradictions.

Related to Particles touching each other inside a Black Hole's core....

1. What is the core of a black hole made of?

The core of a black hole is made up of an incredibly dense and compact mass, known as a singularity. This singularity is thought to contain an infinite amount of matter and have infinite density.

2. How do particles behave inside a black hole's core?

Inside a black hole's core, particles are thought to be infinitely compressed and have no physical size or volume. They are also subject to extreme gravitational forces, causing them to move at nearly the speed of light.

3. Can particles touch each other inside a black hole's core?

It is theorized that within a black hole's core, particles are so densely packed that they are essentially touching each other. However, due to the extreme conditions and the breakdown of known laws of physics, it is difficult to accurately describe what is happening at the singularity.

4. What happens when particles touch inside a black hole's core?

The exact behavior of particles touching inside a black hole's core is not fully understood. It is thought that they may merge together, leading to the growth of the singularity and the further collapse of the black hole.

5. Is it possible for particles to escape the core of a black hole?

According to current understanding, it is impossible for particles to escape the core of a black hole. The extreme gravitational pull of the singularity is thought to trap any particles within its grasp, making it impossible for them to escape.

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