Particles with a charge passing through electric field

In summary: The value of 1.28174 * 10^(-16) N is correct. You should then get an acceleration of 123,271 m/s^2 and a final velocity of 87.37 m/s which agrees with my answer.In summary, the particles with a mass of 2.6*10^(-21) kg and a charge of 4 times the electron charge, when fired into a homogenous electrical field created by two plates 7.5 cm apart with a voltage of 60V, must have a horizontal speed of at least 87.37 m/s to pass through the 8 cm field in a time of 0.0012334 seconds. This is calculated by first determining
  • #1

Homework Statement

Particles with the mass 2.6*10^(-21) kg and the charge 4 times the electron charge are fired into a homogenous electrical field made by two plates. The plates are 7.5 cm apart from each other and the voltage is 60V. Which is the least speed they need to pass through the field if it is 8 cm long? (I will illustrate down below)

Homework Equations

E = U/d
E = F/Q
E means electric field strength (I think)
F = ma
s = v*t + (at^2)/2

The Attempt at a Solution

You can see my illustration above. Okay, so let's get some things out of the way first. I assume there is either an upward or downward acceleration toward the plates caused by the voltage. I think the question assumes they are fired into the middle, so 7.5cm/2. Since there is either an upward or downwards acceleration, the speed in the horizontal line needs to be fast enough so that it gets through before hitting a plate.

So what do I need to figure out? The time it takes for the plates to draw the particle either upwards or downwards, and then just a speed in the horizontal line that gets it through the field in less than that time.

So I begin with E = U / d. d is distance between two plates. U is voltage. E is the electric field strength. I insert U (60 V) and d (0.075m) and I get: 800 (I don't know which unit, V per meter? Long time since we did anything with electrics).

Now I can get F right? Because I have both E and Q. So I insert what I have into E = F / Q => E * Q = F. E is 800. Q? Four times the electron charge. This gives F = 1.28174 * 10^(-16).

Now we know F. We also have the mass! So we can calculate the acceleration through F = ma => F/m = a. This gives: 49297.7 m/s^2. I suspect this is wrong, or does it really get that big? Anyways. Let's continue.

We have the formula s = v*t + (at^2)/2. We know the distance (s), that is 7.5cm/2 (or 0.075/2). v means initial velocity, since it is 0 in the upwards direction we get: s = (at^2)/2. We don't know t (time). We break that out:
2s = at^2 => 2s/a = t^2. And then the square root of it all. Let's put it all together and get t.

t = 0.0012334 seconds.

Now we know it needs to pass the field which is 8 cm. v = s/t. All this gives v = 64.86m/s. So it needs to be fired into the field with a speed higher than 64.86m/s.

Asides from eventual calculation errors (I might have forgotten multiplying the electron charge by 4), am I correct?
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  • #2
BadatPhysicsguy said:

Homework Statement

Particles with the mass 2.6*10^(-21) kg and the charge 4 times the electron charge are fired into a homogenous electrical field made by two plates. The plates are 7.5 cm apart from each other and the voltage is 60V. Which is the least speed they need to pass through the field if it is 8 cm long? (I will illustrate down below)

Homework Equations

E = U/d
E = F/Q
E means electric field strength (I think)
F = ma
s = v*t + (at^2)/2

The Attempt at a Solution

You can see my illustration above. Okay, so let's get some things out of the way first. I assume there is either an upward or downward acceleration toward the plates caused by the voltage. I think the question assumes they are fired into the middle, so 7.5cm/2. Since there is either an upward or downwards acceleration, the speed in the horizontal line needs to be fast enough so that it gets through before hitting a plate.
I question that assumption. If you're looking for the least possible horizontal velocity then you want to maximize the "falling" time of the particle. I'd assume that the particle enters the plates close by one of them.
So what do I need to figure out? The time it takes for the plates to draw the particle either upwards or downwards, and then just a speed in the horizontal line that gets it through the field in less than that time.

So I begin with E = U / d. d is distance between two plates. U is voltage. E is the electric field strength. I insert U (60 V) and d (0.075m) and I get: 800 (I don't know which unit, V per meter? Long time since we did anything with electrics).
Yes, looks good. V/m or N/C for electric field strength.
Now I can get F right? Because I have both E and Q. So I insert what I have into E = F / Q => E * Q = F. E is 800. Q? Four times the electron charge. This gives F = 1.28174 * 10^(-16).
You might want to check that force calculation. What exactly did you use for the value of Q?
Now we know F. We also have the mass! So we can calculate the acceleration through F = ma => F/m = a. This gives: 49297.7 m/s^2. I suspect this is wrong, or does it really get that big? Anyways. Let's continue.

We have the formula s = v*t + (at^2)/2. We know the distance (s), that is 7.5cm/2 (or 0.075/2). v means initial velocity, since it is 0 in the upwards direction we get: s = (at^2)/2. We don't know t (time). We break that out:
2s = at^2 => 2s/a = t^2. And then the square root of it all. Let's put it all together and get t.

t = 0.0012334 seconds.

Now we know it needs to pass the field which is 8 cm. v = s/t. All this gives v = 64.86m/s. So it needs to be fired into the field with a speed higher than 64.86m/s.

Asides from eventual calculation errors (I might have forgotten multiplying the electron charge by 4), am I correct?
Your method looks fine. Redo your force calculation as you suggest: you did forget to multiply the charge of the electron by four.

FAQ: Particles with a charge passing through electric field

1. What is a particle with a charge?

A particle with a charge is an object that carries an electric charge, either positive or negative. This charge is a fundamental property of matter and can be either stationary or in motion.

2. How do particles with a charge interact with electric fields?

Particles with a charge interact with electric fields by experiencing a force due to the presence of the electric field. This force can either attract or repel the charged particle, depending on the direction of the electric field and the charge of the particle.

3. What is the role of an electric field in the movement of charged particles?

The electric field acts as a force on the charged particles, causing them to accelerate or change direction. The strength and direction of the electric field determine the magnitude and direction of the force on the charged particle.

4. How does the charge of a particle affect its movement in an electric field?

The charge of a particle affects its movement in an electric field by determining the direction of the force it experiences. A positively charged particle will be attracted towards the negative end of an electric field, while a negatively charged particle will be attracted towards the positive end.

5. Can particles with a charge pass through an electric field without experiencing any force?

No, particles with a charge will always experience a force when passing through an electric field. This is because the electric field exerts a force on any charged particle that enters it, regardless of the direction or magnitude of the electric field.
