Partition function in polymers and entropic forces

In summary, the conversation discusses questions about Verlinde's paper on entropic gravity, specifically regarding the partition function, saddle point equations, and their relation to entropy in the context of polymers. The partition function represents the total number of ways a system can be arranged, while the saddle point equations are derived from the principle of maximum entropy and are used to find the most probable state of the system. The relation between entropy and energy is also discussed.
  • #1
Hi all,

Firstly, I'm not sure where to post this thread, but I'm hoping here is the right place. My questions developed through reading Verlinde's paper on entropic gravity:"

However my questions are with the introductory thermodynamic ideas he presents on entropy with polymers.

Firstly, I was wondering how the partition function (2.2) was arrived at? Specifically, from all that I've read on the internet, I don't see where the omega factor comes in?

Secondly, how are the relations (2.3) derived from the 'saddle point equations'? From what I gather, solving these saddle-point equations (2.3) gives the saddle points of the function [tex]\Omega{}e^{-(E+Fx)/kt}[/tex]. I should then be able to evaluate the integral Z. But why do I want to do that? What is the signficance of these saddle point equations? In terms of entropy?

Thirdly, how does (2.4) imply these saddle equations? I can see how if one defines [tex]\frac{dS}{dE}=\frac{1}{T}[/tex], but he seems to indicate that this is not needed?

Anyway, any help would be much appreciated = )

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  • #2

Hi there,

Thank you for your questions about Verlinde's paper on entropic gravity. I can offer some insights into the concepts and equations you are asking about.

Firstly, the partition function (2.2) is a fundamental concept in statistical mechanics, which is a branch of physics that deals with the behavior of large systems of particles. In this context, the partition function represents the total number of ways that a system can be arranged or distributed among its possible energy states. The omega factor, also known as the degeneracy factor, takes into account that some energy states may have multiple configurations or arrangements. It is derived from the combinatorial principle, which states that the number of ways to arrange n objects in a certain number of ways is equal to n!. In the case of polymers, the omega factor takes into account the different ways that the polymer chains can be arranged in space.

Secondly, the saddle point equations (2.3) are derived from the principle of maximum entropy, also known as the maximum entropy principle. This principle states that a system will tend towards the state with the highest entropy, or the most disordered state. In the context of polymers, this means that the system will tend towards the state with the most possible arrangements of the polymer chains. The saddle point equations are used to find the maximum of the function \Omega{}e^{-(E+Fx)/kt}, which represents the total number of arrangements of the polymer chains at a given energy and force. This maximum corresponds to the most probable state of the system, which can then be used to evaluate the partition function Z.

Thirdly, equation (2.4) is derived from the fundamental thermodynamic relation \frac{dS}{dE}=\frac{1}{T}, which relates the change in entropy to the change in energy at constant temperature. In the context of polymers, this means that the change in entropy is equal to the change in energy divided by the temperature. This relation is not explicitly needed to derive the saddle point equations, but it can be used to interpret the meaning of the saddle point equations in terms of entropy.

I hope this helps to clarify some of the concepts in Verlinde's paper. Keep in mind that these are complex and abstract ideas, and it may take some time and effort to fully understand them. Don't hesitate to continue asking questions and seeking out resources to deepen your understanding. Good luck with your

Related to Partition function in polymers and entropic forces

1. What is a partition function in polymers?

A partition function in polymers is a mathematical tool used to describe the statistical properties of polymer chains. It takes into account the different conformational states that a polymer chain can adopt and their corresponding energies. By calculating the partition function, we can determine the overall thermodynamic behavior of the polymer system.

2. How does the partition function relate to entropic forces?

The partition function is directly related to entropic forces in polymers. Entropic forces arise due to the restrictions on the conformational states of polymer chains. As the polymer chains become more constrained, the entropy decreases, leading to an entropic force that drives the polymer chains towards more extended conformations. The partition function helps us understand the magnitude of these forces and their effects on the polymer system.

3. What factors influence the partition function in polymers?

The partition function in polymers is influenced by several factors, such as the length and stiffness of the polymer chains, the temperature, and the solvent conditions. Longer and more flexible polymers have a higher number of conformational states, leading to a larger partition function. Higher temperatures and good solvent conditions also increase the number of accessible conformations, resulting in a larger partition function.

4. Can the partition function be experimentally measured?

Yes, the partition function in polymers can be indirectly measured through techniques such as light scattering, small-angle X-ray scattering, and nuclear magnetic resonance. These techniques provide information about the size and shape of polymer chains, which can then be used to calculate the partition function and other thermodynamic properties.

5. How is the partition function used in polymer research?

The partition function is a crucial tool in polymer research as it allows us to understand the thermodynamic behavior of polymer systems and predict their properties. It is used in various applications, such as designing new materials with specific properties, studying the folding and unfolding of proteins, and understanding the behavior of polymers in different environments. The partition function also helps in the development of theoretical models and simulations for polymer systems.

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