Passing a VBA array to a C++ dll - Example Needed

In summary, the conversation discusses the book "Financial Applications Using Excel add-in Development in C/C++" by Steve Dalton and how it lacks examples but contains useful information. The discussion then shifts to the topic of passing arrays and ranges from Excel to VBA to C/C++ and a request for a simple example is made. A link is provided as a solution and is deemed helpful.
  • #1
Hi all,

In the book "Financial Applications Using Excel add-in Development in C/C++" 2nd edition by Steve Dalton in Section 3.7.2 Passing arrays and ranges from Excel to VBA to C/C++ and in that section a description of how this can be done is given. No example of how to do this is given and he refers to an "example.dll" that isn't provided. This book is horrible written but seems to have all the information buried in it some where.

Could anyone provide a simple example of how to pass a 1-D array or vector from VBA to C++ then do a simple operation on the passed array values and then return the array values to VBA?

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  • #2

Have you seen this?
  • #3
chiro, no I didn't come across that one. Thank. I will see if I can use that.
  • #4
Yes, that methods works perfect. Sorry for the very slow response.
  • #5


Passing an array from VBA to a C++ dll is a common task in programming financial applications using Excel. Here is a simple example of how this can be done:

1. Create a new C++ dll project in Visual Studio.
2. In the project, create a function that takes in an array as a parameter and returns an array as the result. For example:

double* calculate(double* inputArray, int size)
// perform calculations on inputArray
double* result = new double[size];
// store the results in the result array
return result;

3. In the VBA editor, declare the function as an external function using the "Declare" statement. For example:

Declare Function calculate Lib "example.dll" (ByRef inputArray As Double, ByVal size As Integer) As Double

4. In your VBA code, create an array and pass it to the C++ function as a parameter. For example:

Dim inputArray(10) As Double
' fill the array with values
Dim resultArray As Double
resultArray = calculate(inputArray, 10)

5. The resultArray variable will now contain the array returned from the C++ function. You can then use this array in your VBA code as needed.

I hope this example helps you understand the process of passing an array from VBA to a C++ dll. Please note that this is a simplified example and may need to be adapted to fit your specific project. It is also important to properly manage memory when working with arrays in C++ to avoid memory leaks. I recommend further research and experimentation to fully understand the concept. Good luck with your project!

FAQ: Passing a VBA array to a C++ dll - Example Needed

1. What is a VBA array and how is it different from a C++ array?

A VBA array is a data structure that can store multiple values of the same data type. It can be created and manipulated within a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) program. On the other hand, a C++ array is a data structure that can store multiple values of the same data type, but it is created and manipulated within a C++ program. The main difference between the two is that VBA arrays are dynamic, meaning their size can be changed during runtime, while C++ arrays are static and have a fixed size.

2. How do I pass a VBA array to a C++ dll?

To pass a VBA array to a C++ dll, you need to declare the array as a variant in the VBA code and pass it as a pointer to the C++ dll function. The C++ dll function should be able to recognize the variant type and convert it to a compatible data type to work with the array. It is also important to properly manage the memory allocation and deallocation of the array within the C++ code.

3. Can you provide an example of passing a VBA array to a C++ dll?

Here is a simple example of a VBA code that declares an array and passes it to a C++ dll function:

Dim myArray As VariantmyArray = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Call MyDllFunction(myArray)

And here is the corresponding C++ code for the dll function:

void __stdcall MyDllFunction(VARIANT* myArray) {    // Convert variant to compatible data type (e.g. int)    int* cArray = (int*)myArray->pvData;    // Access and manipulate array elements    for (int i = 0; i < myArray->ubound; i++) {        cArray[i] = cArray[i] * 2;    }    // Release memory allocated for the array    SafeArrayDestroy(myArray);}

4. What are the benefits of passing a VBA array to a C++ dll?

Passing a VBA array to a C++ dll allows for more complex and efficient data manipulation and processing. C++ has a wider range of data types and functions that can be used to work with the array, making it suitable for handling large amounts of data. It also allows for better memory management, as the C++ code can handle the memory allocation and deallocation for the array.

5. Are there any limitations or considerations when passing a VBA array to a C++ dll?

Yes, there are a few limitations and considerations to keep in mind when passing a VBA array to a C++ dll. One limitation is that the C++ code must be able to handle the variant data type and convert it to a compatible data type. Additionally, the array size should be limited to the maximum size that the C++ code can handle. It is also important to properly manage the memory allocation and deallocation to avoid any memory leaks. Lastly, the VBA code and the C++ dll should be compatible and use the same calling convention to ensure successful communication between the two.

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