Path followed by a space station.

In summary, the conversation discusses whether a space station in circular orbit around Earth will follow a different path if its engine is fired radially outward. The reasoning is that angular momentum is conserved and the centripetal force must match the gravitational force for a circular orbit. One person asks for a genuine reason and another person provides a proof that for a fixed planet and mass, there is one and only one circular orbit for each value of angular momentum. The conversation ends with a question about when the gravitational force matches perfectly with the centripetal force in a circular orbit.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a space station orbiting around the Earth in a circular orbit. If it fires its engine radially outward, will it follow a different circular path or an elliptical path?

The Attempt at a Solution

Since the thrust force is perpendicular to the motion, the angular momentum is conserved. So it should follow an elliptical path.

Is this reasoning correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
Your answer is correct, but your reasoning is confusing. Why does the fact that angular momentum is conserved mean that it should follow an elliptical path?
  • #3
V = √(GM/R)
L1 = m√(GMR)

V' = √(GM/R')
L2= m√(GMR')

m - Mass of space station
V - Initial orbital velocity
V' - Final orbital velocity

L1 ≠ L2

So the path cannot be a circle. The other choice is only ellipse (as per the question) :biggrin:
I am interested in knowing the geniune reason though.
  • #4
Can anybody else provide me a reason?
  • #5
Hint: The centripetal force always is: [tex]F = mv^2/\rho[/tex] where [tex]\rho[/tex] is the radius of curvature. If [tex]\rho = R[/tex] where [tex]R[/tex] is the distance between the station and the earth, then the orbit is circular around the earth.

You may want to prove this statement: for a fixed pair of planet M and mass m<<M orbitting around M, for each value of angular momentum L of m, there is one and only one circular orbit corresponding to L.

P.S.: If you want a genuine reason, look at the centripetal force. It's actually gravitational force. When does the gravitational force match *perfectly* with the centripetal force in the case of circular orbit?
  • #6
hikaru1221 said:
You may want to prove this statement: for a fixed pair of planet M and mass m<<M orbitting around M, for each value of angular momentum L of m, there is one and only one circular orbit corresponding to L.

For every 'L' there is one and only one 'r'

hikaru1221 said:
When does the gravitational force match *perfectly* with the centripetal force in the case of circular orbit?

When they both are equal?

FAQ: Path followed by a space station.

What is a space station?

A space station is a large spacecraft that is designed to remain in space for an extended period of time and is used for various purposes such as scientific research, technology development, and human spaceflight.

How does a space station stay in orbit?

A space station stays in orbit by continuously falling towards the Earth while moving fast enough to avoid falling back to the surface. This is called orbital velocity and it is maintained by the station's engines or by periodic boosts from visiting spacecraft.

What path does a space station follow?

A space station typically follows a circular or elliptical orbit around the Earth. This means that its path is constantly changing as it moves around the planet, but it remains in the same general area.

How do astronauts get to a space station?

Astronauts can reach a space station through various means, including launching from Earth on a rocket or spacecraft, or by using a transportation spacecraft that is already docked at the station.

What factors affect the path of a space station?

The path of a space station can be affected by a range of factors, such as atmospheric drag, solar activity, and gravitational forces from other objects in space. Engineers and scientists continuously monitor and make adjustments to the station's path to ensure its safety and stability.
