Path Independence of Line Integral: del^2(f)=0

In summary: Thus, the line integral is independent of path. In summary, the conversation discusses proving the path-independence of a line integral in a simple region D, given that the function f is harmonic. Various methods are suggested, including the use of vector fields and the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, to show that the line integral is independent of path.
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Homework Statement

If f is a harmonic function, that is del^2(f)=0, show that the line integral: (integral)f_y dx - f_x dy is independent of path in any simple region D.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to rewrite the given integral as integral of Q dx - P dy, since path independence means vector field F=del f. But I don't know where it's supposed to take me...
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  • #2
Remember that for a conservative vector field, [tex]\nabla \times \textbf{F} = 0[/tex].
  • #3
fk378 said:

Homework Statement

If f is a harmonic function, that is del^2(f)=0, show that the line integral: (integral)f_y dx - f_x dy is independent of path in any simple region D.

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to rewrite the given integral as integral of Q dx - P dy, since path independence means vector field F=del f. But I don't know where it's supposed to take me...
Let [tex]f_{x}=M[/tex], [tex]f_{y}=N[/tex] and f is harmonic i.e. [tex]\bigtriangledown^2f(x,y)=0[/tex], then if [tex]f(x,y)= \int_{(x_{0},y_{0}}^{(x,y)}F dr[/tex] and [tex]\bigtriangledown f= Mi + Nj[/tex], then you need to prove that [tex]\int Ndx - Mdy[/tex] is path-independent.

I believe you have to use the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
  • #4
konthelion said:
Let [tex]f_{x}=M[/tex], [tex]f_{y}=N[/tex] and f is harmonic i.e. [tex]\bigtriangledown^2f(x,y)=0[/tex], then if [tex]f(x,y)= \int_{(x_{0},y_{0}}^{(x,y)}F dr[/tex] and [tex]\bigtriangledown f= Mi + Nj[/tex], then you need to prove that [tex]\int Ndx - Mdy[/tex] is path-independent.

I believe you have to use the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Or you can show that [tex]\nabla^2 f = 0 \implies \nabla \times (f_y \textbf{i} - f_x \textbf{j}) = \textbf{0}[/tex].

FAQ: Path Independence of Line Integral: del^2(f)=0

1. What is the concept of path independence in line integrals?

The path independence of a line integral means that the value of the integral remains the same regardless of the path taken to integrate. This is also known as the conservative property of line integrals.

2. How is the path independence of a line integral related to the gradient vector field?

The path independence of a line integral is closely related to the gradient vector field. If the line integral of a function f along a path is path independent, then the function f has a gradient vector field, and the value of the line integral is equal to the difference in potential between the endpoints of the path.

3. What is the mathematical representation of the path independence of a line integral?

The mathematical representation of the path independence of a line integral is given by the equation del^2(f)=0, where del^2 is the Laplace operator and f is the function being integrated. This equation indicates that the second partial derivatives of the function f are equal to zero, implying that the function is conservative and the line integral is path independent.

4. How is the path independence of a line integral useful in physics and engineering?

The concept of path independence in line integrals is useful in physics and engineering as it allows for the simplification of calculations involving conservative vector fields. It is also essential in the study of electromagnetism, fluid mechanics, and other areas of physics and engineering where vector fields are prevalent.

5. Can a line integral be path independent if the function being integrated is not conservative?

No, a line integral cannot be path independent if the function being integrated is not conservative. The path independence property is only applicable to conservative vector fields, and a non-conservative vector field will have a non-zero curl, making the line integral path dependent.
