Path integral Quantum Mechanics

In summary, Feynman's formulation of quantum mechanics involves the propagator K(x',t';x,t), which can be represented as A times e^(iS_cl). The classical action S_cl is evaluated along the classical path of motion, and A is a normalization factor. The first equation, which is true for the free particle propagator, is only an approximation for other potentials. The normalization constant A is given by a formula involving the partial derivatives of S_cl and is valid for potentials that are at most quadratic in x. The path integral formulation involves breaking the interval into smaller pieces and using the Lagrangian to find the action for each piece, eventually leading to the Lagrangian itself. The convergence of the path integral is
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi guys, I have a few questions regarding Feynman's formulation of quantum mechanics.

Given the propagator K(x',t';x,t), when is this propagator equal to:


Where S_cl is the classical action evaluated along the classical path of motion (i.e. where δS=0), and A is some normalization factor (which we we will get to in a moment)? I have seen arguments from method of stationary phase of the path integral:

$$K(x',t';x,t)=\mathcal{N}\int_x^{x'} e^{\int_t^{t'}\mathcal{L}dt}\mathcal{D}x$$

Where ##\mathcal{N}## is another normalization constant (let's not worry too much about convergence of this integral at this point, since I have only basic questions). To show that the most contributions will come about for paths along stationary action if the action is large compared to ##\hbar##. But this is an approximation.

We know; however, from direct integration of the Schrodinger equation that the first equation is identically true (not just as an approximation) for e.g. the free particle propagator. So, this prompts me to ask, when is the first equation true in general and not just as an approximation?

I have seen an argument that the first equation will be identically true, and not just approximately true, given that the potential V(x) is at most quadratic in x (so it would work for e.g. the Harmonic oscillator as well). Is this so?

My next question is in regards to the normalization constant A. I have seen it given, without proof, as:

$$A=\sqrt{\frac{i}{2\pi\hbar}\frac{\partial^2 S_{cl}(x',t';x,t)}{\partial x'\partial x}}$$

How general is this formula? Is this also for cases where the potential is at most quadratic in x?
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  • #2
Matterwave said:
I have seen an argument that the first equation will be identically true, and not just approximately true, given that the potential V(x) is at most quadratic in x (so it would work for e.g. the Harmonic oscillator as well). Is this so?

Yes, it is true if the Lagrangian is at most quadratic in ##x## and ##\dot x##. In this case the path integral is an infinite-dimensional version of a Gaussian integral, and evaluates to the expression you gave.
  • #3
The_Duck said:
Yes, it is true if the Lagrangian is at most quadratic in ##x## and ##\dot x##. In this case the path integral is an infinite-dimensional version of a Gaussian integral, and evaluates to the expression you gave.

And in cases where the Lagrangian is more than quadratic in ##x##, the equation is only approximately true for large actions?

This point has always confused me in many treatments of the path integral formulation, for example, the formulation found in Gordon Baym's lecture notes. He goes and first gets the first equation for a free-particle, and then he goes on to break the interval up into many little pieces to derive the path integral, and then arrives at the exact same answer he started out with. I always wondered, why in the world, if you have the solution already for the entire interval, would you go back and break up this interval up into little pieces and make things 100 times more complicated for yourself? -.-
  • #4
Matterwave said:
I always wondered, why in the world, if you have the solution already for the entire interval, would you go back and break up this interval up into little pieces and make things 100 times more complicated for yourself? -.-

Its the standard calculus thing - by splitting the interval and going to zero you get an integral in the action.

You start out with <x'|x> then you insert a ton of ∫|xi><xi|dxi = 1 in the middle to get ∫...∫<x|x1><x1|...|xn><xn|x> dx1...dxn. Now <xi|xi+1> = ci e^iSi so rearranging you get
∫...∫ e^ i∑Si.

Focus in on ∑Si. Define Li = Si/Δti, Δti is the time between the xi along the jagged path they trace out. ∑ Si = ∑Li Δti. As Δti goes to zero the reasonable physical assumption is made that Li is well behaved and goes over to a continuum so you get ∫L dt.

Now Si depends on xi and Δxi. But for a path Δxi depends on the velocity vi = Δxi/Δti so its very reasonable to assume when it goes to the continuum L is a function of x and the velocity v.

Its a bit of fun working through the math with Taylor approximations seeing its quite a reasonable process.

In this way you see the origin of the Lagrangian. And by considering close paths we see most cancel and you are only left with the paths of stationary action.

Go and get copy of Landau - Mechanics where all of Classical mechanics is derived from this alone - including the existence of mass and that its positive. Strange but true. Actually some other assumptions are also made, but its an interesting exercise first seeing what they are, and secondly their physical significance. Then from that going through Chapter 3 of Ballentine: QM - A Modern Development.

You will emerge shaking your head at the awesome power of symmetry in physics. Don't take my word for it - experience the revelation for youself - its life changing.

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  • #5
Ok, thanks for the recommendation.
  • #6
Matterwave said:
My next question is in regards to the normalization constant A

The convergence of the path integral is a very very difficult issue, even its existence is a problem.

Some recent work on so called Hida distributions has shed light on it.

The issue though is Hida distributions were not developed in physics, but in the applied math area of stochastic modelling so it may take mathematical physicists a little while to incorporate its insights. I first came across this years ago when I was into Stochastic modelling, so it all may be sorted out now.

  • #7
bhobba said:
The convergence of the path integral is a very very difficult issue, even its existence is a problem.

Some recent work on so called Hida distributions has shed light on it.

The issue though is Hida distributions were not developed in physics, but in the applied math area of stochastic modelling so it may take mathematical physicists a little while to incorporate its insights. I first came across this years ago when I was into Stochastic modelling, so it all may be sorted out now.


I'm aware of the convergence issues for the path integrals. I am, in fact, reading a monograph at this moment about these such issues. I am not able to follow all the arguments in my first read-through, so I wanted to clarify some pre-existing issues I had with the formulation first, which is why I posted here.

But regardless of the convergence of the path integral, we should be able to obtain the propagator itself by solving the Schrodinger equation (it is, after all, a solution for the Schrodinger equation with ##\psi(x,t_0)=\delta(x-x_0)##) right? So the propagator itself is always well defined (as long as the S.E. has a solution), but the path integral may not be.

It would just be formally enlightening if it is indeed always possible for us to express the propagator in such a path-integral expression, so work should/is being done on trying to define this path integral for a wider class of applications?
  • #8
Matterwave said:
(it is, after all, a solution for the Schrodinger equation with ##\psi(x,t_0)=\delta(x-x_0)##) right? So the propagator itself is always well defined (as long as the S.E. has a solution), but the path integral may not be.

Yep - as far as I know anyway.

Matterwave said:
It would just be formally enlightening if it is indeed always possible for us to express the propagator in such a path-integral expression, so work should/is being done on trying to define this path integral for a wider class of applications?

Hida distributions do solve the issue.

But beware - it advanced (you need to be familiar with and understand the language of Rigged Hilbert Spaces for example) and the tomes on it are from stochastic modelling - not physics - at least the ones I own anyway - I was into it at one time.

  • #9
By "Hida distributions do solve the issue", do you mean they solve the convergence issues given any arbitrary Hamiltonian? I have seen Wiener measure regularizations in the phase space path integral which give a real Wiener measure for the path integrals to give the propagator in a coherent state representation, but these regularizations are limited at least to polynomial (in P and Q) Hamiltonians.

Also as a follow up, I'm wondering if these issues of convergence of path integrals have anything to do with renormalization? I've only seen renormalization in a very basic introduction (integrals of momenta over loops in the Feynman diagrams).
  • #10
Matterwave said:
By "Hida distributions do solve the issue", do you mean they solve the convergence issues given any arbitrary Hamiltonian? I have seen Wiener measure regularizations in the phase space path integral which give a real Wiener measure for the path integrals to give the propagator in a coherent state representation, but these regularizations are limited at least to polynomial (in P and Q) Hamiltonians.

Also as a follow up, I'm wondering if these issues of convergence of path integrals have anything to do with renormalization? I've only seen renormalization in a very basic introduction (integrals of momenta over loops in the Feynman diagrams).

Just in case that you have not seen this book by Zee. It goes through path integral very thoroughly.,d.ZGUIt will take some time to download.
  • #11
Matterwave said:
I have seen Wiener measure regularizations in the phase space path integral which give a real Wiener measure for the path integrals to give the propagator in a coherent state representation, but these regularizations are limited at least to polynomial (in P and Q) Hamiltonians.

If you want to delve into Hida distributions be my guest eg:

How it applies to Feynman Integrals:

Its been years since I was into this sort of stuff so I won't be able to assist - good luck.

This has nothing to do with renormalisation which is entirely different:

The fundamental idea behind renormalisation is that some quantities in your equations blow up to infinity and yet you use them to perturb around - which obviously won't work. Quantities you perturb around should be small, and infinity is the worse choice of all - they are called the bare quantities. So what you do is instead perturb around a quantity that is in a tricky way small (this is guaranteed by the fact its fixed by measurement) - they are called renormalised.

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  • #12
Ok Thanks for the sources. :)
  • #13
Matterwave said:
But regardless of the convergence of the path integral, we should be able to obtain the propagator itself by solving the Schrodinger equation (it is, after all, a solution for the Schrodinger equation with ##\psi(x,t_0)=\delta(x-x_0)##) right? So the propagator itself is always well defined (as long as the S.E. has a solution), but the path integral may not be.

Yes, you can see this just by considering the propagator for energy eigenstates, which is trivial:

[tex]K(n',t';n,t) = \delta_{n,n'}e^{-iE_n(t'-t)}[/tex]

then you can get your desired propagator from a simple change of basis:

[tex]K(x',t';x,t) = \sum_{n}\langle x'| n \rangle \langle n | x \rangle e^{-iE_n(t'-t)} .[/tex]

So you have this representation of the propagator with a pretty small number of assumptions.
  • #14
ftr said:
Just in case that you have not seen this book by Zee. It goes through path integral very thoroughly.,d.ZGU

It will take some time to download.

In Zee Chapter III.5 Field Theory without Relativity, first two pages, he obtains the free-particle Lagrangian density in ψ for Schrodinger's eqn from the non-relativistic limit of the free scalar field of the Klein-Gordon equation. What I'd like to do is relate the corresponding transition amplitude Z, computed using ψ, to the free-particle propagator K given in this thread. In QM, one computes the propagator K for a free particle to go from (x,t) to (x',t'). In QFT, one computes the transition amplitude Z for the creation of a particle at (x,t) and its later annihilation at (x',t'). I've looked at dozens of lecture notes and text excerpts online, but I haven't found anyone who relates K and Z for the simple free particle case. If QM can be obtained from QFT as Zee shows in this case, then I should be able to compute the free-particle ψ(x',t') directly from the free-particle propagator K (e.g., with ψ(x,t) = δ(x), as is commonly done) or using the non-relativistic free scalar field transition amplitude Z. Has anyone seen this done?
  • #15
Matterwave said:
And in cases where the Lagrangian is more than quadratic in ##x##, the equation is only approximately true for large actions?

I'm not sure for that particular formula, but the idea behind The Duck's comments is that in general the classical part is only the stationary phase or saddle point approximation that you mentioned.

Matterwave said:
This point has always confused me in many treatments of the path integral formulation, for example, the formulation found in Gordon Baym's lecture notes. He goes and first gets the first equation for a free-particle, and then he goes on to break the interval up into many little pieces to derive the path integral, and then arrives at the exact same answer he started out with. I always wondered, why in the world, if you have the solution already for the entire interval, would you go back and break up this interval up into little pieces and make things 100 times more complicated for yourself? -.-

In some cases like non-Abelian gauge theories, the path integral is easier to calculate in. In general, one cannot just write down a path integral and hope that it will correspond to a quantum theory with operators and a Hilbert space. To solve the problem of mathematically defining the path integral, one rotates to imaginary time, so that the path integral becomes a classical stochastic process which is mathematically well-defined (eg. the old theory of Wiener measure), and then rotates the answer back to real time to get quantum mechanics instead of a stochastic process. The partition function of quantum mechanics is formally analogous to what probabilists call a generating functional, eg. The path integral should be seen as just an amazing calculational trick. One cannot just write down any path integral describing a stochastic process and hope that the corresponding quantum theory exists. In relativistic QFT, one set of conditions for the path integral to be a meaningful quantum theory are the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms Strocchi's book has some information about these issues in QM
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  • #16
RUTA said:
In Zee Chapter III.5 Field Theory without Relativity, first two pages, he obtains the free-particle Lagrangian density in ψ for Schrodinger's eqn from the non-relativistic limit of the free scalar field of the Klein-Gordon equation. What I'd like to do is relate the corresponding transition amplitude Z, computed using ψ, to the free-particle propagator K given in this thread. In QM, one computes the propagator K for a free particle to go from (x,t) to (x',t'). In QFT, one computes the transition amplitude Z for the creation of a particle at (x,t) and its later annihilation at (x',t'). I've looked at dozens of lecture notes and text excerpts online, but I haven't found anyone who relates K and Z for the simple free particle case. If QM can be obtained from QFT as Zee shows in this case, then I should be able to compute the free-particle ψ(x',t') directly from the free-particle propagator K (e.g., with ψ(x,t) = δ(x), as is commonly done) or using the non-relativistic free scalar field transition amplitude Z. Has anyone seen this done?

Sorry, I was being stupid. ψ(x',t') is the solution to the homogeneous SE. To make use of Z(J) from the non-relativistic KG equation, specifically the Green's function aka the QFT free field propagator, one needs both ψ(x,t) = δ(x) as a Source J and V(x')ψ(x') as a sink J. See section 17.1 through equation 17.19 from

Related to Path integral Quantum Mechanics

1. What is the concept of path integral quantum mechanics?

Path integral quantum mechanics is a theoretical framework that allows for the calculation of quantum mechanical processes by summing over all possible paths that a particle can take. It is based on the principle of quantum superposition and allows for the treatment of systems with multiple particles and interactions.

2. How is path integral quantum mechanics different from traditional quantum mechanics?

In traditional quantum mechanics, the state of a system is described by a wave function that evolves over time according to the Schrödinger equation. In path integral quantum mechanics, the state is described by a path integral, which is a sum of all possible paths that a particle can take. This approach is particularly useful for systems with multiple particles and interactions.

3. What are the advantages of using path integral quantum mechanics?

Path integral quantum mechanics allows for the calculation of complex quantum mechanical processes that would be difficult or impossible to solve using traditional methods. It also provides a more intuitive understanding of quantum phenomena, as it visualizes the path that a particle takes rather than just its final state.

4. How does path integral quantum mechanics relate to Feynman diagrams?

Feynman diagrams are a visual representation of the path integral in quantum field theory, which is a generalization of path integral quantum mechanics. They allow for the calculation of scattering amplitudes and can be used to visualize and interpret complex interactions between particles.

5. What are some applications of path integral quantum mechanics?

Path integral quantum mechanics has been successfully applied to various fields, including condensed matter physics, particle physics, and quantum field theory. It has also been used to study the behavior of atoms, molecules, and other physical systems at the quantum level. In addition, it has applications in quantum computing and quantum information processing.

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