Pauli exclusion principle, quantum states, and lasers?

In summary, the Pauli exclusion principle states that two like fermions cannot be in identical quantum states. This applies to electrons in a single atom, but not to electrons in different atoms. Bosons, on the other hand, do not obey this principle and can occupy the same place at the same time. This is why they can be used to create lasers, which are composed of photons (bosons). The spin of particles can determine whether they have identical quantum states, with integer spin values allowing for identical states and half-integer spin values not. This can be seen in superconductors and superfluids. If photons were to become fermions, they would still follow the Pauli exclusion principle and it would not affect the nature
  • #1
As I understand it, the Pauli exclusion principle states that no two like fermions can be in identical quantum states. I also understand that the quantum states are thus: [tex]n[/tex], which is the electron shell, [tex]l[/tex], which is the subshell, [tex]m_{l}[/tex], which is orbital, and [tex]m_{s}[/tex], which is spin. However, it seems that this explanation only talks about electrons in a single atom... that is, two electrons can both have the exact same quantum numbers as long as they are in two separate atoms. Am I missing something? Are there other quantum numbers, or something?

Also, I once heard it told that the fact that bosons do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle is the reason we can make lasers with them (well, with photons, which are bosons). Why does the Pauli exclusion principle prevent fermions into being in lasers, or some similar application? What is it about lasers that bosons can be in them, but not fermions?

And lastly, there are certain elements whose spin add up to integer values, and others whose spin add up to half integer values... does this literally mean that those with integer value can have identical quantum states, and those with half integer can't? Wouldn't the fact that the nucleons in the atoms are half-integer particles affect this?
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  • #2
No, no one?
  • #3
Two fermions cannot occupy the same place AND have the same quantum states. You could think of the position as a quantum state I suppose. Two electrons can occupy the same atomic orbital, but both have to have a different spin. Electrons in different atoms do not occupy the same spot since they are in different atoms.

A laser is a continuous "beam" made up of photons that are all in phase with each other and very close to the same wavelength. Lasers are formed by the stimulated emission of radiation inside a medium. You CANNOT have a laser that is formed out of anything but light. It wouldn't be a laser then. The pauli exclusion principle has nothing to do with not allowing other particles to be a laser, its simply a completely different thing to have a laser and to have a particle beam.
  • #4
So, unless I'm greatly misunderstanding, does that mean two bosons can be in the same place at the same time? What about composite bosons?
  • #5
Bosons are entirely unaffected by the exclusion principle.

For photons to be in the same place at the same time, you can consider interference of their wave nature, but the "position of a wave" is nonsensical.
  • #6
Juxtaroberto said:
What is it about lasers that bosons can be in them, but not fermions?
Well lasers produce photons, by the way they are constructed, and photons are bosons.
Nobody would call an electron gun (which produces fermions) a laser...
Juxtaroberto said:
And lastly, there are certain elements whose spin add up to integer values, and others whose spin add up to half integer values... does this literally mean that those with integer value can have identical quantum states, and those with half integer can't?
Yes. This happens in superconductors and superfluids; see, e.g.,
  • #7
Thanks, you guys have been really helpful.

Although, let me rephrase that question... should photons cease to be bosons and become fermions, for whatever reason, is there anything in the nature of lasers that could go against the Pauli exclusion principle?
  • #8
Juxtaroberto said:
Thanks, you guys have been really helpful.

Although, let me rephrase that question... should photons cease to be bosons and become fermions, for whatever reason, is there anything in the nature of lasers that could go against the Pauli exclusion principle?

I don't believe so.
  • #9
Juxtaroberto said:
should photons cease to be bosons and become fermions, for whatever reason, is there anything in the nature of lasers that could go against the Pauli exclusion principle?
Any source producing a beam of Fermions will respect the Pauli exclusion principle.

FAQ: Pauli exclusion principle, quantum states, and lasers?

1. What is the Pauli exclusion principle?

The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two identical fermions (particles with half-integer spin) can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. This means that in an atom, for example, no two electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers (i.e. energy level, orbital, spin).

2. What are quantum states?

Quantum states are the possible states that a quantum system (such as an electron or photon) can exist in. These states are described by a set of quantum numbers, which determine the energy, position, and other properties of the particle.

3. How are quantum states related to the Pauli exclusion principle?

The Pauli exclusion principle only applies to identical particles, such as electrons. This means that two electrons cannot occupy the same quantum state in an atom. However, different particles (such as electrons and protons) can occupy the same quantum state.

4. What is the significance of the Pauli exclusion principle?

The Pauli exclusion principle is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that helps to explain the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic level. It also plays a crucial role in determining the electronic structure of atoms and the properties of materials.

5. How are lasers related to the Pauli exclusion principle and quantum states?

Lasers (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) rely on the principles of quantum mechanics, including the Pauli exclusion principle, to function. In a laser, electrons in an excited state are stimulated to emit photons of light, resulting in a coherent beam. The Pauli exclusion principle ensures that only one electron can occupy a specific energy level and orbital, allowing for the precise control of the light emitted by a laser.

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