Pauli Matrices in higher dimensions

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of constructing Pauli matrices in 4 spatial dimensions and the challenges that arise from this. It is suggested that the use of imaginary numbers in 3 dimensions may be a convenient accident and that there may be a need for a more general extension of complex numbers for dimensions >3. The Dirac matrices are also mentioned as a possible solution in 4 spacetime dimensions, but it is noted that they do not fully answer the question. The conversation also delves into the idea that the mathematics used in quantum mechanics may have more degrees of freedom than necessary.
  • #1
This has been bugging me for a while, but feel to tell me if it's a nonsensical or silly question..

Suppose there were 4 spatial dimensions instead of 3. How would we go about constructing the Pauli matrices?

Assuming each matrix still only has 2 eigenvectors, we require 4, 2x2 mutually orthogonal matrices satisfying the commutation relations. As well as that, the eigenvectors of any matrix must be expressible as linear combinations of the eigenvectors of any other, ie. each set of eigenvalues forms a basis.

It seems to me that the only reason we are able to do this in 3 dimensions is through the use of imaginary numbers. Without imaginary numbers we can only form the two bases {(1,0), (0,1)} and {(1,1), (1,-1)}. Is there perhaps some more general extension of complex numbers that is necessary to extend the Pauli matrices to dimensions >3?
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  • #2
Look up quaternions.

Or you could take Dirac's approach. He solved the problem in 4 spacetime dimensions by using 4x4 matrices. For that, look up gamma matrices.
  • #3
The Dirac matrices do not answer the question, they are for Minkowski space, 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time, not the 4 spatial dimensions that are at issue. The question is a deeper one than it appears. For position and momentum only 2 conjugate bases are assumed, connected by a Fourier transform. For discrete systems, 3 and more conjugate bases are possible. A theorem by Wisemen (? of quantum cryptography fame) has shown that the number of mutually conjugate bases scale as the log of the state space. An 8 state system should have 4 mutually conjugate bases. Therefore, there should be an unlimited number of mutually conjugate bases for the infinite dimension case of position and momentum, but I've never seen them discussed.

A case can be made that the mathematics used in quantum mechanics are overkill, they have more degrees of freedom than the physics does. This means they could be a red herring, providing false clues about the fundamentals of quantum mechanics. The fact that Pauli spin matrices can be constructed for 3 spatial dimensions but not 4 suggests they might be a convenient accident. The observation that they cannot be easily extended to 4 spatial dimensions is rather insightful.

To see this, tensor multiply each base by itself. Two of them will yield bases conjugate to each other applicable to a 4-state system, but the third one (the one with imaginary components) yields a matrix that looks like a basis (orthonormal vectors) but is not Hermitian, and therefore does not represent a physically realizable measurement.

Related to Pauli Matrices in higher dimensions

1. What are Pauli matrices in higher dimensions?

Pauli matrices are a set of three 2x2 matrices named after physicist Wolfgang Pauli. They are used to represent spin states in quantum mechanics and have important applications in fields such as quantum computing and particle physics. In higher dimensions, Pauli matrices refer to a generalization of these matrices to a higher number of dimensions.

2. How many Pauli matrices are there in higher dimensions?

In higher dimensions, there are a total of n Pauli matrices, where n is the number of dimensions. For example, in three dimensions, there are three Pauli matrices, while in four dimensions, there are four Pauli matrices.

3. What is the mathematical representation of Pauli matrices in higher dimensions?

The mathematical representation of Pauli matrices in higher dimensions is a set of n x n matrices, where n is the number of dimensions. They are typically represented using the Greek letter sigma (σ) and indexed by a subscript to indicate the dimension. For example, the Pauli matrix in the x-direction in three dimensions is represented as σx.

4. What are the properties of Pauli matrices in higher dimensions?

Pauli matrices in higher dimensions share many properties with their 2x2 counterparts. These include being Hermitian, unitary, and traceless. They also satisfy the Pauli spin algebra, which involves commutation and anticommutation relations. Additionally, the eigenvalues of Pauli matrices are ±1, and their determinants are ±1.

5. What are some applications of Pauli matrices in higher dimensions?

Pauli matrices in higher dimensions have numerous applications in physics, particularly in quantum mechanics. They are used to represent spin states of particles in higher-dimensional systems, and they play a crucial role in determining the energy levels of these systems. They are also used in quantum computing algorithms, such as the quantum Fourier transform and quantum error correction codes.

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