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PBR = Proving Bohm RationallyDemystifier said:If the ultimate goal of PBR theorem is to prove that Bohmian mechanics is the only interpretation that makes sense, then no.
PBR = Proving Bohm RationallyDemystifier said:If the ultimate goal of PBR theorem is to prove that Bohmian mechanics is the only interpretation that makes sense, then no.
Demystifier said:PBR = Proving Bohm Rationally
That would be nice, but I'm afraid that Everetians would say that this proves their interpretation too.atyy said:I wish there were a counterpart showing that the wave function must be epistemic. Then since the wave function must be real and must be epistemic, there must be two wave functions as in Bohmian mechanics.
Demystifier said:That would be nice, but I'm afraid that Everetians would say that this proves their interpretation too.
And where do you see a difference?atyy said:If I understood correctly, @Demystifier gave the opposite answer in post #27. In emergent relativity, there is a preferred frame due to the underlying Bohmian mechanics. In that preferred frame (invisible to the Copenhagen observer), one can derive the quantum formalism for a Copenhagen observer who happens to use the preferred frame. Because of emergent relativity, the quantum formalism will predict the same probabilities for measurement outcomes regardless of which frame the Copenhagen observer uses.
No. PBR is simply a total failure, as explained and shown by Caticha's entropic dynamics. Which does not have two wave functions, its wave function is purely epistemic.atyy said:I wish there were a counterpart showing that the wave function must be epistemic. Then since the wave function must be real and must be epistemic, there must be two wave functions as in Bohmian mechanics.
Sunil said:Caticha's entropic dynamics
This argument would move us away from PBR and towards a more generic debate. See for example section II "Exactly How Quantum States Fail to Exist" in Fuch's paper https://arxiv.org/pdf/1612.07308.pdfSunil said:No. PBR seems to imply this but fails. The problem is that knowledge of the preparation procedure is also part of reality. Last but not least, the measurement devices and the record about the preparation procedure are part of reality. Even more, the mind having that incomplete knowledge is also part of reality too. So, if reality is fixed completely, the incomplete information about the system in that mind is fixed too, thus, the corresponding pure state of the quantum system is fixed too. So, it is psi-ontological by definition of psi-ontology.
Sunil said:And where do you see a difference?
This is a general property of emergent relativistic symmetry. Once it emerged, observers cannot see the differences between the frames. But once it is only emergent, and not fundamental, there is a preferred frame for the realists.
Maybe my "BM for different frames" was misleading. This should be understood like "the Lorentz ether theory for different frames". One may be a proponent of BM/Lorentz ether or whatever has a preferred frame but one may not know what is the preferred frame in the actual situation. So, one would have to make guesses, what if the preferred frame is CMBR with harmonic time, what if CMBR with comoving proper time, or whatever else could be a reasonable candidate for a preferred frame. These would be, essentially, different physical theories with different hypotheses about what is the preferred frame. For BM, they would predict different trajectories.
Yes.PeterDonis said:
Sunil said:No. PBR is simply a total failure, as explained and shown by Caticha's entropic dynamics. Which does not have two wave functions, its wave function is purely epistemic.
I think it's an overstatement. PBR rules out a large class of theories that naively someone might consider reasonable. But on the other hand, it's good to know that there are also other definitions of "epistemic" theories that are not ruled out by PBR.Sunil said:PBR is simply a total failure, as explained and shown by Caticha's entropic dynamics.
Sorry, no, this is what is done by Bell's theorem or by Kochen-Specker. They rule out certain interesting classes of theories, namely theories with Einstein causality and theories without contextuality. These would be features many people would like to have, so even if we have counterexamples with BM and other realist theories, the theorems remain useful.Demystifier said:I think it's an overstatement. PBR rules out a large class of theories that naively someone might consider reasonable. But on the other hand, it's good to know that there are also other definitions of "epistemic" theories that are not ruled out by PBR.
OK, some basic questions on ED. Is Schrodinger equation postulated or derived from something more fundamental? Is there a conceptual difference between pure and mixed states?Sunil said:But Caticha's entropic dynamics is not some somehow extravagant "other definition" of a psi-epistemic theory, it is psi-epistemic in the most natural, straightforward and beautiful way, there is nothing to object for a proponent of psi being epistemic.
No, Hardy as well as Chiribella et al. use a non-realistic approach, that means, the axioms are only about preparations/observables without any reference to something really existing inside the quantum system.atyy said:In Caticha's Entropic Dynamics, it seems the observer retains a special status? Is it similar in spirit to the derivations of quantum mechanics given by Hardy or by Chiribella and colleagues?
A nice result, but not that surprising, because all the realist interpretations use the same probability flow on the configuration space. So the average velocity in the stochastic variants is the same Bohmian velocity.atyy said:It's rather amazing to me that Bohmian mechanics is supposed to be some limit of Entropic Dynamics.
The Schrödinger equation is derived. Essentially in a similar way as in Nelsonian stochastics, except that what is used is the scheme of entropic inference developed by the objective Bayesians.Demystifier said:OK, some basic questions on ED. Is Schrodinger equation postulated or derived from something more fundamental? Is there a conceptual difference between pure and mixed states?
OK, now I read arXiv:1908.04693 and I think I understand the main ideas of ED. I think I understand its advantages and disadvantages.Sunil said:The Schrödinger equation is derived. Essentially in a similar way as in Nelsonian stochastics, except that what is used is the scheme of entropic inference developed by the objective Bayesians.
This gives an equation for probability densityand the phase . Then, one can see that fulfills the Schrödinger equation.
I have not seen a place where mixed states are considered, but I think that they are different follows from standard QM mathematics.
If this is the result of reading arXiv:1908.04693, I think it would be better to use the original paperDemystifier said:OK, now I read arXiv:1908.04693 and I think I understand the main ideas of ED. I think I understand its advantages and disadvantages.
In my opinion, the most problematic part is the drift potential constraint, Eq. (5). It is introduced in an ad hoc manner, just to reproduce quantum mechanics. There is no any other deeper argument for why should this constraint be true.
So to conclude, in my opinion, ED is not a convincing example of the idea that wave function can be purely epistemic.
OK, this now looks much more epistemic. But as he discusses in Sec. 9.3, the problem is the Wallstrom objection: If the fundamental (though epistemic) quantity isSunil said:But that the wave function is epistemic follows essentially from the definition.
Yes, the Wallstrom objection is rather serious in this case.Demystifier said:But as he discusses in Sec. 9.3, the problem is the Wallstrom objection: If the fundamental (though epistemic) quantity israther than , why should be single valued? The answers that he proposes are not very convincing to me. It's my feeling that whatever reason you choose for being single valued, it indirectly and tacitly assumes that is somehow more than just epistemic.
You are right, at this point my explanation of the Wallstrom objection was incorrect. But as you said, the Wallstrom objection is still serious.Sunil said:Your problem I don't understand. The fundamental thing is. Then, is a well-defined function, which is automatically single-valued.
After some thought, let me now present an improved version of my argument.Demystifier said:You are right, at this point my explanation of the Wallstrom objection was incorrect.
This is a very strange choice of words. For the functionDemystifier said:.
The consequence is thatis not single valued, in the sense that
for integer.
I would say that it depends on the domain for the variablemartinbn said:This is a very strange choice of words. For the functionit is also true that , but no one would say that it is not a single valued function. It is not periodic.
No, then the function is not well defined. It is not a function with that domain.Demystifier said:I would say that it depends on the domain for the variable. If the domain is , then you are right. But if the domain is , then I think it makes sense to say that the function is not single valued.
A mathematical term, I think, would be that the function has many branches. But in physics it's common to call it a multiply defined function.martinbn said:No, then the function is not well defined. It is not a function with that domain.
Can you give an example? Where is it called that?Demystifier said:A mathematical term, I think, would be that the function has many branches. But in physics it's common to call it a multiply defined function.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multivalued_functionmartinbn said:Can you give an example? Where is it called that?
I am familiar with this, but it is not what you are trying to say. If you have a multivalued functionDemystifier said:
Well, the purpose of mathematicians is to put the imprecise statements by physicists into a precise form.martinbn said:I am familiar with this, but it is not what you are trying to say. If you have a multivalued functiondefined on modulo , then the value will be a set of numbers (to be specific) but it still makes no sense to say that . The values and may be sets of numbers, not just a single number, but they are the same set, because and are the same element of the domain of the function.
No. In QT, what is single-valued is only the wave functionDemystifier said:But in the quantum case, the phase functionis single valued.
One physical consequence of this is quantization of angular momentum.
This is obviously a weak place. Yes, one would expect that an ontic function would be single-valued. But epistemic functions can be single-valued too, and necessarily single-valued. In Caticha's entropic dynamics,Demystifier said:The requirement thatmust be single valued indicates that is ontic, unlike .
A variant of the PBR error. You see one property of ontic objects (single-valued , in PBR no overlaps) and conclude that a function with such properties has to be ontic. Entropy has the same properties, but is epistemic (or can be interpreted in this way - a lot of physicists seem to think that entropy is ontic).Demystifier said:But ifis ontic, how can it be compatible with the fact that it is related to entropy in Caticha theory?
Following your source, Bolzmann entropy depends onDemystifier said:Analogy with classical physics is useful again, in this case with classical statistical mechanics (CSM). In CSM, there are two different definitions of entropy: Gibbs entropy and Boltzmann entropy. In general they are inequivalent, but in thermal equilibrium they turn out to be numerically equal to each other. The most important thing here is that Gibbs entropy is a function of probability density in the phase space, while the Boltzmann entropy is a function of point in the phase space. This means that Gibbs entropy is naturally interpreted as epistemic quantity, while Boltzmann entropy is naturally interpreted as ontic quantity.(*) This demonstrates that entropy can be ontic even when it can be expressed by a formula that looks epistemic.
(*) For more details I refer to https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.11870.
This is clearly a function of incomplete knowledge about X, not of X itself. So I'm not impressed by the idea that entropy is ontic.Γ(X) is the set of all phase points that “look macroscopically the same” as X.
Sunil said:And when I learned about the objective Bayesian approach, this impressed me a lot - what I thought is hopeless is not hopeless at all, but has a simple and beautiful solution, probability theory.
Today appeared a paper https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.06445 pointing out that PBR theorem assumes thatDemystifier said:If the ultimate goal of PBR theorem is to prove that Bohmian mechanics is the only interpretation that makes sense, then no.
I read a few of Ariel Catichas papers years ago, I if you aren't coming from there, they are very inspirational papers many of them! His mantra is "physics from inference", and it is right in line with my own thinking, so I can recommend it as well!atyy said:I intend to read Caticha's work more when I have time, but I confess I dislike objective Bayesian theory (not a fan of Jaynes). One reason I don't like it is I don't see why the Shannon entropy is unique, as there are other Renyi entropies.