PDE: Method of characteristics question

  • Thread starter mike1111
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    Method Pde
In summary: Ct = arccos(f(c))Solving for x, we get:x = ∛(3(arccos(f(c)) + Ct))This equation defines the level curve Lc for the constant c. To find the level curves for all possible values of c, we can plot these curves for different values of c.5. For u(x,0) = sin x, we can use the same method as in part 3 to find the solution:u(x,t) = e^(-x^3/3 - Ct + D) = sin(x - x^3/3 - Ct)However, when we substitute in our initial condition u(x,0) = sin x, we
  • #1
Homework Statement
x ut +ux =0
intial condition

1. Find the characteristics curves
2. What area of the xt-plane do u expect a solution
3. Find solution when f(x)=cos x
4.Now u(x,0)=f(x) (again), Find the level curves of u i.e for each c find the set Lc={(x,t):u(x,t)=f(c)}
5. Show there is not solution for u(x,0)=sin x
6. For what function is there a solution for u(x,0)=f(x), Then what the soution for u(x,y)?

The attempt at a solution
Can anyone check my solution to tell me if this is right and advise me on how to do this correctly. I think it wrong leading to incorrect answers everywhere else.
1. dt/dx = x
y=x2 +C

2. only on the x=0 since it can't apss throught the charactistics curve more than once

3. From initial
x(0,s) =s x(k,s) =s+k
t(0,s)=0 t(k,s) =xk
u(0,s)= cos s u(k,s) =cos s

u= cos (x/(x-y))
4. Not sure what 4 is asking can anyone head point me in the right direction?
5. I don't see how this is any different from the cos equation in part 3,
I end up getting u= sin(x/(x-y)) by the same method, but there not meant to be a solution
6. Any help is appreciated
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  • #2

1. Your solution for the characteristics curves is correct. However, you could also write it as y = x^2 + C, which is the same as x = √(y - C). This form may be more useful for finding the solution later on.

2. The area in the xt-plane where we would expect a solution is the entire plane except for the line x = 0. This is because the characteristics curves are not defined for x = 0, so the solution cannot pass through this line.

3. To find the solution when f(x) = cos x, we can use the method of characteristics. We have the initial condition u(x,0) = cos x, which gives us the initial characteristic curve y = x^2 + C, as we found in part 1. Plugging this into the equation xut + ux = 0, we get:

(x^2 + C)ut + (x^2 + C) = 0

We can solve this using separation of variables:

∫(1/u) du = -∫(x^2 + C) dt

ln(u) = -x^3/3 - Ct + D

where D is a constant of integration. Solving for u, we get:

u(x,t) = e^(-x^3/3 - Ct + D)

Substituting in our initial condition u(x,0) = cos x, we get:

cos x = e^(-x^3/3 + D)

Solving for D, we get D = ln(cos x), so our solution is:

u(x,t) = e^(-x^3/3 - Ct + ln(cos x)) = cos(x - x^3/3 - Ct)

4. The level curves of u are the curves in the xt-plane where u is constant. In other words, they are the curves where u(x,t) = f(c) for some constant c. To find these curves, we can use the solution we found in part 3:

u(x,t) = cos(x - x^3/3 - Ct)

Setting u(x,t) = f(c), we get:

cos(x - x^3/3 - Ct) = f(c)

This equation defines a curve in the xt-plane. To find the set of all points (x,t) that satisfy this equation, we can use inverse trigonometric functions:

x -

FAQ: PDE: Method of characteristics question

What is the method of characteristics?

The method of characteristics is a technique used to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) by transforming them into a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This method is particularly useful for solving nonlinear PDEs and can be applied to both initial value and boundary value problems.

How does the method of characteristics work?

The method of characteristics involves finding a set of characteristic curves in the domain of the PDE. These curves are obtained by solving a system of ODEs derived from the PDE. The solution to the PDE can then be obtained by solving the ODEs along the characteristic curves.

What types of PDEs can be solved using the method of characteristics?

The method of characteristics is applicable to first-order PDEs, both linear and nonlinear. It can also be used to solve some second-order PDEs, such as the wave equation and the heat equation. However, not all PDEs can be solved using this method.

What are the advantages of using the method of characteristics?

One of the main advantages of the method of characteristics is that it can be used to solve nonlinear PDEs, which are difficult to solve using other techniques such as separation of variables. It also provides a geometric interpretation of the solution, making it easier to understand and visualize.

Are there any limitations to the method of characteristics?

Yes, the method of characteristics may not be applicable to all types of PDEs. Additionally, it may not always be possible to find a set of characteristic curves that cover the entire domain of the PDE. This method also requires some knowledge of ODEs and can be time-consuming for complex problems.
