Pdf of exponetial distribution

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of a probability density function (PDF) having values larger than 1, specifically in the case of an exponential distribution. It is explained that this is not a problem as long as the density integrates to 1, and that a discrete random variable has a probability mass function (PMF) instead of a PDF. The primary differences between the two are also highlighted, emphasizing that the PDF does not give probabilities directly and can have values larger than 1, while the PMF gives probabilities for individual values and must be less than or equal to 1.
  • #1
I am confused as hell. If you look at exponential distribution at wikipedia or elsewhere, you can see that the pdf can attain values larger than 1.

How is it possible? This basically implies that probability density of some value is larger than 1? :mad:
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  • #2
hassman said:
I am confused as hell. If you look at exponential distribution at wikipedia or elsewhere, you can see that the pdf can attain values larger than 1.

How is it possible? This basically implies that probability density of some value is larger than 1? :mad:

Why is that a problem? All that is needed is for the density to be continuous and

\int_0^\infty p(x) \, dx = 1

(0 to infinity here since the exponential r.v. only takes on positive values)
  • #3
I think I get it.PDF refers to probability DENSITY function. So one cannot say the PDF of X, if X is discrete random variable, right?
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  • #4
hassman said:
well if u take all the points of the pdf of discrete distribution you add up to one. which is intuitive.

but if i take all the points on the pdf of exponential pdf, I will get more than 1. how is probability of more than one possible?

No, you won't get a probability of more than one. If you look at the form of the distribution function (the c.d.f), you will see it is

1 - \text{ non-zero expression}

so the probability is never above one.
  • #5
sorry for the ninja edit above
  • #6
So a discrete random variable does not have a probability density function, right? How is it called then? Probability mass function?
  • #7
hassman said:
So a discrete random variable does not have a probability density function, right? How is it called then? Probability mass function?

I'm not sure we're on the same thought here.
a) An exponential distribution is continuous, and it has a density and cumulative distribution function. it is possible for the density to have a maximum that is larger than one, as long as
it still integrates to one. the density function values are not probabilities - those come from the distribution function. If [tex] p(x) [/tex] is the density, then the distribution function is

P(x) = P(X \le x) = \int_{-\infty}^x p(t) \, dt
b) A discrete distribution has a mass function (the discrete analog of a density). the individual values of the mass function are probabilities; each one of them must be smaller than one, and the sum of all values of the mass function has to equal one. If [tex] m(x) [/tex] is the mass function, then for each value of the random variable

m(a) = P(X = a)

A discrete distribution also has distribution function. If [tex] t [/tex] is a real number,

M(t) = P(X \le t) = \sum_{x_i \le t} m(x_i)

where I mean the sum extends over all values that are [tex] \le t [/tex].

Primary differences:

1) the density for a continuous random variable doesn't give probability directly - the distribution function does that
2) the density for a continuous random variable can be larger than one, as long as it integrates to one
3) the mass function for a discrete random variable does give probability for individual values, and must always be [tex] \le 1[/tex]
4) a discrete random variable also has a distribution function

does this help?
  • #8
Yes, totally clear now. Thanks a lot.

Related to Pdf of exponetial distribution

What is the Pdf of Exponential Distribution?

The Pdf (Probability density function) of Exponential Distribution is a mathematical function that describes the probability of a continuous random variable taking on a specific value. In other words, it represents the likelihood of a certain outcome occurring in a continuous distribution.

What is the formula for calculating the Pdf of Exponential Distribution?

The formula for calculating the Pdf of Exponential Distribution is: f(x) = λe^(-λx), where λ is the rate parameter and x is the value of the random variable.

What is the relationship between the Exponential Distribution and the Poisson Distribution?

The Exponential Distribution and the Poisson Distribution are closely related as they both describe the probability of events occurring over a continuous period of time. The Exponential Distribution models the time between events, while the Poisson Distribution models the number of events occurring in a given time period.

What are some real-life applications of the Exponential Distribution?

The Exponential Distribution is commonly used in various fields such as finance, engineering, and medicine. It is used to model the time between customer arrivals in a queuing system, the survival time of a product or machine, and the time between infectious disease outbreaks.

How do you interpret the parameters of the Exponential Distribution?

The rate parameter, λ, represents the average number of events occurring per unit of time. A smaller value of λ indicates a longer time between events, while a larger value indicates a shorter time between events. The scale parameter, 1/λ, represents the average time between events. A smaller value of 1/λ indicates a shorter time between events, while a larger value indicates a longer time between events.
