Pendulum Problem (Simpson's Rule)

  • Thread starter boogalu
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In summary, the period of a pendulum with length L=1 meter and maximum angle Θ=40º can be computed using Simpson's Rule with n=10. By substituting the given values into the formula and evaluating it at each interval, the period is found to be 2.07 seconds.
  • #1
1. Consider a pendulum with length L that makes a maximum angle Θ with a vertical center line. The period T of this pendulum can be computed by the following integral
where k=sin(Θ/2) and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Find the period of this pendulum if L=1 meter and Θ=40º using Simpson's Rule with n=10


3. So if I substitute 1 for L and 9.8 for g, I can multiple the integral by the constant in front of it. The problem I have is with the integral itself. Since k=sin(Θ/2), I can not see how to integrate with respect to x or Θ because they are both in the denominator of the equation. Can somebody please help me out with this by explaining what I should do ? I know the Simpson's rule formula but I am stumped how to apply it since I can not understand how to integrate with this formula ? All helpful advice is kindly appreciated !
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  • #2
you only need to integrate w.r.t. x, theta is a constant in this equation as it represent the maximum angle, 40 deg for this case, so you can treat k as a constant
  • #3
what do you mean by integrate w.r.t. x ? I'm not familiar with that expression...
  • #4
w.r.t. x = with respect to x
  • #5
boogalu said:
3. So if I substitute 1 for L and 9.8 for g, I can multiple the integral by the constant in front of it. The problem I have is with the integral itself. Since k=sin(Θ/2), I can not see how to integrate with respect to x or Θ because they are both in the denominator of the equation.
The presence of dx in the numerator tells you you're integrating with respect to x, not θ.
Can somebody please help me out with this by explaining what I should do ? I know the Simpson's rule formula but I am stumped how to apply it since I can not understand how to integrate with this formula ? All helpful advice is kindly appreciated !
Simpson's rule is a method for numerically evaluating an integral:

[tex]\int_a^b f(x)\,dx \cong \frac{h}{3}\left[f(x_0)+4f(x_1)+2f(x_2)+4f(x_3)+\cdots+2f(x_{n-2})+4f(x_{n-1})+f(x_n)\right][/tex]

where n is the number of divisions, h=(b-a)/n, and xi=a+ih. This problem is pretty much just plugging everything into the formula and grinding out an answer.
  • #6
thanks guys, I did as you said, split up the thing into the ten intervals and evaluated it at each, multiplied all of it by the gravity-pendulum constant in front and it came out to be 2.07~ seconds which the professor said was correct !

FAQ: Pendulum Problem (Simpson's Rule)

1. What is Simpson's Rule?

Simpson's Rule is a mathematical method used to approximate the area under a curve by dividing it into smaller sections and using quadratic polynomials to estimate the area within each section. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to solve problems involving motion, such as the pendulum problem.

2. How does Simpson's Rule help solve the pendulum problem?

Simpson's Rule allows us to approximate the area under the curve of the pendulum's motion, which is necessary for calculating the period of the pendulum. By dividing the curve into smaller sections and using quadratic polynomials, we can get a more accurate estimation of the total area and therefore, a more accurate calculation of the period.

3. What are the limitations of using Simpson's Rule for the pendulum problem?

Simpson's Rule assumes that the pendulum's motion follows a smooth, continuous curve. If the curve is not smooth or has sharp turns, the approximation may not be accurate. Additionally, it is only an estimation and may not give the exact solution to the pendulum problem.

4. Can Simpson's Rule be used for all types of pendulum problems?

No, Simpson's Rule is most commonly used for pendulum problems with small angles. If the angle of the pendulum is large, the curve of its motion may not follow a quadratic polynomial and therefore, Simpson's Rule may not be suitable for solving the problem.

5. How can I improve the accuracy of using Simpson's Rule for the pendulum problem?

To improve the accuracy of using Simpson's Rule, you can increase the number of smaller sections or intervals used to approximate the area under the curve. This will result in a more precise estimation of the total area and therefore, a more accurate calculation of the pendulum's period. Additionally, you can also use other methods such as Euler's Method or Runge-Kutta Method to cross-check the results obtained from Simpson's Rule.

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