Pendulum Theory; how to improve accuracy to determine g

In summary, the conversation discusses using a pendulum to determine the value of g, the acceleration due to gravity. The method involves setting up a retort stand and adjusting the length of the string with a 50g mass attached. The length of the pendulum is measured and timed for 10 oscillations at a 30 degree angle, with the string being shortened by 5cm each time for at least 5 repetitions. The method is generally accurate, but can be improved by conducting more repetitions and taking into account potential sources of error.
  • #1
Theory based;
Using a pendulum to determine g

1. Set up the retort stand and clamp on the edge of a desk. Tie on the string and adjust its length to about 90cm before attaching a 50g mass carrier.
2. Using the metre rule, carefully measure the length of the pendulum from the knot at its top to the base.
3. Set the pendulum swinging at a 30 degree angle and use the stopwatch to time 10 complete back and forth swings (oscillations)
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 at least 5 times, after shortening the string by 5cm each time.

How does this method generally give very accurate results?
What could I do to improve the method of this experiment to make it more accurate?
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  • #2
Please and thank you!

FAQ: Pendulum Theory; how to improve accuracy to determine g

1. What is the Pendulum Theory?

The Pendulum Theory is a concept in physics that explains the motion of a pendulum, which consists of a weight attached to a rod or string that swings back and forth. It is used to measure the force of gravity, also known as the acceleration due to gravity (g).

2. How is the accuracy of g determined using the Pendulum Theory?

The accuracy of g can be determined by measuring the period of the pendulum's swing, which is the time it takes for the pendulum to complete one full swing. According to the Pendulum Theory, the period is directly proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum and inversely proportional to the square root of g. By measuring the period and the length of the pendulum, the value of g can be calculated with high accuracy.

3. What factors can affect the accuracy of g determined through the Pendulum Theory?

There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of g, such as air resistance, friction, and the amplitude of the pendulum's swing. Air resistance and friction can slow down the pendulum's motion, leading to an inaccurate period measurement. A larger amplitude can also cause errors in the period calculation, as the Pendulum Theory assumes a small amplitude swing.

4. How can we improve the accuracy of g determined through the Pendulum Theory?

To improve the accuracy of g, it is essential to reduce the effects of external factors such as air resistance and friction. This can be achieved by using a more streamlined pendulum and reducing the amplitude of the swing. Additionally, taking multiple measurements and averaging the results can also improve the accuracy of the calculated value of g.

5. Can the Pendulum Theory be used to determine g on other planets?

Yes, the Pendulum Theory can be used to determine the value of g on other planets. However, the length of the pendulum will need to be adjusted according to the planet's gravitational force, as g varies from planet to planet. Additionally, other factors such as atmospheric conditions and the planet's rotation may also need to be taken into account for accurate measurements.

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