Pendulum Velocity Homework: Find Mass's Speed at Bottom of Path

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a mass hanging on a rope and being released to swing like a pendulum. The initial energy is all potential and the final energy is all kinetic. By equating the two energies, the final velocity can be found using the formula KE = 1/2 mv^2.
  • #1
Yae Miteo

Homework Statement

A mass m = 5.5 kg hangs on the end of a massless rope L = 1.81 m long. The pendulum is held horizontal and released from rest. How fast is the mass moving at the bottom of its path?

Homework Equations

[tex]a_c = \frac {v^2}{r}[/tex]

[tex]F = ma[/tex]

[tex]v = v_o + at [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted to solve the problem by coming up with a formula, and then plugging in the numbers. To begin,

[tex]F = ma = m \frac {v^2}{r}[/tex]

[tex]v = v_o + at = 0 + t \frac {v^2} {r} [/tex]

so more neatly

[tex]F = m \frac {v^2}{r}[/tex]

[tex]v = t \frac {v^2} {r} [/tex]

but from here I'm stuck. I'm not sure how to find time, or even if it needs to be found at all. Any suggestions?
Physics news on
  • #2
Think of the conservation of energy:

what kind of energy does the mass have initially?
In which another kind of energy is then transformed into, once you drop the mass and let it swing?
  • #3
Before jumping to formulas, think what kind of motion is this. Is this accelerated motion? Is the acceleration constant?
Then you can decide what formula will apply to it.
  • #4
cwasdqwe said:
Think of the conservation of energy:

what kind of energy does the mass have initially?
In which another kind of energy is then transformed into, once you drop the mass and let it swing?
The initial energy will all be potential (PE = mgh) and the final energy will be entirely kintic (KE = 1/2 mv^2)
  • #5
Yae Miteo said:
The initial energy will all be potential (PE = mgh) and the final energy will be entirely kintic (KE = 1/2 mv^2)
Yes .By equating PE and KE can you find v?
  • #6
You're right, Yae Miteo. And you have all the data to compute those numbers and find v. ;)

FAQ: Pendulum Velocity Homework: Find Mass's Speed at Bottom of Path

1. How do you calculate the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path?

In order to calculate the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path, you will need to know the length of the pendulum (l) and the acceleration due to gravity (g). The formula for calculating velocity is v = √(2gl). Plug in the values for l and g and take the square root to find the velocity.

2. What is the relationship between the mass of the pendulum and its velocity at the bottom of its path?

The mass of the pendulum does not affect its velocity at the bottom of its path. The only factors that affect velocity are the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity.

3. Can the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path be greater than the initial velocity?

Yes, the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path can be greater than the initial velocity. This is because the potential energy of the pendulum is converted into kinetic energy as it swings, increasing its velocity.

4. How does the angle of release affect the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path?

The angle of release does not affect the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path. As long as the length and acceleration due to gravity remain constant, the velocity will also remain constant.

5. Why is it important to calculate the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path?

Calculating the velocity of a pendulum at the bottom of its path is important in understanding the motion and behavior of pendulums. It can also be useful in engineering and design applications, such as in the construction of clock pendulums or amusement park rides.
