Penguin Pauses for Laughter: Humor in Physics Forums

In summary, members on the forum were discussing the state of humor on the site and how a thread started by a young penguin-like member was instantly understood and added to with a straight face. However, there was another thread with nonsensical content and broken links that was quickly removed. Some members suggest that a sense of humor test should be given before allowing new members to join. Others found the thread amusing and joked about it, while some took it seriously. Ultimately, it was concluded that the thread was only funny because some members took it seriously.
  • #1
...when a young penguin type fellow could start a thread like this:

and almost all of the people here would instantly understand it was humorous. In fact, they would pitch in and add to the humor, extending it and developing it, all with a straight face. No one had to ask "Is this supposed to be a joke?" or try to bring the whole thing to a halt and "correct" the erroneous notions. Everyone got it.

I think things are in a sad state around here, humor-wise.
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  • #2
there was another thread, don't know where it went, it had some kind of advertisement saying "get free ipods!, apply now , go to http://. ... , it is proven, watch this video http://. ..., they know it works..."i tried to post in there but it says "invalid "(something)" selected."
it was there few seconds ago, for few seconds...
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  • #3
So a member with no name makes a post with no sense, providing links to no page. What are we coming to, nothing?
  • #4
zoobyshoe said:
...when a young penguin type fellow could start a thread like this:
and almost all of the people here would instantly understand it was humorous. In fact, they would pitch in and add to the humor, extending it and developing it, all with a straight face. No one had to ask "Is this supposed to be a joke?" or try to bring the whole thing to a halt and "correct" the erroneous notions. Everyone got it.
I think things are in a sad state around here, humor-wise.
I know. The Pengwuino was ripped to shreds and it was really funny. :frown:

Although I think Ian was trying to make a funny response, I think. :rolleyes: But who can tell anything about those Crazy French Canadian Biologists. :-p

Perhaps we need to preface all humorous posts with "this is a joke"?
  • #5
I guess we need to add to the list that Biologist have no sense of humor!
  • #6
That's the thing. If you have to tell people all the humor wilts and dies. I suggest potential members be given a complete humor workup before being allowed to join.

I thought it was a pretty amusing OP.
  • #7
As one with first-hand knowledge of the intricacies and subtleties of Canuk humour (espcecially when there's a language impediment), let me assure you that Ian was indeed typing finger-in-cheek. You got to see when the Newfies get going at it. :bugeye:
  • #8
He seemed to be switching back and forth. In the end I couldn't sense wholehearted whimsey and felt sort of confused. Maybe cause I'm only half Canadian.
  • #9
I mean, what's wrong with people? All we were doing was mocking their careers and proving they wasted all their time in school studying biology and they get all anal about it.
  • #10
I don't think that thread would have been nearly as funny if people hadn't taken it somewhat seriously. :-p

FAQ: Penguin Pauses for Laughter: Humor in Physics Forums

What is "Penguin Pauses for Laughter: Humor in Physics Forums"?

"Penguin Pauses for Laughter" is a thread on the Physics Forums website where members share jokes, puns, and other humorous tidbits related to physics and science in general. It serves as a lighthearted break from the usual serious discussions on the forum.

Why do physicists use humor in their discussions?

Humor can be a useful tool in breaking down complex concepts and making them more approachable. It also helps to create a sense of camaraderie and community among colleagues and peers in the field of physics.

Is humor important in the scientific community?

While humor may not be a necessary component of scientific research, it can certainly play a role in fostering creativity and collaboration among scientists. Additionally, it can help to relieve stress and promote a positive work environment.

Are there any rules or guidelines for humor in Physics Forums?

As with any online community, there are guidelines for appropriate behavior on Physics Forums. Humor should always be respectful and not offensive towards any individuals or groups. Additionally, it should be relevant and related to the topic of discussion.

Can humor be beneficial in scientific research?

There have been studies that suggest humor can have a positive impact on problem-solving and critical thinking skills, which are essential in scientific research. By incorporating humor into their work, scientists may be able to approach problems from different perspectives and come up with more creative solutions.

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