Penguin Sliding on Antarctic Ice: Velocity at t=11.81s

In summary, a 5.1 kg penguin slides while being pushed by the wind with a force of 0.53 N directed along the positive y-axis. Its velocity at t = 11.81 s is 1.288 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A 5.1 kg penguin runs onto a huge sheet of frictionless Antarctic ice. At t=0 it is at x=0 and y=0 with an initial velocity of 0.39 m/s along the positive x-axis. It slides while being pushed by the wind with a force of 0.53 N directed along the positive y-axis. Calculate the magnitude of the penguin's velocity at t = 11.81 s.

Homework Equations

x = V0xt
y = Voyt + 1/2ayt2

The Attempt at a Solution

The penguin is traveling in the positive x direction and being pushed up in the positive y direction, so I need to find the horizontal distance and the vertical distance and then I can get the magnitude and angle from that. So I start by setting up a drawing on a coordinate plane where the penguin starts at the origin and it goes 0.39(11.81)m in the x direction but I don't know what I should do for the y direction. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
The question is asking for the velocity, not the distance. What is the acceleration in the y direction? If this acceleration continues for 11.81 sec, what is the velocity in the y direction after 11.81 sec. What is the resultant velocity?

  • #3
So the acceleration in the y direction is:
F = ma
0.53 = 5.1a
a = 0.1039m/s

So then I use V = V0 + at?
But what is the initial velocity in the y direction?
  • #4
What do the words "with an initial velocity of 0.39 m/s along the positive x-axis" mean to you?

  • #5
It means that its moving 0.39 m/s horizontally.
  • #6
PierceJ said:
It means that its moving 0.39 m/s horizontally.
It means that its initial velocity in the y direction is zero.

  • #7
Oh, I see now.
V = V0 + at
V = 1.288m/s

So then for the second part of the problem, I need to calculate the angle of that velocity.
So I have to find the displacement in x and then do the inverse cosine for the angle?
  • #8
PierceJ said:
Oh, I see now.
V = V0 + at
V = 1.288m/s

So then for the second part of the problem, I need to calculate the angle of that velocity.
So I have to find the displacement in x and then do the inverse cosine for the angle?
The direction of the displacement is not the same as the direction of the velocity. So why are you asking about the displacement? Do you know how to determine the magnitude of a vector if you know its two perpendicular components?

  • #9
Isnt it root(x2+y2)?

I'm asking because the question is asking me to find the angle.
  • #10
PierceJ said:
Isnt it root(x2+y2)?

I'm asking because the question is asking me to find the angle.

The magnitude of the velocity is ##\sqrt{(v_x)^2+(v_y)^2}##

The direction of the velocity is ##\tan θ=\frac{v_y}{v_x}##

Note that there are no distances in these equations.

  • #11
So root((.39^2)+(1.288^2)) = 1.346

tan-1(1.346) = 53.38deg
  • #12
PierceJ said:
So root((.39^2)+(1.288^2)) = 1.346

tan-1(1.346) = 53.38deg
The 1.346 is correct. The determination of the angle is not. See the equation for the angle again.

  • #13
Oh oops, read that wrong. Got it now, thanks a bunch!

FAQ: Penguin Sliding on Antarctic Ice: Velocity at t=11.81s

1. What is the velocity of the penguin at t=11.81s?

The velocity of the penguin at t=11.81s can be calculated by dividing the distance travelled by the time taken. If the distance travelled is known, the velocity can be determined by using the formula: velocity = distance / time.

2. How is the velocity of the penguin on Antarctic ice measured?

The velocity of the penguin on Antarctic ice can be measured using various methods such as radar, GPS, or by manually tracking the penguin's movement using a stopwatch. These methods allow scientists to accurately measure the penguin's speed at specific times, such as t=11.81s.

3. What factors can affect the velocity of a penguin sliding on Antarctic ice?

Some factors that can affect the velocity of a penguin sliding on Antarctic ice include the texture and slope of the ice, wind speed, and the penguin's size and body shape. These factors can impact the amount of friction and resistance the penguin experiences while sliding, thus affecting its velocity.

4. How does the velocity of a penguin sliding on Antarctic ice compare to other animals?

The velocity of a penguin sliding on Antarctic ice is quite fast compared to other animals. On average, penguins can reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour while sliding on their bellies. This is due to their streamlined body shape and their ability to use their flippers to propel themselves forward.

5. Can the velocity of a penguin on Antarctic ice change over time?

Yes, the velocity of a penguin on Antarctic ice can change over time. As the ice conditions or other external factors change, the penguin's velocity may also change. Additionally, as a penguin grows and develops, its body shape and size may change, which can also affect its sliding velocity. It is important for scientists to continue monitoring and studying penguins to better understand how their velocity may change over time.
