Percent uncertainty in Volume of a beach ball?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the percent uncertainty in the volume of a spherical beach ball with a radius of 5.60±0.05m. The formula ∏r^2 is mentioned, but it is not the correct formula for the volume of a sphere. The conversation suggests comparing volumes of different sized balls or using calculus to find the percent uncertainty. It is also mentioned that the percentage error in the volume is three times the percentage error in the radius.
  • #1

Homework Statement

What, roughly, is the percent uncertainty in the volume of a spherical beach ball whose radius is r=5.60±0.05m?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
Are you sure that pi*r^2 is the volume of a sphere?
  • #3
I know that pi*r^2 isn't the volume of the sphere but I couldn't remember the formula for the volume of a sphere and regardless, I'm still not sure how to find the percent uncertainty, because my physics teacher isn't very clear when explaining things and it's really difficult to get the just of what he's saying.
  • #4
As Yogi Berra would say, you could look it up.

Obviously, you could compare the volumes of a ball where the radii are 0.05 m greater or less than a radius of 5.60 m, which is more of a beach balloon. Are you sure the radius of the ball is 5.6 m?

Or, you could take the cool approach using calculus.
  • #5
Since you say "roughly", there is a rule of thumb that when quantities multiply, their percentage errors add. Since this is a volume problem, it must involve a product of three distances (and since the radius, r, is the only distance involved, radius cubed). That is, the percentage error in the volume is three times the percentage error in the radius.
  • #6
Accidental double post.

FAQ: Percent uncertainty in Volume of a beach ball?

1. What is percent uncertainty in volume?

Percent uncertainty in volume is a measure of how much the volume of a beach ball can vary from the average value. It is expressed as a percentage and indicates the level of potential error or uncertainty in the measurement.

2. How is percent uncertainty in volume calculated?

Percent uncertainty in volume is calculated by dividing the uncertainty in volume by the average volume, and then multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage. The uncertainty in volume is typically determined by the precision of the measurement equipment used.

3. Why is percent uncertainty in volume important?

Percent uncertainty in volume is important because it gives an indication of the reliability and accuracy of the volume measurement. It allows scientists to determine the level of uncertainty in their data and make informed decisions based on the potential error.

4. What factors can contribute to percent uncertainty in volume?

There are several factors that can contribute to percent uncertainty in volume, including the precision of the measuring equipment, human error in taking measurements, and variations in the shape and size of the beach ball itself.

5. How can percent uncertainty in volume be reduced?

Percent uncertainty in volume can be reduced by using more precise measuring equipment, taking multiple measurements and averaging them, and ensuring that the beach ball is in a consistent shape and size before measuring. It is also important to follow proper measurement techniques and minimize human error.

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