Perfectly Elastic Collision Arrow / Finding Final Velocity

In summary: You should get the correct result.In summary, to solve this problem, you need to use the conservation of momentum equation and the conservation of kinetic energy equation for an elastic collision. However, in order to make the algebra easier, you can also use the conservation rule that states the closing speed of the two bodies before the collision is equal to their separation velocity after the collision. By using these equations, you can solve for the velocities of the two arrows after the collision and determine the correct answer.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Person A fires a 222 g arrow towards an archery target at a speed of 109 m/s. Person B shoots a 190. g arrow moving in the same direction. This arrow moves with a speed of 290. m/s, catches up, and then collides with Person A's arrow.

If the arrows collide in a perfectly elastic manner, what will be the magnitude of velocity of Person B's arrow afterwards?

Homework Equations

Conversation of Momentum

The Attempt at a Solution

So far, I tried doing:

And solved for vf. but it isn't the correct answer.

I also tried Conversation of Kinetic Energy
And solved for vf. but it isn't the correct answer.

What am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
De_Dre01 said:

Homework Statement

Person A fires a 222 g arrow towards an archery target at a speed of 109 m/s. Person B shoots a 190. g arrow moving in the same direction. This arrow moves with a speed of 290. m/s, catches up, and then collides with Person A's arrow.

If the arrows collide in a perfectly elastic manner, what will be the magnitude of velocity of Person B's arrow afterwards?

Homework Equations

Conversation of Momentum

The Attempt at a Solution

So far, I tried doing:

And solved for vf. but it isn't the correct answer.
Well, the above is for a perfectly inelastic collision.
I also tried Conversation of Kinetic Energy
And solved for vf. but it isn't the correct answer.

What am I doing wrong?
The arrows have different velocities after the collision as well as before.
  • #3
Your relevant equation is pertinent. It describes the conservation of momentum for an elastic collision.

What you wrote in your first attempt was an equation for a perfectly inelastic collision (where the projectiles stick together upon collision). This does not fit the described scenario which is an elastic collision, so it led to an incorrect result.

For your second attempt you tried conservation of kinetic energy, which does in fact hold for an elastic collision, but once again you assumed the collision was inelastic by combining the two masses. Again this led to an incorrect result.

What you need to use is your conservation of momentum equation from your relevant equations and one more conservation equation that applies to elastic collisions. Then you will have two equations in two unknowns. Solve for the velocities.

Typically this sort of problem uses conservation of kinetic energy as the second equation. The masses and their velocities must be kept separate: the masses do not stick together. Of course, dealing with the squares of the velocities is annoying algebraically when you try to solve the two equations.

Fortunately there is another equivalent conservation rule which applies to elastic collisions which makes the algebra much easier. The rule is: The closing speed of the two bodies before the collision is equal to their separation velocity after the collision. To make this more succinct and using your variables: v1 - v2 = v2' - v1' .

So, try again using the purely elastic collision paradigm.

FAQ: Perfectly Elastic Collision Arrow / Finding Final Velocity

1. What is a perfectly elastic collision?

A perfectly elastic collision is a type of collision in which kinetic energy is conserved. This means that the total kinetic energy before the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy after the collision. In other words, the objects involved in the collision bounce off each other without any loss of energy.

2. How is the final velocity calculated in a perfectly elastic collision?

The final velocity in a perfectly elastic collision can be calculated using the formula vf = (m1u1 + m2u2) / (m1 + m2), where vf is the final velocity, m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects involved in the collision, and u1 and u2 are the initial velocities of the objects.

3. What is the difference between a perfectly elastic collision and an inelastic collision?

In a perfectly elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved and the objects involved bounce off each other without any loss of energy. In an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or sound, and the objects may stick together after the collision.

4. Can a perfectly elastic collision occur in real life?

In theory, a perfectly elastic collision can occur in real life. However, in most cases, there is some loss of energy due to factors such as friction and air resistance, making it difficult to achieve a perfectly elastic collision in real-world scenarios.

5. How does the mass of an object affect the outcome of a perfectly elastic collision?

In a perfectly elastic collision, the mass of an object does not affect the final velocity. However, the momentum of the objects involved in the collision will be affected by their masses, with heavier objects having more momentum. In a head-on collision between two objects with different masses, the lighter object will have a greater change in velocity compared to the heavier object.

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