Performance Characterisitics Given a Zero in the System

In summary, to determine the performance characteristics of a generic second-order system with no zeros, you will need to find the inverse Laplace transform and use calculus to derive relationships for rise time, peak time, percent overshoot, and settling time. However, this can become complex and it is often easier to simulate the response and adjust parameters. By understanding the influence of zeros on transient behavior, it is possible to predict their impact. For a more detailed understanding, it is recommended to follow a text that derives these relationships using calculus.
  • #1
I have the equations to determine the rise time, peak time, percent overshoot, and settling time for a generic second-order system with no zeros in the system. Given a unit step input for the open-loop transfer function G(s)=(s+1)/(s2+2s+1) how do I analytically determine the performance characteristics (aside from using MATLAB)?

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
In general, you're going to have to find the inverse Laplace transform of the response you're interested in and do a bit of calculus to derive relationships for rise time etc. These can quickly become unwieldy, so you often find that people just simulate the response and tune the parameters to fit their specifications.

That's not to say they're doing it blind though. If you read up a bit on how zeros affect the transient behavior of systems, you can get the hang of predicting their influence.
  • #3
milesyoung said:
In general, you're going to have to find the inverse Laplace transform of the response you're interested in and do a bit of calculus to derive relationships for rise time etc. These can quickly become unwieldy, so you often find that people just simulate the response and tune the parameters to fit their specifications.

That's not to say they're doing it blind though. If you read up a bit on how zeros affect the transient behavior of systems, you can get the hang of predicting their influence.

Thank you this certainly helps!
  • #4
If you really want to find those relationships, I recommend you follow a text where they derive them for a second order system using calculus.

Then you can try to do it for the system you're interested in and get help with the specifics here if you get stuck.
  • #5
I am happy to provide a response to your question.

To determine the performance characteristics of a system with no zeros, we can use the equations for rise time, peak time, percent overshoot, and settling time for a second-order system. These equations are:

1. Rise time (tr) = 0.35/ωn

2. Peak time (tp) = π/ωd

3. Percent overshoot (PO) = e^(-ζπ/√(1-ζ^2)) * 100%

4. Settling time (ts) = 4/ζωn

Where ωn is the natural frequency and ζ is the damping ratio, both of which can be determined from the transfer function.

For the given transfer function, we can first find the natural frequency by solving the equation ωn^2 = 1, which gives ωn = 1 rad/s. Next, we can find the damping ratio by solving the equation ζ = 1/2√(1-ωn^2) = 1/√2. This gives us a damping ratio of ζ = 0.707.

Using these values, we can now plug them into the equations above to determine the performance characteristics:

1. Rise time (tr) = 0.35/1 = 0.35 seconds

2. Peak time (tp) = π/√(1-0.707^2) = 3.14 seconds

3. Percent overshoot (PO) = e^(-0.707π/√(1-0.707^2)) * 100% = 0%

4. Settling time (ts) = 4/(0.707*1) = 5.66 seconds

Therefore, the performance characteristics for this system with no zeros are: rise time of 0.35 seconds, peak time of 3.14 seconds, percent overshoot of 0%, and settling time of 5.66 seconds.

It's important to note that these equations assume a second-order system with no external disturbances or noise. In real-world scenarios, these performance characteristics may vary due to external factors. Additionally, these equations are just one way to analytically determine the performance characteristics and there may be other methods or tools available, such as MATLAB, that can provide more accurate or detailed results

FAQ: Performance Characterisitics Given a Zero in the System

What are performance characteristics given a zero in the system?

The performance characteristics given a zero in the system refer to the behavior and capabilities of a system when one of its inputs or components is set to zero. This can help in understanding the system's response in different scenarios.

Why is it important to study performance characteristics given a zero in the system?

Studying performance characteristics given a zero in the system can provide valuable insights into the behavior and functioning of a system. It can help in identifying potential issues, optimizing performance, and improving overall system understanding.

What factors can affect the performance characteristics given a zero in the system?

Several factors can affect the performance characteristics given a zero in the system, including the type of system, the complexity of the system, the input values, and the environment in which the system is operating.

How can performance characteristics given a zero in the system be measured?

Performance characteristics given a zero in the system can be measured through various methods, such as experimental testing, mathematical modeling, simulation, and analysis of system data. The most appropriate method depends on the system and the specific characteristics being studied.

Can performance characteristics given a zero in the system change over time?

Yes, performance characteristics given a zero in the system can change over time due to various factors such as wear and tear, changes in operating conditions, and updates to the system. Regular monitoring and analysis of these characteristics can help in detecting and addressing any changes that may occur.
