Period of arbitrary amplitude pendulum using average speed

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the period of a simple pendulum without assuming simple harmonic motion. Two approaches were attempted, one using the standard method and the other calculating the average speed and dividing the path length by it. However, the two approaches did not give the same answer. It was later realized that for this motion, the time is given by the distance multiplied by the average of the reciprocal of the velocity at each point on the path. Additionally, for simple harmonic motion, the time averaged velocity and space averaged velocity are related by a factor of (pi^2)/8. Therefore, the period calculated using the distance and space average velocity should be multiplied by this factor to get the true period of 2pi. SQRT{
  • #1

Homework Statement

A simple pendulum of length L is pulled aside to angle θm then released from rest. For arbitrary angle θ on the path of motion the acceleration along the path is -gSinθ. The speed at this point is V(θ)= √[2gL (cos θ - cos θm)]. Find the period T of the pendulum (do not assume simple harmonic motion). I see how to solve this in the standard way but I also tried to solve it by calculating the average speed of the bob and then just deviding the path length by this speed to get the period. I believe that the two approaches should give the same answer. They do not.

Homework Equations

standard approach:
ds = L dθ = √[2gL (cos θ - cos θm)]
dt dt

so ∫dt= √( L/2g) . ∫ dθ/√(cos θ - cos θm)

which gives the solution T= 4√(L/g) ∫ dx/√(1-A [Sinx.Sinx]) where integration limits are 0, ∏/2

and √A= Sin(θm/2). As θm goes to 0 T approaches 2∏√L/g as expected for SHM

The Attempt at a Solution

the average speed <V> = [∫V(θ)dθ]/[∫dθ] integration lims 0 and θm

The path length = 4Lθm

so the period T = 4Lθm/ <V>

integrating gives T= (16/∏)√L/g as low angle limit! where have i gone wrong?
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  • #2
I solved the problem. The time for the motion is not given by the distance/ average of the velocity at each point on the path but it is given by the distance x the average of the reciprocal of the velocity at each point on the path. For this motion 1/<Vx> is not equal to <1/Vx>. In general

T= X/<Vt> = X . <1/Vx>

where <Vt> is the time average velocity and <1/Vx> is the space average velocity. Bit of elementary calculus of function of a function. Dooogh!
  • #3
For simple harmonic motion (small angle approximation of the pendulum) it is fairly easy to show that for the space average velocity

1/<V> = [8/ pi^2] . < 1/V>

so that the time averaged velocity <Vt> (= <1/V> ) and space averaged velocity <V> are related:

1/<Vt> = [pi^2/8] . 1/<V>

So the period calculated as dist/<V> = [16/pi] SQRT {L/g} should be multiplied by
(pi^2)/8 to give the true period = 2pi. SQRT{L/g}

FAQ: Period of arbitrary amplitude pendulum using average speed

1. What is a pendulum?

A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot point that is free to swing back and forth under the influence of gravity. It is commonly used as a timekeeping device in clocks and can also be used for scientific experiments.

2. What is the period of a pendulum?

The period of a pendulum is the time it takes for one complete swing or oscillation, from one extreme position to the other and back again.

3. How is the period of a pendulum calculated?

The period of a pendulum can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. Alternatively, the average speed of the pendulum can also be used to calculate the period.

4. What is the significance of the amplitude in a pendulum's period?

The amplitude of a pendulum is the maximum angle that the pendulum swings from its resting position. It does not have a significant impact on the period of a pendulum, as long as the amplitude is small (less than 15 degrees). For larger amplitudes, the period will be slightly longer due to the effects of gravity.

5. How does the period of a pendulum change with different lengths and masses?

The period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of its length and is independent of its mass. This means that a longer pendulum will have a longer period, and a shorter pendulum will have a shorter period. The mass of the pendulum does not affect the period as long as the pendulum is swinging in a small amplitude.

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