Period of Oscillation of a Board Between 2 Identical Rollers

In summary: from that, find the normal force at one wheel, and then you can find the friction force and the other normal force?OK, I'm going to try it out and see what happens, thanks Tiny Tim!In summary, the problem involves two identical rollers rotating inwardly with the same angular speed, with a long uniform board placed across them in a perpendicular direction. The board has a mass of 3.52 kg and is initially placed 10 cm from the midpoint between the rollers. The coefficient of friction between the board and rollers is 0.653. To find the period of motion, one must find the two normal forces acting on the rollers, which can be done by taking moments about one roller and using the
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two identical rollers are mounted with their axes parallel, in a horizontal plane, a
distance 2d = 26.5 cm apart. The two rollers are rotating inwardly at the top
with the same angular speed (w). A long uniform board is laid across them in a direction
perpendicular to their axes. The board of mass m = 3.52 kg is originally placed so that
its center of mass lies a distance x(initial) = 10 cm from the point midway between the rollers.
The coecient of friction between the board and rollers is k = 0.653. What is the
period (s) of the motion?


Homework Equations

Merg, I'm not sure?
x(t) = Acos(ωt+phi)
T = 2∏(sq)(l/2μg)

The Attempt at a Solution

I did attempt it, based on the advice of my tutor and what he found on this board earlier, however, I got something...not right. Not even close. The real answer is .90.

I played around with it a bit, trying to put in the actual normal force of the board and such. I feel like the center of mass and where it starts from is important, but i can't figure out how to incorporate either.
Physics news on
  • #2
welcome to pf!

hi comprado! welcome to pf! :smile:

what are the two normal forces as a function of x ?

and so what is the net friction force as a function of x ? :wink:
  • #3
Hi Tiny Tim!

If you don't mind, I'm going to try to think this one out on the board. You asked what are the two normal forces as a function of x? and so what is the net friction force as a function of x ?

Ok, so I know that depending on where x is, the normal forces of the wheels against the board are going to change. As the board moves one way, the normal force and frictional force will increase on the wheel overwhich more of the weight of the board is and less on the other wheel. Eventually, the high frictional force on one wheel will drive the board in the opposite direction, toward the wheel with the lower frictional force.. However, I have *no* clue how to even begin writing an equation that reflects that.
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  • #4
comprado said:
… Ok, so I know that depending on where x is, the normal forces of the wheels against the board are going to change.

yes … so how would you find the values of the two normal forces? :smile:
  • #5
Ʃf = μn1+ μn2

erg, sorry that's frictional. For normal force I would use
Ʃf = m1g+ m2g

Okay, so I guess I need to use the center of mass equation to figure out how much mass is over each roller?
  • #6
comprado said:
Okay, so I guess I need to use the center of mass equation to figure out how much mass is over each roller?

yes, or take moments about one roller to find the normal force at the other roller :wink:
  • #7
I don't know what you mean by that.
  • #8
the board isn't rotating, so the moments of forces about any point must add to zero
  • #9
0 = m1g+ m2g
  • #10

do you know what "taking moments" means? :confused:
  • #11
I thought you knew that I don't know what that means because you said, "take moments" and I said, "I don't know what you mean by that."

I don't know what you mean by "moments".
  • #12
Okay, I understand that I need to take the cross product of some moment of the wheels, but to be honest, I do not know which. Is it the angular momentum? In which case would 2d = r? and what about p?

FAQ: Period of Oscillation of a Board Between 2 Identical Rollers

1. What is the period of oscillation?

The period of oscillation is the time it takes for the board to complete one full cycle of motion between the two identical rollers.

2. How is the period of oscillation calculated?

The period of oscillation can be calculated using the formula T=2π√(I/mgd), where T is the period, I is the moment of inertia of the board, m is the mass of the board, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and d is the distance between the two rollers.

3. How does the mass of the board affect the period of oscillation?

The mass of the board has a direct effect on the period of oscillation. A heavier board will have a longer period of oscillation while a lighter board will have a shorter period of oscillation.

4. Does the distance between the rollers affect the period of oscillation?

Yes, the distance between the rollers has a significant impact on the period of oscillation. A larger distance between the rollers will result in a longer period of oscillation, while a shorter distance will result in a shorter period of oscillation.

5. What factors can affect the period of oscillation of a board between two identical rollers?

The period of oscillation can be affected by several factors including the mass and shape of the board, the distance between the rollers, the surface friction between the board and the rollers, and external forces such as air resistance.

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