Period of swing of a rope with two fixed ends

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the period of swing for a rope fixed at both ends, which cannot be done using the simple pendulum formula. It is necessary to take into account the rotational inertia and location of the center of mass, and integrate the distance of each part of the rope from the axis.
  • #1

If you take a rope and fix the top end and allow the rope to swing, then it is just a pendulum and the period of swing is widely known (and on wikipedia) as approx. T = 2*pi*(L/g)^0.5 where L is the length of the pendulum and g is gravity.

My question is: What if I take both ends of the rope and fix them (like tying them to an overhead horizontal metal bar), like a playground swing. How do you calculate the period of swing then? In this case the "length of the pendulum" would vary - it would go from 0 at the fixed ends to the maximum at the saggiest part of the rope.

This problem seems really simple but I can't figure it out! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!
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  • #2
You need to be careful using the equation
T = 2pi (l/g)^0.5
if you have a rope (or a rod) on it's own then l is the distance to the centre of mass of the rope or rod (l/2 if uniform).
In a simple pendulum it is assumed that the string has zero mass.
Hope this helps with your rope fixed at both ends (l/4 ?)
  • #3
derek88 said:
If you take a rope and fix the top end and allow the rope to swing, then it is just a pendulum and the period of swing is widely known (and on wikipedia) as approx. T = 2*pi*(L/g)^0.5 where L is the length of the pendulum and g is gravity.
Careful. Whenever you have a distributed mass acting as a pendulum, you cannot use that simple formula. The period of such a 'physical pendulum' (as opposed to a 'simple pendulum') depends on the rotational inertia as well as the distance of the center of mass to the pivot. (It's not enough to just replace L by L/2.)
My question is: What if I take both ends of the rope and fix them (like tying them to an overhead horizontal metal bar), like a playground swing. How do you calculate the period of swing then? In this case the "length of the pendulum" would vary - it would go from 0 at the fixed ends to the maximum at the saggiest part of the rope.
Again, this must be treated as a physical pendulum. You'll need to know the rotational inertia and the location of the center of mass.

See: Physical Pendulum
  • #4
Doc Al
I have looked up your reference and it works out that the term inside the square root is 2L/3
Not L/2 for a uniform rod.
Thank you for picking that up.
  • #5
You'll need to find the moment of inertia about the axis joining the two ends of the rope, this means integrating the square of the distance of each part of the rope from this axis over the length of the rope (along the curve it makes which is a catenary). From this you solve
[tex]\tau = -I\alpha[/tex]
Where [itex]\tau[/itex] is the torque on the system, [itex]I[/itex] is the moment of inertia and [/itex]\alpha[/itex] is the second derivative of the angle made between the vector of the center of mass of the rope relative to a plane which lies along the line of the axis of the swinging rope and is perpendicular to the ground.

FAQ: Period of swing of a rope with two fixed ends

1. What is the period of swing of a rope with two fixed ends?

The period of swing of a rope with two fixed ends refers to the amount of time it takes for the rope to complete one full swing from one end to the other and back again. It is typically measured in seconds.

2. How is the period of swing of a rope with two fixed ends calculated?

The period of swing can be calculated using the equation T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the rope, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. This equation assumes that the rope is swinging back and forth in a small arc.

3. Does the length of the rope affect the period of swing?

Yes, the length of the rope does affect the period of swing. The longer the rope, the longer the period of swing will be. This is because a longer rope has a greater distance to cover and therefore takes more time to complete one full swing.

4. How does the mass of the rope affect the period of swing?

The mass of the rope does not have a significant effect on the period of swing. This is because the period of swing is primarily determined by the length of the rope and the acceleration due to gravity. However, a heavier rope may experience slightly more resistance and therefore have a slightly longer period of swing.

5. Is there a difference in the period of swing between a rope with two fixed ends and a rope with one fixed end?

Yes, there is a difference in the period of swing between a rope with two fixed ends and a rope with one fixed end. A rope with one fixed end, such as a pendulum, will have a shorter period of swing compared to a rope with two fixed ends. This is because the fixed end of the rope acts as a pivot point, allowing for a shorter distance to be covered during each swing.

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