Periodic boundary conditions -> Shouldn't supports hinder all motion?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of periodic boundary conditions for the mechanical investigation of RVEs. The equations for these boundary conditions show that nodes on opposite faces should have the same displacement, but there is some confusion about how this applies to corner nodes. The solution is to combine the equations for corner nodes with those of internal nodes, which allows for the application of displacement loads at the corner nodes. The conversation also mentions the use of RVEs in simulations and the possibility of conflicting constraints in Abaqus.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I am currently trying to understand periodic boundary conditions for the mechanical investigation of mechanical properties of a RVE. I found a good video explaining the theory behind it:

But something is unclear to me: At the above linked time step, the individual conical equations are shown (basically saying, that nodes on opposite faces should have the same displacement and thereby connecting the different node pairs). So far this is logical.

But once I look at the corner nodes (1&2 in the video) it becomes a little unclear: If I use a fixed support at Node 1 to prevent rigid body motion (which equals a 0/0 displacement) shouldn't that also restrain Node 2 to a 0/0 displacement (according to the equation that is shown)?

Now in the video this issue does not arise, because the equations for the corner nodes are connected to the equations of the internal nodes: InternalNodeA - InternalNodeB = CornerNode1 - CornerNode2

In this connected form, it is not a problem any more, because if the displacement of CornerNode1 = 0 than there is still this equation remaining:
InternalNodeA - InternalNodeB = CornerNode2

And now I can apply my displacement load at Corner Node 2 and everything is fine. But looking at the original equation (CornerNode1-CornerNode2 = 0) this wouldn't work.

So in short:
(1) InternalNodeA - InternalNodeB = 0
(2) CornerNode1 - CornerNode2 = 0
(3) InternalNodeA - InternalNodeB = CornerNode1 - CornerNode2

Equation 2 by it self does not make sense to me as CornerNode1 is a fixed support and CornerNode2 is used to apply a load. Once (1)&(2) are connected they work.

It is most likely just a simple thinking error, but I would really like to understand the reason behind it.

Kind regards
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  • #2
Welcome to PF.
NewStuff said:
I am currently trying to understand periodic boundary conditions for the mechanical investigation of mechanical properties of a RVE.
Do you mean REV?
NewStuff said:
I found a good video explaining the theory behind it:
A video alone is generally not a great thread starter. Could you please summarize your question using your own screenshots of your simulations? Thanks.
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  • #3
Thanks Berkeman :)

berkeman said:
Yes, but I think REV and RVE can be used interchangeably.
berkeman said:
A video alone is generally not a great thread starter. Could you please summarize your question using your own screenshots of your simulations? Thanks.

The simulation currently poses no problem, what I am wondering about is the theoretical background.

But I can try it again. So the underlying equations of periodic boundary conditions are as follows:



So if look at these equations isolated: If u1 = 0 than u3 should be 0 as well. This would be the case if Node 1 was a fixed support.

But, if I combine the equations (e.g. the bottom two on the left) something like this results:


Now you set u1 = 0 and apply a displacement constraint to Node3 (which represents the applied load). If these combined equations are implemente in Abaqus it does result in periodic deformations, so it works. As an example (just for demonstration purposes) a combined shear/tensile load (the bottom left node is a fixed support):

But the underlying equations now don't seem to valid anymore (to my mind). And I can't figure out why. What these combined equations seem to do is couple the corner nodes to the internal nodes. But for some reason, I can't wrap my head around the logic behind that (or how it works)

A more graphical illustration (from the video linked above):


Kind regards
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  • #4
In practice, RVE is more common than REV. The former stands for Representative Volume Element.

The goal of this equation constraint in Abaqus is to equalize displacements in a selected DOF for two nodes/node sets. And if you want to apply prescribed displacement then you could do it as it’s described in that older thread you cited.

Check the output files generated during this analysis, Abaqus may warn you about some conflicting comstraints and tell you how ot handled them.
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  • #5
FEAnalyst said:
The goal of this equation constraint in Abaqus is to equalize displacements in a selected DOF for two nodes/node sets. And if you want to apply prescribed displacement then you could do it as it’s described in that older thread you cited.
I basically want to apply combined shear and tensile loads (not necessary via displacement). If I only couple opposing nodes, how do I then introduce the load? Via forces? And how do I support the RVE?
FEAnalyst said:
Check the output files generated during this analysis, Abaqus may warn you about some conflicting comstraints and tell you how ot handled them.
Which specific file should I look at? The .log files of the Jobs do not show any error messages.
  • #6
NewStuff said:
I basically want to apply combined shear and tensile loads (not necessary via displacement). If I only couple opposing nodes, how do I then introduce the load? Via forces? And how do I support the RVE?
Check the Micromechanics plugin for Abaqus, it automates the process of RVE definition and allows you to apply various driving fields, including strain.

NewStuff said:
Which specific file should I look at? The .log files of the Jobs do not show any error messages.
Warning messages can be found in .dat and .msg files.

Related to Periodic boundary conditions -> Shouldn't supports hinder all motion?

1. What are periodic boundary conditions?

Periodic boundary conditions are a mathematical concept used in simulations and models to mimic an infinite system by repeating a finite system periodically. This allows for the study of large systems without the computational cost of simulating an infinite system.

2. How do periodic boundary conditions affect motion?

Periodic boundary conditions do not affect the motion of individual particles or objects in a simulation. They only affect the overall behavior of the system by creating periodic repetitions of the original system.

3. Why are periodic boundary conditions necessary?

Periodic boundary conditions are necessary in simulations because they allow for the study of large systems without the computational cost of simulating an infinite system. They also prevent edge effects that can occur in finite systems.

4. Can supports hinder all motion in a system with periodic boundary conditions?

No, supports cannot hinder all motion in a system with periodic boundary conditions. While supports may restrict the motion of individual objects, the periodic boundary conditions still allow for the overall motion of the system to continue.

5. Are there any limitations to using periodic boundary conditions?

Yes, there are limitations to using periodic boundary conditions. They are only applicable to systems that can be approximated as infinite and do not take into account any external forces or interactions that may affect the system. Additionally, the periodic repetitions may not accurately represent the behavior of the system at the boundaries.

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