Periodic or not? Determine the wave function

In summary: Finding the phase is where the noise becomes a problem. Without knowing the amplitude and phase of the wave, it's hard to say where the wave is actually going.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The following picture is supposedly periodic (or at least my teacher says so). Could anybody suggest where I begin in order to determine the wave function for this messy graph. Please see the attached for the graph.


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  • #2
What is the graph supposed to represent? What's the context?
What level are you doing this at?

It could be noisy data.
  • #3
Very basic, nothing like Fourier analysis. Only sine and cosine waves unfortunately. It is more of a "try and recognise the periodic nature of the wave" task. The purpose of it is for biorhythms, unfortunately I have to find periodic motion within the graph otherwise I get a lower grade.
  • #4
So it's just a bunch of made-up numbers?
The scales on the axis don't mean anything?
It's not, say, the time for a particular number of heartbeats taken each morning?
Context is everything.

Certainly looks nothing like a sine wave unless it's very noisy

Biorhythms? The attempt to predict various aspects of a person's life through simple mathematical cycles?
That would be pseudoscience.

Proponents are always finding cycles in noise... you start out by assuming it's there.
i.e. squint and blur your eyes and stand on your head and smoke something illegal you see it has a trough at about day 25 and another one at about day 145. Like I said: not science.
  • #5
I understand where you're coming from but it is slightly different to what you're thinking. I was given sample data for an assignment. I by no means subscribe to biorhythms but I have to pretend I do so I can complete this assignment. The x-axis represents the days in increments of 4and the y-axis represents the time taken to complete a task. Supposedly there is meant to be a relationship between the days and the time taken such that it forms a wave. Regardless of whether or not I believe in biorhythms I have to find one [wave function] present within the graph given so I can pass.
  • #6
Cool - so we are trying to fit a sine wave to noisy data.
Did you learn about curve fitting in class at all?

It could be a problem ... where you are supposed to disprove the authoritatively stated hypothesis - like Marie Curie and the goldfish?

Anyway - like I said - you can see parts of the graph where the data tends to favor low values and parts where it tends to favor high ones. Those would correspond to troughs and peaks of a sine wave - which tells you the period. I take it figuring the amplitude is no problem? That leaves the phase.

FAQ: Periodic or not? Determine the wave function

1. What is a periodic function?

A periodic function is a function that repeats its values at regular intervals. This means that the graph of the function will have a repeating pattern.

2. How can I determine if a function is periodic or not?

To determine if a function is periodic or not, you can look for a repeating pattern in the graph or evaluate the function at different values of the independent variable. If the function's values repeat at regular intervals, then it is periodic.

3. What is the wave function?

The wave function is a mathematical function that describes the behavior and properties of a wave. It is often used in physics and engineering to model various wave phenomena, such as sound waves, light waves, and electromagnetic waves.

4. How is the wave function related to periodicity?

The wave function can be periodic or non-periodic, depending on the type of wave it represents. Periodic waves have a repeating pattern, while non-periodic waves do not. Therefore, the periodicity of a wave function is determined by the behavior of the wave it represents.

5. What are some examples of periodic and non-periodic functions?

Examples of periodic functions include sine and cosine functions, which have a repeating pattern over a specific interval. Non-periodic functions include exponential functions, which do not have a repeating pattern and continue to increase or decrease without bound.

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