Permittivity and Permeability changes

In summary, if either permeability or permittivity increased, the speed of light would be slower because light travels faster through materials with low permeability or permittivity.
  • #1
I have a question about permeability and permittivity of free space. Theoretically speaking. If either one or both were to increase in value would that make the speed of light be faster or slower. I know they are constants. I am just curious if they did change what would happen.
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  • #2
Hypothetically, yes since the speed of light is related to them by
In different materials the permittivity usually becomes larger which is why light travels slower through materials like water, glass, plastic, etc.
  • #3
mpolo said:
I have a question about permeability and permittivity of free space. Theoretically speaking. If either one or both were to increase in value...
In current SI units the permeability and permittivity of free space are exactly defined quantities, as is the speed of light. None of them can change except by action of the BIPM committee. They are not subject to any experimental changes, only changes in the committee's definition.
  • #4
Dale said:
In current SI units the permeability and permittivity of free space are exactly defined quantities, as is the speed of light. None of them can change except by action of the BIPM committee. They are not subject to any experimental changes, only changes in the committee's definition.

So if the speed of light did ever somehow "change", it would be our measure of the meter that would suddenly be off, huh?
  • #5
If the fine structure constant changed, then the number of atoms that light passes in one wavelength of a specified radiation would change.
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Likes Nugatory
  • #6
Could someone please show me an example of the equation above presented by NFuller. The units confuse me a little. Plug in the accepted values so I can see them and the result. I want to try the equation out on my calculator. Thanks.
  • #7
Using the SI in electromagnetism makes it a pretty complicated subject ;-)). Anyway, let's try

The Coulomb force between two point particles (magnitude) in SI units is
$$F=\frac{q_1 q_2}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}$$
So the dimension for the conversion factor ##\epsilon_0## is
$$[\epsilon_0]=[Q^2 /(r^2 F)]=\text{C}^2 \text{s}^2/ (\text{kg} \; \text{m}^3).$$
Here it's the force between two pieces of current conducting wire defining
$$F=\mu_0 I_1 I_2 L/d \; \Rightarrow \; [\mu_0]=[F/I^2]=\text{kg} \; \text{m}/\text{s}^2 \cdot \text{s}^2/\text{C}^2=\text{kg} \; \text{m}/\text{C}^2.$$
and thus finally
$$[\epsilon_0 \mu_0]=\text{s}^2/\text{m}^2$$
which is the dimension of an inverse squared speed.

Manipulating the free Maxwell equations a bit you get the wave equation
$$(\mu_0 \epsilon_0 \partial_t^2-\Delta) \vec{E}=0,$$
which shows that the phase velocity is indeed ##c=1/\sqrt{\epsilon_0 \mu_0}##.

It's now also very clear that all there is for the vacuum permittivity and permeability is that they are fixed constants defining the system of units: ##\mu_0## is fixed by the definition of the Ampere, i.e., the unit of the electric current. ##c## is fixed through the definition of the unit of length, metre, via the definition of the second, and thus also ##\epsilon_0## is fixed by just the definition of the SI for time, length, mass, and electric current.

Of course, in the medium ##\epsilon=\epsilon_0 \epsilon_r## and ##\mu=\mu_0 \mu_r## are parameters from the constitutive equations of the medium. They are not so fundamental since they are defined from the microscopic theory via linear-response theory, i.e., they are related to the description of the medium for weak em. fields.
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Likes Dale
  • #8
impressive piece of work vanhees71. I was just looking for the actual numbers that are used in the equation provided by NFuller. Your full explanation is nice though because it shows the links between different aspects of nature. Thank you.

Related to Permittivity and Permeability changes

1. What is permittivity and permeability?

Permittivity and permeability are two important properties of materials that affect how they interact with electric and magnetic fields. Permittivity refers to a material's ability to store electrical energy, while permeability refers to its ability to support magnetic fields.

2. How do permittivity and permeability change?

Permittivity and permeability can change depending on the type of material and the conditions it is exposed to. For example, temperature, pressure, and electromagnetic radiation can all affect these properties.

3. Why are permittivity and permeability important?

Permittivity and permeability play a crucial role in many scientific fields, including electromagnetism, optics, and material science. These properties determine how materials interact with electric and magnetic fields, making them important for understanding and predicting the behavior of various systems.

4. How do changes in permittivity and permeability affect technology?

Changes in permittivity and permeability can have a significant impact on technology. For example, they can affect the performance of electronic devices, the efficiency of wireless communication systems, and the design of electromagnetic shields.

5. Can permittivity and permeability be controlled?

Yes, permittivity and permeability can be controlled through the use of materials with specific properties, such as ferromagnetic or dielectric materials. Scientists and engineers are constantly researching and developing new ways to manipulate these properties for various applications.

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