Permutations/combinations with Braille dots

  • Thread starter roadrunner
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In summary: Well, you have to add the numbers you got from the first step (the number of ways to pick 3 dots) to the numbers you got from the second step (the number of total configurations you can make with the 3 dots).This final answer is the number of ways you can pick 3 dots, raised or not, out of 6.In summary, the code for braille symbols can be represented by a rectangular arrangement of six dots, where at least one dot of the arrangement must be raised. 63 symbols can be represented this way.
  • #1
Hello everyone im' stuck on this problem.

It says:
Each symbol in braille code is represened by a rectangular arrangement of six dots. Given that a least 1 dot of the 6 must be raised, how many symbols can be represented in brail?

now i saw this posted somewhere else, they got 63. don't know how.

i got 63 two ways...

2^6-1 (case where all down)=63

6c1+6c2+6c3+6c4+6c5+6c6 -1 also =63 (where 6c3 etc is combinations...6 options choose 3)

can sumone explain how/why that works please.

also part many combinations have EXACTLY 3 raised

and how many have an even number of raised dots

(this is for math and computer science course so not TOO sure which to post it in thanks)
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  • #2
Try and see how many combinations you can make if you've got only 1, 2, or 3 binary switches (dots) and see if the pattern becomes obvious from them.

The reason the the two formulas (you missed a 6c0 in the second one) give the same answer is because they are two different ways of counting the same thing. In fact, you've stumbled upon a particular case of a more general identity: [itex] \sum_i C(N,i) = 2^N [/itex]
  • #3
im thinking for part b i just go 6c3, 'cause i have 6 choosing 3...and that equals 20...but that seemed to high to me...
  • #4
It's actually too low!

One way to answer that question is to actually go through the procedure and count how many ways you can do it.

First you have to pick 3 dots and raise them. How many ways to pick 3 dots out of 6?

Next, you have the freedom to do anything with the remaining 3 dots. How many total configurations can you make out of these three dots?

These two steps happen in sequence, so what must you do with the numbers you get from each step to find the final answer?

FAQ: Permutations/combinations with Braille dots

1. What is the difference between permutations and combinations in the context of Braille dots?

Permutations refer to the different ways in which the Braille dots can be arranged or ordered. Combinations, on the other hand, refer to the different ways in which a specific number of Braille dots can be chosen from a larger set without regard to order.

2. How many permutations are possible with 6 Braille dots?

With 6 Braille dots, there are 720 possible permutations. This can be calculated by using the formula n! (n factorial), where n represents the number of objects being arranged. In this case, 6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 720.

3. Is there a limit to the number of Braille dots that can be used in permutations and combinations?

There is no specific limit to the number of Braille dots that can be used in permutations and combinations. However, the larger the number of dots, the more complex the calculations become. It is also important to consider the physical limitations of the Braille language and the readability of the resulting combinations.

4. Can permutations and combinations be used in other areas besides Braille dots?

Yes, permutations and combinations are commonly used in mathematics and statistics to solve problems related to ordering or selecting objects. They can also be applied to real-world scenarios such as arranging seats in a theater or selecting items from a menu.

5. How are permutations and combinations used in Braille translation software?

In Braille translation software, permutations and combinations are used to generate all possible combinations of Braille dots for a given set of characters or words. This allows for accurate translation of text into Braille and ensures that the resulting Braille is legible and follows the rules of the Braille system.

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