Permutations of S_36; Subgroup

In summary: The point is that it is not possible to write down all of the elements of H, and so we must use the subgroup test.The subgroup test says that in order for H to be a subgroup of S_36, it must be the case that if p and q are in H, so is pq^{-1}. If this is not the case, H is not a subgroup.Note that the inverse of a 4-cycle is itself, and so we may restrict our attention to 4-cycles.Suppose p and q are 4-cycles, sop = (abcd)q = (vwxy)where a, b, c, d, v, w, x, y are some distinct elements of
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given Information: If sigma is a permutation of a set A, we say sigma moves "a" in set A iff sigma("a") is not equal to "a".

For the symmetric group S_36 of all permutations of 36 elements, let H be a subset of S_36 containing all permutations that move no more than for elements. Is H a subgroup of S_36? Prove.

Homework Equations

I understand that permutation is combination in a specific order but beyond that I am not sure what the problem is saying.

The Attempt at a Solution

I know I need to prove H is closed, the identity of S_36 (...move 4 elements...) is in H, and for every a in H a^-1 is also in H.

However, I am unclear as to what the original group "S_36 containing all permutations that move no more than for elements" is exactly. I am sure the "given information" line is suppose to clue me in but it means nothing to me. Nothing like like the feeling of stupid first thing in the morning.

Please, can anyone help?
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  • #2
Intuitively it's easy to think of permutations as simply acting on objects. In this case, a permutation sigma "moves" an element a in A if it just takes a to some other object in b in A (so b =/= a). So in some sense this permutation acts "transitively" on A, actually moving each element. Note that the definition stipulates that sigma moves a in A if sigma(a) =/= a, which of course makes sense because we don't want sigma to fix each element.

Now return to the first step of your proof that the particular group of permutations specified in the problem is a subgroup. Specifically how many elements are moved by the identity? Would the problem change if in the problem statement "no more than four elements" was replaced by "exactly 4 elements", or by "a finite number of elements"?
  • #3
I'm sorry... I am really lost. Could the question be restated as: Is D_4 (group order 8) a subgroup of S_36?
  • #4
how about the 2 permutations (1234) and (5678), they both move 4 elements, now what is their product?
  • #5
ESLASL1 said:
I'm sorry... I am really lost. Could the question be restated as: Is D_4 (group order 8) a subgroup of S_36?

No, because D_4 has 8 elements, whereas there are more than 8 elements of S_36 that move no more than four elements.

For example, there are

[tex](36 \cdot 35 \cdot 34 \cdot 33) /4 = 353430[/tex]

4-cycles in S_36, all of which move exactly 4 elements. These aren't even all of the elements that move exactly 4 elements, and there are many others that move 2 or 3.

FAQ: Permutations of S_36; Subgroup

1. What is a permutation?

A permutation is a rearrangement of a set of objects in a specific order. It is a way of counting the number of different ways that a set of objects can be arranged.

2. What is S36?

S36 is a notation for the symmetric group on 36 elements. It represents all possible permutations of 36 objects in a specific order.

3. What is a subgroup?

A subgroup is a subset of a larger group that still follows the rules and properties of the larger group. In the context of S36, a subgroup would be a smaller set of permutations that still form a group under certain operations.

4. How many possible permutations are there in S36?

There are 36! (36 factorial) possible permutations in S36. This means there are 36 choices for the first element, 35 choices for the second element, and so on until there is only one choice left for the last element.

5. What are some examples of subgroups in S36?

Some examples of subgroups in S36 include the identity subgroup (which only contains the identity permutation), the cyclic subgroups (which contain elements that can be rotated to form the same permutation), and the alternating subgroup (which only contains even permutations).

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