Perpendicular 3D Vector Problem

In summary, the conversation discusses finding a vector perpendicular to [6,2,3] with the same length. The distance formula for two points on a 3D plane is mentioned, as well as the concept that 3D vectors have an infinite number of perpendicular vectors. The idea of using the distance between two points to determine the length is brought up, but the second point is not given. The possibility of using the scalar or dot product of two vectors to show perpendicularity is mentioned, and the person is directed to a resource for further understanding.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Give an example of a vector perpendicular to [6,2,3] that has the same length.

Homework Equations

Distance formula between two points on a 3D plane:
Sqrt[(X1-X2)2 + (Y1-Y2)2 + (Z1-Z2)2]

The Attempt at a Solution

In 2D space, the perpendicular vector of [X,Y] is [-Y,X]. However, I know that 3D vectors have an infinite number of perpendicular vectors. Then I thought to myself that I should use the distance between to points to figure out the length, but since the problem does not give me the second point, I do not know what the length of the line is. I was thinking of starting at the origin, since the line from the origin to the point is the hypotenuse of the triangle the points make in 3D. I got 6.2, but now do not know how to go from here. Help is very appreciated.

P.S. Just for further learning, how would I show that two vectors are perpendicular in the same equation?
Physics news on
  • #2
Have you learned about "scalar product" or "dot product" of two vectors?

  • #3
No, not yet. Only a sophmore in high school. If those concepts A) are on the SAT and B) help me find the answer, an explanation would be very appreciated.
  • #4

FAQ: Perpendicular 3D Vector Problem

1. How do you find the perpendicular vector of a given 3D vector?

To find the perpendicular vector, you need to use the cross product between the given vector and any other vector that is not parallel to it. The resulting vector will be perpendicular to both the given vector and the vector used in the cross product.

2. What is the significance of finding the perpendicular vector in 3D space?

The perpendicular vector is important in many applications, such as physics and engineering, as it represents the direction of the normal force. It is also used in calculating angles and creating geometric shapes in 3D space.

3. Can a 3D vector have more than one perpendicular vector?

Yes, a 3D vector can have an infinite number of perpendicular vectors. This is because there are multiple vectors that are not parallel to the given vector and can be used in the cross product to find a perpendicular vector.

4. How do you know if two 3D vectors are perpendicular?

Two 3D vectors are perpendicular if their dot product is equal to zero. The dot product is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors and gives a scalar value. If the dot product of two vectors is zero, it means they are perpendicular to each other.

5. Is there a formula for finding the perpendicular vector of a 3D vector?

Yes, the formula for finding the perpendicular vector is V x U = (VyUz - VzUy, VzUx - VxUz, VxUy - VyUx), where V and U are the given vectors and x, y, and z represent the components of each vector in 3D space.
