Perpetual Motion: Can Mono Polar Magnets Create It?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of perpetual motion using mono polar magnets and hypothetical magnets that do not depolarize. The idea is to use opposing polarities to spin a wheel without pivot points and levitate it in a vacuum, potentially creating perpetual motion. However, this is not possible as all energy must come from somewhere and perpetual motion machines are not allowed to be discussed on PF as they are considered pseudoscience. There are resources provided in the PF rules to explain why PMMs are not possible.
  • #1
I am wondering if perpetual motion is possible using mono polar magnets and magnets that do not depolarize (these are hypothetical magnets)
If you had a magnet that used opposing polarities to spin a wheel that had no pivot points, but instead used magnets to levitate the design and it was in a vacuum, would it be perpetual and how would you show this in a formula?
I do understand that all energy needs to come from somewhere and that would come from that magnets, but with no other place for the energy to go, would it be possible to create perpetual motion?

Thanks for taking the time to respond,
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  • #2
Why do you need magnets? Why not just spin anything vacuum?
  • #3
Discussion of perpetual motion machines is not allowed as per PF rules. Thread closed.
  • #4
  • #5

Perpetual motion is a concept that has been explored for centuries, and while it may seem like a fascinating idea, it goes against the laws of physics. The idea of using mono polar magnets to create perpetual motion is not feasible.

According to the first and second laws of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. This means that even in a vacuum with no external forces, the energy used to create the initial motion of the magnets will eventually dissipate due to friction and other factors.

Additionally, the use of mono polar magnets would not change this principle. While they may seem like a solution since they do not depolarize, the magnetic field still requires energy to maintain it. Therefore, the energy used to create the magnets' initial motion will eventually run out, and the perpetual motion will stop.

Furthermore, the concept of perpetual motion goes against the fundamental principles of science. It is essential to approach scientific inquiries with a critical and analytical mindset, and the idea of perpetual motion relies on wishful thinking rather than empirical evidence and logical reasoning.

In terms of showing the concept of perpetual motion in a formula, it is not possible since it is not a scientifically valid concept. As scientists, we must rely on evidence-based theories and principles to understand the world around us and push the boundaries of knowledge.

In conclusion, perpetual motion using mono polar magnets is not possible, and it is crucial to approach scientific inquiries with a critical mindset and rely on evidence-based theories to understand the world around us.

Related to Perpetual Motion: Can Mono Polar Magnets Create It?

1. Can a mono polar magnet create perpetual motion?

No, a mono polar magnet cannot create perpetual motion. Perpetual motion is the hypothetical concept of a machine that can continue to operate indefinitely without any external energy source. This goes against the laws of thermodynamics which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. Therefore, a mono polar magnet, or any other magnet, cannot create perpetual motion.

2. What is a mono polar magnet?

A mono polar magnet is a type of magnet that has only one pole, either a north pole or a south pole. This is in contrast to traditional magnets which have both a north and south pole. Mono polar magnets are not commonly found in nature, but can be created through various methods such as cutting a traditional magnet in half or using specialized materials.

3. Can perpetual motion be achieved through other means besides magnets?

No, perpetual motion cannot be achieved through any means, including magnets. As mentioned before, the laws of thermodynamics prevent perpetual motion from being possible. While there are many creative and innovative ways to generate energy, they all require an external source of energy to function.

4. Are there any real-life applications of perpetual motion?

No, there are no real-life applications of perpetual motion. As it is a concept that goes against the laws of thermodynamics, it is not possible to create a machine that can operate indefinitely without an external energy source. Any device claiming to achieve perpetual motion is either a hoax or a misinterpretation of how energy is being utilized.

5. Why is the concept of perpetual motion so popular?

The idea of perpetual motion has been popular for centuries because it represents the ultimate form of energy efficiency and sustainability. Many people have attempted to create perpetual motion machines, but all have failed due to the limitations of the laws of thermodynamics. Despite this, the concept continues to capture the imagination of individuals and serves as a driving force for scientific innovation and discovery.

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