Perseids a wash-out here :grumpy:

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In summary, multiple individuals experienced a disappointing Perseid meteor shower due to cloudy and overcast skies. Some were able to see a few meteors, while others only saw bright aurorae or a dark night sky. One person recalled a past experience of a brilliant bolide and hopes to see another one in the future. Overall, many were unable to fully enjoy the peak of this year's Perseid meteor shower due to unfavorable weather conditions.
  • #1
Gold Member
Perseids a wash-out here...

I had hoped to see a nice shower last night - first August in a new house out in the country with DARK skies. Instead I got very bright aurorae, and the rest of the weekend is supposed to be mostly cloudy. How was this year's peak? Did anybody here record high counts?
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  • #2
It was a wash-out here in NW Arkansas. Between 3:00 and 3:30, I only saw 2 against a fairly dark sky.
  • #3
way too overcast here too :cry: I demand a refund!
  • #4
I'm in central Maine in a dark location. Years ago, I was setting up my JSO 5" SCT up and as I was looking down to tighten the wingnuts on the accessory tray, when I saw a shadow of the tripod sweeping across the ground. I looked up in time to see a bright bolide explode into pieces, then the pieces split again and again, like fireworks. It was brilliant and ruined my night vision. As my eyes returned to normal, I saw a bright cloud where the bolide had passed (exactly opposite the expected retina-burn effect!). As I watched this ionized contrail slowly drifted to the east and faded over a period of minutes. I keep hoping to get another Perseid like that... All I got last night was northern lights - blah!
  • #5
cloudy overcast skies here in WA won't be seeing crap
  • #6
I haven't seen the night-sky in weeks. Cloudy, cloudy with T-storms, mostly cloudy, hazy, etc, etc, etc.
  • #7
I saw a dark dark night last night.

Unfortunately i was driving down through the mountains with no street lights so looking outside for more then .005 seconds meant certain death.

FAQ: Perseids a wash-out here :grumpy:

What are Perseids and why are they considered a wash-out here?

Perseids are a meteor shower that occurs every year in August. They are caused by the Earth passing through the debris left behind by the comet Swift-Tuttle. A wash-out refers to a situation where the meteor shower is not easily visible due to factors such as light pollution or unfavorable weather conditions.

What is the best time to view the Perseids?

The best time to view the Perseids is typically around midnight to early morning hours. This is when the sky is the darkest and the meteors are most visible. However, this may vary depending on your location and local weather conditions.

Why are the Perseids more visible in certain areas?

The visibility of the Perseids can vary depending on your location. Areas with less light pollution and clearer skies will provide a better viewing experience. Additionally, some areas may have better weather conditions, which can also affect visibility.

Is there a way to still view the Perseids if they are a wash-out here?

If the Perseids are not easily visible in your area, there are still ways to view them. You can try going to a darker location with less light pollution, or use a telescope or binoculars to view the meteors. You can also watch live streams of the meteor shower online.

Will the Perseids be a wash-out every year?

The visibility of the Perseids can vary from year to year, and can also depend on your location and local weather conditions. While some years may be a wash-out, other years may provide a better viewing experience. It is always recommended to check weather forecasts and light pollution levels before attempting to view the Perseids.

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